DragonVale Myths and Breeding Tips


DragonVale Myth Tips

DragonVale Breeding Beginner’s Tips

As DragonVale players we know that breeding dragons is one of the most important techniques in DragonVale. Without breeding in DragonVale, you would only have the options to buy the dragons and that wouldn’t be too fun. Here we will write the most important myths and tips to DragonVale Breeding from our experts.

DragonVale Myths – Tip #1

Breeding Dragons on Left or Right? It doesn’t matter.

We know that breeding requires selecting a dragon on the left or right. Some players feel that selecting the order will make a difference in the final result but that is a myth. The order does not matter!

DragonVale Myths – Tip #2

Time to level my dragons for breeding!? Does the level of my dragons matter in breeding?

What level does my dragon have to be to breed a certain dragon? Well it needs to be at least level 4. The myth is some people think the higher the level the dragons, the better the chance. That is not true. Level does not matter! Well that should be taken back, your park needs to be at least the minimum level for the dragon.

DragonVale Myths – Tip #3

Is it going to be Tommy or Jenny? Will naming my dragons increase the odds of a rare dragon?

I think if I use the name Sun Dragon on my Fire dragon it will give me a Sun Dragon! Unfortunately, the naming of your dragons will not give you a greater chance of getting the dragons you want.

DragonVale Myths – Tip #4

I am hacked. Send me 1 Gem and I will send you 500!

The biggest myth of all is that someone can send 2 or more gems to a single player if they have a jailbroken device. Even with a jailbroken device you cannot send more than 1 gem to a single friend within 24-hours. Do not fall for this!

DragonVale Myths – Tip #5

He got it on the first try so must I! How to breed a 100% on the first try?

One of the difficulties to breeding in DragonVale is that the result is entirely random, well not really but it is based on percent. The problem is we don’t know the ratio or percentage of getting a dragon. If it is listed on my breeding guide be sure that you are getting the best possible combination and that you are looking at a confirmed combination.

  115 Responses to “DragonVale Myths and Breeding Tips”

  1. Good vid will help tons of people!

  2. That’s actually even good for not new players

  3. What music is this?

  4. Can u add me? osman matin i will gift u everyday starting from 2morrow as long as u do the same!

  5. Hv hacked dragon vale u send me a gem i send u 500 back it only works if u send me 1 first! Gamecentre is: Eth Dude 102

  6. @EhDude101 Please do not post spam, fake ‘hacks’ or gem for gem comments. There is no need. Thankyou.

  7. pls send me 500 gems im lv 25 and my id is phili5000

  8. [..YouTube..] pls send me 500 gems im lv 25 and my id is phili5000

  9. whats the song called

  10. [..YouTube..] whats the song called

  11. Lol who would dumb name rainbow for the dragon ( beside I name rainbow for my 1st rainbow dragon XD)

  12. [..YouTube..] Lol who would dumb name rainbow for the dragon ( beside I name rainbow for my 1st rainbow dragon XD)

  13. I once got hacked. The hacker sold my moon, rainbow, and sun dragons….I tried to rebreed them but I found I could do that anytime I wanted. Haaaahaaaaa I find having 3+ love dragons to make more money than a rainbow dragon. XD

  14. [..YouTube..] I once got hacked. The hacker sold my moon, rainbow, and sun dragons….I tried to rebreed them but I found I could do that anytime I wanted. Haaaahaaaaa I find having 3+ love dragons to make more money than a rainbow dragon. XD

  15. @MeanlySweat I don’t get what you mean?

  16. I don’t get what you mean?

  17. [..YouTube..] I don’t get what you mean?

  18. @Wbangca what do u mean when u said that our park effects i didnt get that

  19. [..YouTube..] @Wbangca what do u mean when u said that our park effects i didnt get that

  20. Add me “zahvang”

  21. [..YouTube..] Add me “zahvang”

  22. Add me plz! IxI chownsa IxI

  23. [..YouTube..] Add me plz! IxI chownsa IxI

  24. Add CrazyXLucas gem for gem

  25. I like this music you always use.

  26. [..YouTube..] I like this music you always use.

