DragonVale: Sprout Dragon


The Sprout dragon in DragonVale is a Seasonal dragon released on May 6 2014.

“”The Sprout Dragon is truly one of nature’s mysteries! These little dragons are so full of the energy of new life, that instead of getting very large as they grow, they actually multiply into a small group over time! It’s possible that given centuries, these groups would grow up but for now we’ll just enjoy their playful youth!”” Sprout Dragon Game Description

 DragonVale Seasonal Element

DragonVale Sprout Dragon

Release Date: May 6, 2014

Habitat:  Plant/Earth Habitat
Incubation Time:36 hours
Timer: :  01:11:59:57
Buying Price:1750 Gem
Selling Price: 12,000 Cash

Fast Breed Upgraded: —

Fast Breed Cost: —Gem


DragonVale Sprout Dragon egg



User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 4.2/5 (2 votes cast)

Key Features

  • Seasonal Dragon
  • Small body with various Brown/Green colors.

Sprout Dragon breeding guide:

There is no confirmed dragon for breeding the Sprout Dragon.

You can breed this dragon using the Light Dragon + Mud Dragon

Breeding Notes

It does not matter which side you select the breeding dragons in your breeding tree or breeding cave. Level 15+ Dragons will give you a better opportunity at getting this dragon.

Sprout Dragon earnings

You can level your dragons up to level 10 only. This dragon cannot be leveled to level 20 or beyond level 10 in the game.

Level 1 43
Level 2 69
Level 3 94
Level 4 120
Level 5 146
Level 6 171
Level 7 197
Level 8 223
Level 9 249
Level 10 274


 Sprout Dragon Evolution

  One Response to “DragonVale: Sprout Dragon”

  1. can anybody send me the breeding hint for poison dragon

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