DragonVale: Snow Dragon


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DragonVale – Snow Dragon

The snow dragon is often mistaken for the common cold dragon for new players but we will help you learn what makes the snow dragon unique. While the snow dragon may look like the cold dragon, you can tell the difference between the cold dragon and the snow dragon through it’s unique circle horns. So when breeding certain dragons be sure you have selected the correct dragon or you may end up with a breed you do not want.

The snow dragon is also one of the breeds that are not as difficult. You can easily breed a snow dragon using the correct combinations with little mistake as well. Why? Simply because there is no other dragon out there using the combinations for the snow dragon. Check out our Snow Dragon Breeding Guide below for more information.

DragonVale Snow Dragon

Snow Dragon Fountain of Youth

Snow Dragon Info:

“Some enthusiasts will mistake the rare snow dragon for a more common cold dragon. You can tell by the curly horns and the sleek frame that this dragon was made for flight more than land. Snow dragons almost never land, preferring to journey slowly through the northern skies, observing from a distance.”

Incubation Time: 8 hours

Buying Price: 1,000Gem
Selling Price: 1,000,000Cash

Snow Dragon breeding guide

Cold Dragon + Air Dragon


Snow Dragon earnings

Dragon Level Dragon EarningsPer Minute
Level 1 5Cash
Level 2 8Cash
Level 3 11Cash
Level 4 14Cash
Level 5 17Cash
Level 6 20Cash
Level 7 23Cash
Level 8 26Cash
Level 9 29Cash
Level 10 32Cash
Level 11 35Cash
Level 12 38Cash
Level 13 41Cash
Level 14 44Cash
Level 15 47Cash
Level 16 50Cash
Level 17 53Cash
Level 18 56Cash
Level 19 59Cash
Level 20 62Cash

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