DragonVale: Forge Dragon


The Forge Dragon is a fire and metal type dragon that was released on June 1st 2012 to players along with the Pearl Dragon in DragonVale. It is an amazingly cool dragon that looks like molten lava and cost 750 gems for purchase.

This forge dragon for DragonVale is an amazing creature with the burning heart of metal and fire causing it to be one of the most fierce dragons out of the entire DragonVale game. When you first see the forge dragon in DragonVale you will notice its design is very similar to lava of a sort. This forge dragon is definitely one of the most unique and cool dragons we have had up to date and is definitely one of the most sought after dragons.

If y ou want to know more about the forge dragon in DragonVale then know that it’s a level 17 metal type dragon. You must be at least level 17 to be able to see and have a chance at breeding one of these dragons in your game while you are playing. Once you do reach level 17 you can try to get one by breeding the main elements of the forge dragon which are fire and metal. If you get a 24 hours breeding process then know that the forge dragon is being hatched in your DragonVale park! Once it hatches you will gain 100,000 experience and you can place him into a fire or metal habitat.

“The forge dragon’s molten glow is not just for show; an intense heat radiates from them. Forge dragons have been known to become so hot that they melt their footprints into solid metal, which makes tracking them extremely easy. Unfortunately, their tracks usually lead to the heart of large volcanoes which makes following them… less than desirable.” DragonVale: Forge Dragon Game Description

DragonVale - Metal Element DragonVale - Fire Element

DragonVale Forge Dragon Pictures

Level requirement: Level 17
Habitat:  Fire or Metal
Incubation Time: 24 hours
Buying Price: 750 Gem
Selling Price: 1,150,000 Cash
Experience: 100,000

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 1.0/5 (1 vote cast)

DragonVale: Forge Dragon breeding guide:

You can breed the Forge dragon using the main elements of the forge dragon, which are fire and metal. The most recommended combinations for breeding the forge dragon are a pair of  fire dragon and a metal dragon or any hybrid with these elements.

DragonVale: Forge Dragon earnings

Level 1 7Cash
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10 43Cash

  • anonymous

    i just got it first try both fire+metal lvl 10 and i got the scoria too and the breeding cave was on lvl 1

  • Amalia

    I got it even though I didn’t know about it so lol

  • usaid atif

    dragon city is much better than dragon vale