DragonVale: Celtic Dragon


The DragonVale Celtic Dragon is a dragon that was found and released on March 14 2013. The color of this dragon is green and it looks similar to a rainbow dragon but has wings.

“Nestled somewhere between the Shimmering Isles and the edge of the Skyie Meadows lives an ultra rare breed, the celtic dragon. O’Hara the Stout, a brewer of magical potions, and Wizard Brezhoneg were inspired by a celtic dragon’s golden knotted horns and worked some magic to allow these dragons to come and live at the end of the rainbow habitat. Unfortunately, that magic will unravel soon and the celtic dragon will be gone.” DragonVale: Celtic Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale - Rainbow ElementDragonVale Celtic Dragon

Release Date:
March 14 2013

Level requirement: 11
Habitat: Rainbow
Incubation Time:  17 hours
Timer:  16:59:59
Buying Price: 2513Gem
Selling Price: 2,500,000 Cash
Experience: 100,000
EBS Time: 13:35:57
EBS Fast breed Gem: 14Gem

DragonVale Celtic Dragon egg


DragonVale Celtic Dragon Breath

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.7/5 (9 votes cast)

DragonVale: Celtic Dragon Key Features

  • Green Colored Dragon
  • Looks like the rainbow dragon
  • Rainbow Element
  • 17 hours

Celtic Dragon breeding guide:

You can breed the Celtic Dragon using a  Poison Dragon and a Storm Dragon or any FOUR COLOR COMBINATION with the STORM DRAGON. The breeding time is 16:59:59 for normal breeding and upgraded time is 13:35:57

Additional combinations include

  • Clover Dragon + Storm Dragon

Please keep in mind that this is a semi-rare dragon and that breeding the Celtic Dragon may not be easy. It will take time and breeding the Celtic Dragon is up to your game to give you the dragon and the breeding order of left or right will not affect your chance of getting it.

The level of your dragons also does not matter but your park must be at least level 11. Good Luck breeding!

Celtic Dragon earnings

Level 1  50
Level 2  80
Level 3  111
Level 4  143
Level 5  171
Level 6  200
Level 7  231
Level 8  261
Level 9  300
Level 10  333
Level 11  352
Level 12  400
Level 13  428
Level 14  461
Level 15  500
Level 16  500Cash
Level 17  545
Level 18  600
Level 19  600
Level 20  666

Celtic Dragon Evolution Chart

DragonVale Celtic Dragon Evolution Chart

Breeding Video

Combination 2

  27 Responses to “DragonVale: Celtic Dragon”

  1. i bred storm + clover get 48 hours. what is that? sun dragon? omaigaaaaat

  2. gem4gem daily I play all day add me and lets do this

    captain cooper 0139

  3. Need gems to speed up the breeding. G4g Bamiboy90

  4. I got two Celtic dragons out of three tries so far… Maybe not so terribly rare? Or am I lucky for once? 😀 (Lvl 15 clover and storm)

    • I got a celtic on my first try with level 15 Love and level 15 Storm.Then after about 20 trys I got another celtic using level 14 clover and level 15 storm!(I always try to breed 2 of the same event dragons so when the event is over i can still get more)

  5. 19th try with storm and poison lol

  6. Just got a 17 hour bread time with love and storm 1st try cave

  7. I got it with poisen and storn 2nd try

  8. Storm and Lichen second try

  9. Storm and lichen 2nd try

  10. I think I got it with storm+moss

  11. i got it with clover and storm 1st try :DD

  12. i got it with poison + storm dragon 1st try

  13. Poison and storm 5th try breeding cave!!!!! 🙂

  14. Cactus+storm worked for me! After I 2times did flower and storm

  15. Poison on left, storm on right. First try.

  16. ADD ME UP GEM 4 GEM DAILY : kyleHM

  17. This was the easiest rainbow dragon to get. Why does the rainbow hybrid (Celtic) take a lot less tries than a purebred rainbow dragon? It took me 84 tries to get a rainbow and only 4 to get a celtic.

  18. When does it expire?

  19. i bred storm and poison and got 24 hours which dragon is that?

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