DragonVale: Hail Dragon


The DragonVale Hail Dragon is a Lightning and Cold element dragon that was released on January 16th 2013.

The color of this dragon is light blue and purple in color where it can be compared to the Crystal Dragon.

” Wizards have been noticing, and repairing, dents to their decorations for some time. The cause… hail dragons. The damage was unintentional. Hail dragons simply wag their tails enthusiastically when they see cool decorations. Now that they live in cold and lightning habitats, rest assured your decorations are safe.” DragonVale: Hail Dragon Game Description

DragonVale - Cold ElementDragonVale - Lightning Element

DragonVale Hail Dragon

Release Date:
January 16th 2013

Level requirement: 11
Habitat: Lightning/Cold
Incubation Time: 8 hours
Timer: 8 Hours
Buying Price: 300Gem
Selling Price:  117,000Cash
Experience: 7,000
EBS Time: 06:23:57
EBS Fast breed Gem: 7Gem

DragonVale Hail Dragon Egg


DragonVale Hail Dragon Breath

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.7/5 (1 vote cast)

DragonVale: Hail Dragon Key Features

  • Purple with Blue Colored Dragon
  • Simple hybrid dragon

Hail Dragon breeding guide:

You can breed the Hail Dragon using a Lightning Dragon and a Cold Dragon . Breeding time is 8 hours

Additional combinations include

  • Any Lightning and Cold element dragon in the breeding process.

Please keep in mind that this is a semi-rare dragon and that breeding the Hail Dragon may not be easy. It will take time and breeding the Hail Dragon is up to your game to give you the dragon and the breeding order of left or right will not affect your chance of getting it.

The level of your dragons also does not matter but your park must be at least level 11. Good Luck breeding!

Hail Dragon earnings

Level 1  12
Level 2  19
Level 3  26
Level 4  34
Level 5  41
Level 6  48
Level 7  56
Level 8  63
Level 9  70
Level 10  77
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16 Cash
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

Hail Dragon Evolution Chart

DragonVale Hail Dragon Evolution Chart

Breeding Video


  8 Responses to “DragonVale: Hail Dragon”

  1. I got it first try,cold and lightning

  2. Haz

  3. Your dragons seem hyperactive!?!?!!!

  4. Tried cold and lightning both ways. Got any other suggestions?

  5. Um, its really easy. I got it trying to get a storm dragon. And when i tried to get a Blue Fire Dragon with Firefly Dragon and Cold Dragon.

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