DragonVale or Dragon City? Two of the largest breeding games both on different platforms finally meet on your mobile device to battle to become your most loved dragon breeding game!
Dragon City VS DragonVale Graphics
The graphics for both games are similar but the style of their designs are extremely different. DragonVale is focused on creating adorable dragons that are similar to the theme and elements while Dragon City on the other hand is focused on cool dragon designs. If you’ve played both games you’ll notice that the dragons in Dragon City can only be described with one word, cool.
DragonVale on the other hand is focused on a more magical experience with their adorable dragons. You’ll notice almost every dragon is in HD and the graphics are crisp and sharp. The “waters” and surrounding areas of DragonVale are also animated making it simply beautiful.
That being said, Dragon City also packs some great features like the animations in dragon breaths which has blown most players away.
Dragon City VS DragonVale Dragons
Little needs to be said here because both Dragon City and DragonVale has done a great job with their dragons. Both designs and coloring.
However, Dragon City dragons are not optimized fully and may look blurry on mobile devices like the new iPad. They look better on Facebook.
In a nutshell, the dragons in Dragon City can be expressed with one word “Cool”. While like noted above in the graphics section. DragonVale dragons are adorable and magical.
Dragon City VS DragonVale Sound
Both have good sound tracks.
Dragon City VS DragonVale Gameplay
i got more words too describe dragon city dragons epic amazing raddical breathtaking
This article needs to be updated SP is cutting back on what the players can earn in the game, food gold and gems. The most recent cut totally cut battle gems to 0 for a segment of players with the plan to remove it from everyone. Dragon city is no longer the game it used to be.
WTF? you get 2 gems+XP(XP value increases every few leagues) on facebook, and 3 gems on mobile, dragon city gets better every update(last update added over 30 dragons) and has COMBAT, the 0 gems per league was obviously a glitch\someone hacking into the code OR is non-existent non-sense
Dragon city mil vezes melhor
i love dragon city
i like dragon city more and more and more and more and more than dragon ville because dragon city has unique, legendary,rare,hybrid and pure
I have been playing DragonVale for almost 2 years and HANDS DOWN the best game, also the FIRST. Also the fact that you said VILLE pisses me off. You’ve obviously never played Dragonvale, and they have over 175 dragons!!!!!!!!
The best is dragon city on facebook
Well I do play both games Dragon City’s Dragon names are too much obvious the names of elements plus some none-existent elements plus some then even look like dragons compare the cactus from Dragon City it looks like a monster right? Plus the main objective is to raise dragons and fight to the death.Dragonvale on the other hand is about making a park full of dragons the limited dragons of dragon City wear silly costume ( on the other hand it is kind of funny) the Dragons of Dragonvale (limited) always are based on real happenings such as solstice and equinox so that makes them both fun anybody agrees?
Ya u r smart dragon vale rules!!!
Two words. Poo Dragon.
Dragonvale is better!!!!!!!!
dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggggggggggooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnv v v v v v v v v v v v vvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dragon city
Dragon city is the bomb digitty yo my dude
ciudad dragón es bestia
Dragon city is crap.
Dragonvale is flipping AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AVENGE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Dragon city dragons are weird(ex.icecube,cactus,spicy,gummy,etc.).
-Dragonvale came first.
-Dragonvale has over 100 dragons.
-Most people that like dragon city don’t have dragonvale but I got Dragon city 3 months ago and it sucks.
gummy and spicy dragons are two of the best dragons of dragon city and dragon city has much more dragons that dragon vale (over 200(. you have no idea of what you’re saying
I’ve been playing Dragonvale since the beginning and the just ruined the breeding rules by random outcomes whereas two of the same dragons no longer give the same off spring. They also cut the profits from several premium dragons ALREADY owned in HALF. They also took away all the shrine values.
Since Backflip, the creators of Dragonvale have shown NO loyalty to their long time players their long time players are no longer going to be loyal to them and they are looking for a new dragon game right now.
SO I downloaded Dragon City and I loved the islands in which each one was vastly different and unique. Loved the built in waterfalls, volcanoes and mountains. What I don’t like is how you Have to be on Facebook to earn dragons and advance in the game. I’m not in Facebook now and will never be on it. There are millions of other people just like me. dragon city offers no alternative to players like me and because of this I will probably not continue playing. why bother when certain aspects of the game are only available to FB members?
The other additional irritants with Dragon city are as follows: when decorating you have to select each little tile for sidewalks and if you’ve opened another island the tile will show up on that island instead of the one you want to decorate. So you have to drag each decorating item across many items just to get to where you wanted to decorate. When you want to change it you have to delete each and every singular tile ONE at a time. It takes a rediculously loooong time for those of us who love to decorate our parks.
