DragonVale: Moonstruck Dragon


The Moonstruck Dragon is a Moon dragon that was released on Feb 12, 2014 as part of their new Moon-type dragons in the game. This dragon is a Moon type dragon that requires the specific elements that make up this dragon for an opportunity to get this dragon in the game and you will also need the Moon habitat to place him into.

“Easily entranced by wonder and beauty, the Moonstruck dragon often stands for days staring longingly into the magical moons of the Moon Habitats,  or flying gracefully around them. You will not meet a more affectionate dragon, nor one more attached, as the one. One must take care that these dragons remember to eat and rest, as they live in a state of blissful preoccupation. ” Moonstruck Dragon Game Description

DragonVale - Moon Element

DragonVale Moonstruck Dragon

Release Date:  Feb 12, 2014

Habitat:  Moon Habitats
Incubation Time:  11.9 hours
Timer: 11:53:52
Buying Price:  2000Gem
Selling Price:  3,900,000Cash
EBS Time:
EBS Fast breed Gem: Gem


DragonVale Moonstruck Dragon egg

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 3.0/5 (6 votes cast)

Key Features

  • Moon  type Dragon
  • Hybrid Moon type dragon
  • Moonstruck Dragon Egg Pedestal
  • Breeding Time: 11.9 Hours

Moonstruck Dragon breeding guide:

  • You must use the Love Dragon + the Rose Dragon in the breeding combination for a chance to get this dragon.

Moonstruck Dragon earnings

You can level your dragons up to level 10 only. This dragon cannot be leveled to level 20 or beyond level 10 in the game. Unlike other dragons the Moon and Moon dragons can go to level 20 without the need for shrines in the game which means you do not have to purchase shrines and you can just continue feeding until level 20.

Level 1  46
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10  295Cash
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

 Gameplay Evolution Breeding Combo


  3 Responses to “DragonVale: Moonstruck Dragon”

  1. Got one 🙂

  2. How do u get the moonstruck if u dont have the love dragon?

  3. Is the sound that the Moonstruck Dragon makes something like “MUREAAAAKK”? The baby form?

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