DragonVale: Thunder Dragon


The DragonVale Thunder Dragon is a dragon that was found and released on February 19 2013. It is a Lightning and air element dragon which is a simple hybrid dragon to obtain in your game!

“Originating in the Verulean Highlands, Thunder dragons have been known to exist for quite some time but were much too loud to display in parks. Fortunately, the witch Tranquila spent considerable time creating a spell to dampen the sound of her husband’s thunderous snoring. She modified the spell a bit and it works well enough on Thunder dragons to allow them to share habitats with other dragons and not deafen park visitors. Though some ear plugs may still be in order.” DragonVale: Thunder Dragon Game Description

DragonVale - air Element

DragonVale Thunder Dragon baby

Release Date:
February 19th 2013

Level requirement: 14
Habitat: Lightning/Air
Incubation Time:  8.5 hours
Timer: 8:29:57
Buying Price: 600Gem
Selling Price: 600000Cash
Experience: 25000
EBS Time: 06:47:57
EBS Fast breed Gem: 7Gem

DragonVale Thunder Dragon egg


DragonVale Thunder Dragon Breath

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Breed Rate
Rating: 5.0/5 (2 votes cast)

DragonVale: Thunder Dragon Key Features

  • Wind Lightning Dragon!
  • 2 Elements
  • Simple Hybrid

Thunder Dragon breeding guide:

To breed for the Thunder Dragon, you need to have the elements of Lightning and Air within your breeding combination.

The breeding time is 8.5 hours.

Confirmed and Tested Combination include:

  • Lightning Dragon + Air Dragon

Please keep in mind that this is a semi-rare dragon and that breeding the Thunder Dragon may not be easy. It will take time and breeding the Thunder Dragon is up to your game to give you the dragon and the breeding order of left or right will not affect your chance of getting it.

The level of your dragons also does not matter but your park must be at least level 11. Good Luck breeding!

Thunder Dragon earnings

Level 1  9
Level 2  14
Level 3  20
Level 4  25
Level 5  30
Level 6  36
Level 7  41
Level 8  47
Level 9  52
Level 10  57
Level 11
Level 12
Level 13
Level 14
Level 15
Level 16 Cash
Level 17
Level 18
Level 19
Level 20

Thunder Dragon Evolution Chart

DragonVale Thunder Dragon Evolution Chart

Breeding Video


  2 Responses to “DragonVale: Thunder Dragon”

  1. Thanks, worked for me with two level 15s…

  2. This is my fav dragon. Got it with chrome and scorch when going for ruby.

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