  27. Add me gem for gem i only send to those who send to me my name is MiroGos

  28. [..YouTube..] Add me gem for gem i only send to those who send to me my name is MiroGos

  29. Gem 4 Gem Add me: skylineUbiatch

  30. Can you only get the sun, moon, rainbow, and panlong dragons on the Epic Breeding Island?

  31. @JerryifyMe No you can breed it anywhere it just takes longer on the breeding cave

  32. No you can breed it anywhere it just takes longer on the breeding cave

  33. [..YouTube..] No you can breed it anywhere it just takes longer on the breeding cave

  34. Tyq for the myth and tips o.o

  35. [..YouTube..] Tyq for the myth and tips o.o

  36. Please add me,Karen Pak

  37. [..YouTube..] Please add me,Karen Pak

  38. Gem 4 Gem Gamecenter name: JUSTINPWNPS I have lots of friends so it may take some time to give u a gem but I will

  39. [..YouTube..] Gem 4 Gem Gamecenter name: JUSTINPWNPS I have lots of friends so it may take some time to give u a gem but I will

  40. Hello there. I work for Cydia hacking iOS hacking company and I have an announcement. Who wants to spend money for gems on an app that started free? We at Cydia have come up with a hack to get large amounts by send at least one gem to an account. One account we have been used for testing is “TrevorMcNugget”. If you add this gamecenter name and send it one gem we will respond, you will receive up to 10,000 gems in the soonest time possible. Again, the gamecenter is”TrevorMcNugget” Good luck!

  41. [..YouTube..] Hello there. I work for Cydia hacking iOS hacking company and I have an announcement. Who wants to spend money for gems on an app that started free? We at Cydia have come up with a hack to get large amounts by send at least one gem to an account. One account we have been used for testing is “TrevorMcNugget”. If you add this gamecenter name and send it one gem we will respond, you will receive up to 10,000 gems in the soonest time possible. Again, the gamecenter is”TrevorMcNugget” Good luck!

  42. Yoyofool ur an idiot

  43. [..YouTube..] Yoyofool ur an idiot

  44. @MeanlySweat Not a hacker, you probably instantly closed the app or you ran out of charge while you were playing, its hard to hack into someones place on dragonvale

  45. Not a hacker, you probably instantly closed the app or you ran out of charge while you were playing, its hard to hack into someones place on dragonvale

  46. [..YouTube..] Not a hacker, you probably instantly closed the app or you ran out of charge while you were playing, its hard to hack into someones place on dragonvale

  47. wbangca the link in description says not found. HELP!!

  48. [..YouTube..] wbangca the link in description says not found. HELP!!

  49. @TheTinyman24 Wow sorry about that. Surely I will be punished for screwing up. It’s fixed now so sorry.

  50. Wow sorry about that. Surely I will be punished for screwing up. It’s fixed now so sorry.

  51. [..YouTube..] Wow sorry about that. Surely I will be punished for screwing up. It’s fixed now so sorry.

  52. Left and right do TOO matter

  53. [..YouTube..] Left and right do TOO matter

  54. Gem 4 Gem darasdad

  55. [..YouTube..] Gem 4 Gem darasdad

  56. breed crystal and bluefire to get rainbow, it doesn't always work the 1st time u do it. I tryed it I'd say… 5,6 times, I finaly got it though and I did blue fire, left, crystal, right, and bang it worked!

    • Congratulations! Yes the breeding does not always work and is mostly a factor of luck for DragonVale. Some people may get a rainbow dragon or leap year dragon on their first time [Very lucky] but others often take many tries. Unfortunately, there is no solution to breeding in DragonVale yet except for the right breeding methods and luck.

  57. are u sure. cuz on the breeding charts it ses crystal on left and blue fire in right.

