DragonVale: Iron Dragon


The Iron Dragon in DragonVale is much more similar to the DragonVale: Metal Dragon in terms of design but has a huge metal block at the end of it’s tail that makes it stand out from the other dragons. Like the metal dragon, the iron dragon also loves to use his tail as a drum but the difference is the iron dragon is said to be using it for communication between other dragons.

If you want to breed one of these iron dragon then you need to breed a metal dragon with an earth type dragon. It doesn’t matter which earth type but as long there is an earth type you will be able to breed one of these dragons. We will list the best combination to achieve this iron dragon below as they are discovered so be sure to check the breeding section. If you are wondering if you have a iron dragon breeding in your island or not, you can tell by it’s 4 hours breeding time. If you have used a metal and earth dragon then chances are, you have a iron dragon breeding.

If you are simply not getting an iron dragon then be sure to check you are at least level 17 or there is no possible way of getting the iron dragon because that is the level requirement. Once you have hatched your iron dragon egg you will get 1250000 experience for your DragonVale park. For any reason you may want to purchase this iron dragon, you can do so with an handsome 750 gems and when you sell it, you will get 1,500,000 dragon cash for your hard work of breeding this iron dragon.

“First discovered during the great wizard Dalfgan’s maiden attempt to summon an unknown beast from ancient times, the iron dragon is a close cousin of the more common metal dragon. The large metal block at the end of its tail is intimidating to some, but we’ve been assured that it just uses it for communication. Hopefully they don’t try to communicate with any of the visitors!”

Goal completion text: The iron dragon is sure to be a stalwart within your park.

DragonVale iron dragon

Iron Dragon breeding guide

The Iron Dragon in DragonVale is a mixture of the metal and earth elements. To breed an iron dragon you need to place the metal dragon on the left and any earth element dragon on the right. The breeding time for the iron dragon is 4 hours for breeding and another 4 hours for hatching the iron dragon egg. Remember your DragonVale iron dragon can go into the metal habitat or the earth habitat.

Official Release Image on March 12, 2012

DragonVale Iron Dragon

Iron Dragon Breeding Information

Incubation Time: 4 hours
Elements: Metal & Earth
Price: 750 gems
Level requirement: 17
Sell price: 1,500,000
Experience: 1,250,000

  2 Responses to “DragonVale: Iron Dragon”

  1. I can’t wait until i am lvl 17 in dragonvale because i am a lvl 15

  2. iam lv 20 frm the moment i lv 10 is 1milion alot of gold for me but i never pay real money and now i easy get 40milion on 30minuts

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