DragonVale: Pollen Dragon


The Pollen Dragon is a dragon in DragonVale that was released by Backflip Studios in July 6th 2012.  This Pollen Dragon is an entirely new design from the creators and is definitely one of those dragons that looks closer to a dino dragon from the spots on its body and shape.

When this Pollen Dragon grows up to be big and strong it looks amazingly beautiful with its light green body and pollen’d areas. This pollen dragon actually looks like a fairy type of dragon with mystical powers in your DragonVale park.

If you want to breed the pollen dragon then we’ll let you know the secrets, the Pollen Dragon is actually an Air and Plant element. This means that within your breeding process you must have the elements of air and the elements of plant for a chance to get the pollen dragon. Once you have bred these two elements together, look for an 7 hours breeding process which means you have yourself a Pollen Dragon breeding in your DragonVale park. Upon hatching the pollen dragon egg you can place it into a Plant or Air habitat for your game.

” Pollen dragons may be adorable, but rest assured these dragons can be quite the nuisance. They release a fine powder-like substance that is known to attract other dragons. Unfortunately, many people report being allergic to it. Guests that experience any symptoms should report directly to the Wizard Clinic. We’ve been assured that side effects of treatment only include being turned into the occasional frog.
” DragonVale: Pollen Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale - Plant Element

DragonVale Pollen Dragon Baby

Release Date: July 6th 2012

Level requirement:  14
Habitat: Air, Plant
Incubation Time: 7 Hours
Buying Price: 1000 Gem
Selling Price: 1,000,000 Cash


DragonVale Pollen Dragon Egg


DragonVale Pollen Dragon Breath

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

DragonVale: Pollen Dragon Key Features

  • Amazing new design
  • Light Green colors
  • Fairy-like feel
  • Plant and Air elements

DragonVale: Pollen Dragon breeding guide:

If you want to breed the Pollen Dragon, know that the elements to breeding this dragon are Plant and Air. That means you can use any hybrid or main dragons to breed for a chance to obtain this dragon. The most recommended combination for breeding the Pollen Dragon are Air Dragon and Plant Dragon.

Good luck breeding the Pollen Dragon and keep updated with DragonVale at Gameteep!

DragonVale: Pollen Dragon earnings

Level 1  8 Level 11
Level 2  12 Level 12
Level 3  17 Level 13
Level 4  21 Level 14
Level 5  26 Level 15
Level 6  30 Level 16
Level 7  35 Level 17
Level 8  39 Level 18
Level 9  44 Level 19
Level 10  48 Level 20 Cash

Breeding Video

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