  58. never mind I jus saw tip 1.

  59. gem 4 gem Username: AirJayz

  60. [..YouTube..] gem 4 gem Username: AirJayz

  61. how you get a bloom dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. how you breed a sun dragon and moon dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. it means that tip 1 is not correct order matters

  64. Just caus you asked!

  65. [..YouTube..] Just caus you asked!

  66. If you send me a jem, ill send you 1,000 jems. If I don’t send it right away just send me another one, and I’ll send you even more for waiting. add me!!! “Toasta Boy 22”

  67. [..YouTube..] If you send me a jem, ill send you 1,000 jems. If I don’t send it right away just send me another one, and I’ll send you even more for waiting. add me!!! “Toasta Boy 22”

  68. btw the way left right does matter because plant fire = poison and fire and plan = flower… ive plaed for 2 days man =D

  69. [..YouTube..] btw the way left right does matter because plant fire = poison and fire and plan = flower… ive plaed for 2 days man =D

  70. [..YouTube..] how fast do dragons grow

  71. how fast do dragons grow

  72. use crystal and litchen to get ether sun or rain bow got them both when I was trying for emerald.

  73. how do you get a game canter account without using facebook?

  74. How to send lots of gem

  75. please at me at game center: islandgurl61

  76. I'm trying to get a moon dragon and I'm woried about the level of my breeding dragons.

  77. to get a rainbow dragon i used a quake dragon and a
    blaze dragon both level 10

  78. I bred Mud and Blazing and got a rainbow.

    • I tried many times; always failed it out.

    • I got two panlong and a rainbow from that combo so keep trying 🙂

    • I know how you feel I have been trying for about 4 months with all the combos possible to even get a rainbow with no luck. I've tried all the other limited dragons. Passed the ipod to soemone else to put the combonations for the bone dragon in and he got it stragiht away and then i try for a second one nothing. I failed to get all the limited stones and eclipse. Trying for the reindeer and luna eclispe with no luck D:

  79. Hey guys I just jailbroke my iPhone do I can hand out 1000 JEMS to whoever sends me a jem everyday for 3 weeks this is legit add me on [email protected] Tyler the creator666 thank you and don’t spend all the coins in one place!!!!

  80. I bred a cold and a Firefly dragon and Got a Sun dragon 🙂

  81. Add me i give gems every day if you give me!!! My username: jeppe98526

  82. Lichen and crystal is my best tips to get sun

  83. I just Mixed metal and lichen and got silver

  84. if you have the dragonsai gifting tree you can give more than one gem

  85. Were did u get a blue sun dragon and tan moon dragon

  86. My steps for DV won’t work how do you make any gemstone dragon? DV breeding guide (app I use for a guide) won’t work.

  87. Help me please, I need a gemstone dragon I aready have the iland!

  88. He level does matter! Level 15 and up have a higher chance at getting rare dragons, it says so in the tips provided before the game starts.

  89. Add me please, I’m a daily player. Gem for Gem.
    Username is : Orbinated
    Looking for those who can help me out. 🙂

  90. Hey please add me, im a daily player. Gem for Gem.

    Username: Setoyaya Black Mamba

  91. I bred a level 12 magnetic and level 13 cotton and got a 48 hour breed time what is this??? I think it is a gold but could be a rainbow of a low chance or seasonal but thinking gold

  92. the wiki says that higher level dragons give better chance and that i thought is true so i just wasted food to level my plant dragon to breed a bloom dragon but currently in dragonvale, does level really matter for a better chance of breeding? Please reply i need to know when to use a good amount of food and when to not use the food

  93. and i got a sun dragon by simply leveling up my plant dragon in the plant+storm= bloom combination….. so i guess that’s progress

  94. Tip #3 is the most stupid myth ever!

  95. Your tip number two is false! The so called myth is in fact true. If you click help at the breeding cave or istand it says that having level 11 dragons or higher gives a better chance at breeding rare, epic, and gemstone dragons.

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