DragonVale: Pepper Dragon


The DragonVale Pepper Dragon is a dragon that was found and released on July 25, 2013 in DragonVale! This dragon is appears to look like it’s colored in orange, green, yellow and colored with red horns.

“Pepper dragons are feisty creatures. They are one of the few dragons known to actively engage in a staring contest with lightning dragons. Once, a young apprentice, Cheelei, was bored with studying lava so she instead travelled to the western shores in order to examine pepper dragons in their natural setting. She silently observed them until a sudden fit of sneezing blew her cover. ” DragonVale: Pepper Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale - Fire ElementDragonVale - Plant Element

DragonVale Pepper Dragon

Release Date:
July 25 2013
Decoration: None

Dragon Type: Normal

Level requirement: 5
Habitat: Plant/Fire
Incubation Time:
Timer: 05:59:59
Fast Gem: 6Gem
Buying Price: 125Gem
Selling Price:12,500Cash
Experience: 3500
EBS Time: 04:47:58
EBS Fast breed Gem: 5Gem

DragonVale Pepper Dragon egg

Egg Price: 30 Gem


DragonVale Pepper Dragon Breath

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.3/5 (2 votes cast)

DragonVale: Pepper Dragon Key Features

  • Plant Fire element dragon
  • 6 hours
  • orange, green, yellow, red colored
  • Plant/Fire Habitat

DragonVale Pepper Dragon Official

Pepper Dragon breeding guide:

To breed for the Pepper Dragon, you need to have the elements of Plant and Fire within your breeding combination.

The breeding time is 05:59:59 or 6 hours

Best, Confirmed and Tested Combination include:

  •  Plant Dragon + Fire Dragon
Other combinations may include

  • Plant dragon + Flower Dragon
  • Plant Dragon + Poison Dragon
  • Fire Dragon + Flower Dragon
  • Fire Dragon + Poison Dragon

Please keep in mind that this is a semi-rare dragon and that breeding the Pepper Dragon may not be easy. It will take time and breeding the Pepper Dragon is up to your game to give you the dragon and the breeding order of left or right will not affect your chance of getting it.

The level of your dragons also does not matter but your park must be at least level 11. Good Luck breeding!

Pepper Dragon earnings

Level 1  10
Level 2  16
Level 3  22
Level 4  28
Level 5  34
Level 6  40
Level 7  46
Level 8  52
Level 9  58
Level 10  65Cash
Level 11  71
Level 12  77
Level 13  82
Level 14  88
Level 15  95
Level 16
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

Pepper Dragon Evolution Chart

DragonVale Pepper Dragon Evolution

Breeding Video


  • Lolo22168

    Is it a limited edition dragon

    • Maggie

      This dragon is hard to breed! Just the other dragons are easier which makes it faster

      • Spyguy

        I got it at my first try and I’m only level 9!

    • Maggie

      Who knows! But the dragons are simple to get :)

  • Cooper

    I got in I 4 tries 6 hour breeding and incubation I used Flower level 10 and cactus level 10

  • Sherbear52

    I have been playing Dragonvale for 3 years and on and off I have had problems with gifting gems or trying to go to my friends islands causing the game to crash. Since the last two updates the problem has returned and I haven’t been able to get by breeding any of the new dragons. I am wondering why I am wasting my time on this game. Am I the only one with this problem? I have been playing long enough to know how to re-set, re-start and erase and re-load game. I also keep my iPad updated. It is an external problem within the game. Am I alone?

  • Renee

    i also have problems gifting i am not able to get to friend list dailt, usually 1-2 times a week is all i can get. i am also level 24 and can’t buy any habitats. message says i have reached limit and all are grayed out in the market. any ideas anyone?

    • Pawnzie

      Itz Perfectly Normal.

  • Pawnzie

    I got it with Lichen and Fire trying to get Blue Fire.

  • Brandon

    I bred seaweed n scorch to get double rainbow but I got a pepper dragon