DragonVale: Butterfly Dragon


The butterfly dragon is a purple caterpillar that has three elements. The elements are air, lightning, and fire. It is one of the most amazing dragons shown in DragonVale as you can see from it’s appearance that it may look a bit dorky at first but when it grows up it will spread its wings and have a beautiful design of a butterfly – in dragon form anyways.

Remember that the butterfly dragon is made out of air, lightning, and fire so you can place the butterfly dragon into any of those habitats for your DragonVale park.

“Flightless as babies, the amazing butterfly dragons transform into multi-winged magnificent creates. They can be found fluttering around the lush Sykie Meadows. Their large and beautiful wings are sure to attract visitors… unless the visitor mistakes their wings for fearsome wingaling dragon. ” –Game Description for Butterfly Dragon

DragonVale - Fire Element
DragonVale - Butterfly Dragon

Release Date: May 9th 2012
Buying Price: 650Gem
Sell Price: 500,000Cash
Incubating Time: 12 Hours
Habitat: Fire, Lightning, Air
Level Requirement: 10

Upgraded Time: 09:35:57
Upgrade Gem Cost: 10Gem


DragonVale Butterfly Dragon Egg

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast)

Butterfly Dragon breeding guide

You can breed the butterfly dragon using any hybrids with the elements of air, lightning, and fire in your breeding cave or breeding island.

Dragons that can breed the butterfly dragon include the Air Dragon and the Firefly dragon and it is the most recommended combination for breeding the butterfly dragon.

Butterfly Dragon earnings

Level Dragon Earnings Dragon Earnings
Level 1 15Cash Level 11 Cash
Level 2 24Cash Level 12 Cash
Level 3 33Cash Level 13 Cash
Level 4 42Cash Level 14 Cash
Level 5 51Cash Level 15 Cash
Level 6 60Cash Level 16 Cash
Level 7 70Cash Level 17 Cash
Level 8 79Cash Level 18 Cash
Level 9 88Cash Level 19 Cash
Level 10 97Cash Level 20 Cash

DragonVale Butterfly Dragon Pictures, Eggs, Evolutions

DragonVale Butterfly Dragon-Review

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