That is a major plus with Dragonvale…not only do they make it very easy to decorate via offering a “buy again button” on each decor that pops up when you merely click on it in the island but they also have a LOT more decorating items to choose from and none of their decorating items cost gems.
Another bad thing I have seen about Dragon city is their in app purchases are a joke compared to Dragonvale. iE: Dragon City charges the same amount of money for only HALF the gems as you could buy in Dragonvale. Dragon City also charges a lot more for less food if you are buying larger amounts to leave to collect food overnight. Maybe they didn’t used to be this way and this is why the loyal players that Dragon City had are complaining and then leaving that game? On that point it appears as if both games have gotten greedy and they have forgotten they can fall and fail just as fast as players helped them to rise. A little generosity goes a long way in App land and no player wants to see any developer take AWAY choices and opportunities AFTER they already had them. It sounds as if developers of both games are guilty of this. Which means they just opened the door for other developers of other dragon games to steal all these players if they don’t straighten up and get their acts together.
You over-exaggerated this soooooooo much. I love DragonVale. It’s not supposed to be SUPER EASY. It takes time and patience.
Dragon City is obviously better
I am for Dragonvale.
First of all, on Dragon city, when you fight your dragons the fighting is VERY cheesy and dumb.
Also, on the notifications for Dragon City, every 2 hours you get a notifacation says, your dragon miss you, and their hungry to, but your dragons don’t get “hungry” as so they say.
But dragonvale says what you need to know, like when you dragon are cdone at the coliseum, when your dreagons are done breeding or hatching.
Also on dragon city when you get really high oh levels, it almost forces you to buy gems and gold, which costs twice as much as dragonvales cost of gems and coins.
Agreeeeeed. Just like you.
Yesssssss. Dragon city’s the bbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeesssssssttttt!!!!!!!
To be honest, dragonvale was the orginial game dragon coty basically copied dragonvale. Dragonvale is actually kind of an old game, being that it’s probably 3 yrs old.
It will be 3 years old around the end of September. Also, they have a dragon for each anniversary. 1st year was Paper (WAS EPIC), 2nd is Cotton (I have that one its awesome), and 3rd may be Leather?
READ!!!: DragonVale rules! I don’t want to be rude, but dragon city sucks. The dragons are like colored shit, very weird ( icecub, gummy, cactus , i mean, WTF) . Really. The habitats same, crap.
DRAGON VALE came first, AND has over 100 dragons . DRAGON VALE it’s freakin awesome!
Dragoncity has NO originality, also when you get really high on levels, it almost forces you to buy gems and gold, which cost TWICE as much on dragonvales cost of gems and coins.
OTHER REASON: on the notifications for dragon city , every 2 hours you get a notofication says, your dragon miss you, and their hungry, but your dragon don’t get “hungry'” as they say.
In DragonVale, says what you need to know, like when your dragon are done at the coliseum, or when your dragons are done breeding or hatching.
DRAGONCITY SUCKS!! AND “city” ? Really?? City? Gosh…
DRAGON VALE is obviously better.
Dude, what’s wrong with “City”, I mean look at “Vale” almost the same thing.
well, dragon city is much more known than dragon vale and also dragonvale has only over 500,000 users while dragon city over 10,000,000 users. Facebook says that
And plus, Dragon City forces you to buy gold and gems just so Social Point can get some money, we players don’t want that
And to tally up on all the votes, the results… Drumroll please!… We got 11 votes for Dragon City and 17 votes for DragonVale, so there you go.
Also, I had quit DragonVale for about 4 months after the Bring em back, and when I came back, it was extremely easy (for whatever reason) for me to get Summer, Rainbow, Cyclops, PRISM, Snowy Bronze, and soon-to-be Seasonal Dragons.
Duh, dragon city! The dragons r way cooler.
Dragon City is a joke! Don’t play it. It’s to tied into Dumbbook
I have to agree, I really don’t like that game. I love DragonVale though, and find myself checking it every day. Only thing that annoys me is the waiting time.
I don’t agree, I have the opposite opnion~!
Dont You mean FaceAche
Dragon city is cool but it can be annoying
Dragon city you have to pay for things, you can get everything on dragonvale without paying a single penny
On Dragonvale, you can sort of battle with the Colosseum and/ot the dragon track.(I think that’s what it’s called…)
I play Dragonvale
Dragonvale has 4 Evos (Baby,Juvenile,Adult,Elder (primary dragons))
Dragonvale is a copy of dragon city
Dragon city was made after dragon vale dumbass
Dragoncity came out a year after vale
Dragon city is actually a ripoff of dragonvale