Apr 152014

It’s been a long while since we’ve found a notable game. With the recent flood of “Flappy” Bird games who really wants to scroll by the store looking for good game? Well luckily, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff hits the local app stores and it’s absolutely free to play! The app is available for both Android and Apple iOS devices which means you can play on either devices.

Join Peter Griffin as he accidentally destroyed Quahog and now it is his task to rebuild and save the city along with your favorite Family Guy characters. Join them on their adventure and watch hilarious scripts from the writers of Family Guy right on your mobile devices.

Family Guy The Quest for Stuff Review Screen

 Gameteep 4.5 star rating
 Family Guy The Quest for Stuff icon
 App Name: Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff
 Seller: TinyCo, Inc. © 2014 TinyCo Inc.
 Release Date:
 Apr 04, 2014Apple iOS
 Apr 04, 2014Android OS
 Genre: Builder
 Gameteep Rating: 4.5/5
 Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS
Gamer Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 3.6/5 (2 votes cast)

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Gameplay

FG: The Quest for Stuff is a city builder game that is focused on letting players re-build Quahog as Peter Griffin accidentally lites the city on fire. Many aspects of the game mimics The Simpsons: Tapped Out, which is also available on mobile devices but Quest for Stuff is rated 17 or older limiting access to players under 17.

A majority of the gameplay will be quests, building and unlocking cool familiar Family Guy characters into your game. You’ll also get to see some really hilarious scenes from your favorite Family Guy characters as they do funny animations for your game.

Like most builder games, you will see a lifetime of updates for the game bringing you brand new characters and content.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Graphics

When in comparing Tapped Out with The Quest for Stuff, the graphics are definitely much better and feels like the actual cartoon in your hands and at your disposal. There are a ton of animations for each character and they’re crisp and sharp.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Sounds

While my hopes for fully voiced scripts didn’t get realized in this game but for a mobile game it that’s just fine. You do get some voice overs but they are mostly repeated throughout the game as you do quests or other things in the game. Other than that most of the soundtracks and sounds fits perfectly for the game and you’ll have a blast with the funny scenes.

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Round-up

All in all, Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff is a hilariously funny game with a ton of enjoyable animation for any player that is rebuilding Quahog with Peter Griffin. I can say that the game has been fun with all the hilarious moments that the writers have scripted out for the game and most players will probably enjoy them as they begin the game.

You can expect that this game will probably have a very long life span with many new content/updates in the future along with lots of “premium” only items/characters so if you haven’t seen your favorite FG character then they’ll probably be added in the future. That being said you can also expect to having to throw some money at the game if you want to see any exclusive characters for your game.

Bottom line: One of the funniest game ever!

Family Guy: The Quest for Stuff Screenshots

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