DragonVale: Prism Dragon


The Prism Dragon in DragonVale is a Rainbow type dragon released on July 25, 2014.

“”The Prism dragon is as rare as it is beautiful. Its dark hide absorbs light and magic alike. Its crystalline spines shine with energy that ranges from a rainbow of colors to pure elemental magic! Truly a magestic creature, this dragon’s mere existence reveals much that is otherwise hidden.””” Prism Dragon Game Description

DragonVale Prism Dragon

Release Date: July 26, 2014
Available: NORMAL /EPIC
Habitat:  Rainbow Habitat
Incubation Time: 42 hours
Timer: : 01:17:59:59
Buying Price: 2500 Gem
Selling: 10MCash
Fast Breed Upgraded: 01:09:35:59
Fast Breed Cost: 34Gem

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.5/5 (4 votes cast)

Key Features

  • Prism Dragon
  • Looks like a colorful dragon
  • Rainbow-type dragon that goes into the rainbow habitat.

Prism Dragon breeding guide:

There is no confirmed dragon for breeding the Prism Dragon.

You can get this dragon through using the elements of Light and Water. You can directly use the Light Dragon and the Water Dragon for a chance to get this dragon for your game.

It does not matter which side you select the breeding dragons in your breeding tree or breeding cave. Level 15+ Dragons will give you a better opportunity at getting this dragon.

Prism Dragon earnings

You can level your dragons up to level 10 only. This dragon cannot be leveled to level 20 or beyond level 10 in the game.

Level 1 22
Level 2 35
Level 3 48
Level 4 61
Level 5 74
Level 6 87
Level 7 100
Level 8 113
Level 9 127
Level 10 140


 Prism Dragon Evolution

  One Response to “DragonVale: Prism Dragon”

  1. The prism dragon is made with the elements light and water

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