DragonVale: Miroid Monument


The Miroid Monument in DragonVale is a limited time decoration available when the Opal Dragon was released. It was released along side the Opal Dragon and represents the event in October.

Placing this decoration will not affect your breeding rate or increase your chances to breed the Opal Dragon. It is simply made to decorate your island in remembrance of the Opal Dragon in DragonVale. It is available only for a limited time and while the Opal Dragon event is being held.

“The Miroid Monument was named for King Miroid, who was quite fond of opal dragons. The monument was constructed after the magnificent petrified opal eggs you see upon it were found.
“ Opal Dragon Game Description

DragonVale Miroid Monument

Release Date: October 1st 2012

Level requirement: 14
Buying Price:  1,500Cash
Selling Price:  750Cash

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Miroid Monument Key Features

  • October Birthstone Decoration
  • Aligns with the Opal Dragon
  • The Opal birth stone has multiple rainbow like colors.


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