DragonVale Dragonsai Gem Tree


DragonVale Dragonsai TreeThe Dragonsai Gem Tree in DragonVale is a tree that allows you send extra gifts, up to six gifts with six different friends. As DragonVale players we know that we are able to send up to 3 gifts [which are gems] to our friends, but with the Dragonsai Tree you will not only be able to send more than three but also you will know how many gifts you and the other person has. No more needing to worry about sending gems and not knowing if the person has gems left to send back or not. This Dragonsai Tree cost 100 gems in the market and it is well worth it if you want to exchange more gems between your friends.


“The mystical art of Dragonzai, from the island of Nipong, is about trimming and shaping shrubberies so that their branches resonate with pure dragon energy. If done right, the plant grows magical gems instead of fruit! If you place one of these in your park, after the first day, you will be able to share gems with more of your friends!”

DragonVale Dragonsai Gem Tree

  • sdarren7

    add sdarren7 gem for gem daily thanks

    • John

      Add deepinyou69 for GEMS!!!!!!!

      • brendon felix

        How do you ad people

    • Deepinyou69


      • ArianneJackson

        Daily gems?PLEASE ADD ME,I NEED GEMS!!!!! Cacs 16(my name on game center)

    • Blad

      I need gems I don’t have any my Game Center is blad53

  • Nathalieceebz

    Add me nathalieceebz

  • Beans

    Please add PunkRockFlower :D

  • Bob

    Plz tell me what to do I have not a lot of gems only about 30 cuz I bought more egg space gem island and gifting tree how do u use gifting tree?!?!
    Also it says it grows gems I c that on the tree 1 day I had three the next 6 yeah so what does that mean can I get them or what?!?!

    • Abigail

      Are you KIDDING ME!? Do NOT complain, I only have like 7, and I’M at LVL 20! I need friends.

    • sseldush

      my son bought tree and it looks covered with gems but I don’t know how to help him gift them to his friends
      Anyone know how?

      • poplap1956

        I have 6 gems on tree and 6 gifts on social screen don know what to do with them! Am new to the game

      • Judi

        Hey there parental unit! Tehe (I’m one too). If ur son looks to the bottom right corner of dragonvale screen he will notice a toggle for friends. When he taps that a list of friends will appear and from there he will see (to the left) their names and then ( to the right “gift” and ” visit”) from there he can choose to gift a gem or visit a friend.
        If he visits a friend and looks around on the different islands they have he will see “birthday party hats” he can click on a total of 3 to earn free cash that won’t effect his “friends”

  • Leon

    Unfortunately, the tree doesn’t grow gems. It allows you to send more than 3 gems up to 6 gems to friends per day.

    • Bob

      Cool thx

  • Craig

    Please add CRAIG3211978 and I will add you

    • Bacon burger 1


  • Bacon burger 1

    Can anyone help me with this tree? I don’t have any friends who play this gr and would like to be able to give and receive gems

    • Bacon burger 1

      Done. I went to the Game Center and sent an invitation

  • Rachael


    • Bacon burger 1

      Will you add me?

  • Rachael

    Add me MARKLP1988

  • Lukeherring25

    Lukeherring25 add me

    • len

      when you say add where/how do i add???

  • Deepinyou69

    ADD FOR GEMS DAILY !!!!!!!!

  • Alvi moreno

    Bull shit!

  • Beckyhsv

    I have gifting tree with one daily gem that I can give to someone each day. I expect gem for gem. Name: beckyhsv

    • poplap1956

      Bob I also have gem tree 6 gems on tree can’t understand what to do! Also six gifts on social screen! What must I do I need help

  • Tom

    Add me
    ThomasFowler925 on Game Center I will send gems back if you send me gems I need as many as I can get

    And if anyone has a jail broken iPhone with this game you can give every friend you have the largest gem package from the treasures and not have to

  • Mona

    I don’t have any dragonzai tree and I’ve only one gem I want to get more but don’t know how to…
    Can someone plzzzzz tell me how to get gems from friend’s tree?

  • Tyrockz

    Add me on Game Center! My name is Tyrockz! Trading gems daily!

  • cata

    Add me catalinaoh

  • Rachel

    Hi everyone, just started dragon vale. Can I get a gem from a helpful new friend out there?

    Add me! rwindrush

  • Trey

    Need friends to trade gems (lvl 25)! Add me on FB or message me [email protected] (on a droid so I don’t have game center)

  • Iris

    Have dragonsai need friends gem4gem IHANLON in Game Center

  • Cnadi

    Trade gem 4 gem
    Cnadi in game centet

  • peer maier

    nothing works everything bullshit

  • Molly

    Can anyone help please?
    Just bought the tree but I can’t seem to find the game centre? the only friends it lets me send to is facebook friends but none of them play. How do I access game centre?

  • Alex*Liao

    I need 5 gem friends. Giving gems to each other. Add me in game centre.

    Alex*Liao is my ID. Thanks!