Dec 012012

DragonVale has just updated their gemstone line of dragons with the December gemstone. This month is the Turquoise Dragon. With the release of this dragon, the November gemstone dragon, Topaz dragon, is now removed from the market and is no longer available.

Like all gemstone dragons from DragonVale, the Turquoise Dragon is only available for the birthstone month it represents. That means that you have an entire month to breed for this Turquoise Dragon. If you play on occasion then it’s not a thing to worry because gemstone dragons are generally easy to breed for if you have the right combination.

DragonVale Turquoise Dragon evolution chart

This month’s dragon features a turquoise skinned dragon with quite a large amount of detail placed into its wings and feathers. If you haven’t seen the dragon then it’s skin is turquoise and there are orange coloring at the tip of it’s feathers. The dragon’s eyes is also orange. He has no legs and only has a set of wings for flight.

That’s all visually to this dragon and you should definitely breed one if your birthstone is the Turquoise birthstone in December!

As a note to players, please keep in mind that your breeding order when selecting a dragon to breed does not matter. The level of your dragon will also not affect your chances of getting this dragon. Keep updated with us as we unveil the secrets to breeding this dragon!

Following the updating Turquoise Dragon page here

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