Feb 102013

This is the last call for the Lunar Lion Fish, it is the last day for the Lunar Lion Fish in fact. If you head on over to your market and look at the Lunar Lion fish you’ll notice that there is one day left and that mean’s less than 24 hours to breed for the Lunar Lion fish before he expires in the game. It’s expiring because tomorrow is Lunar New Year and once it’s over the fish will also be gone from the market. So don’t miss your chance to getting this fish and learn how to breed one today!

Fish with Attitude Lunar Lion Fish baby

How to breed Lunar Lion Fish

If you want to breed the Lunar Lion Fish then you need to know that the fish is a limited edition fish. If you checked it out in your market and hes not there then that means the fish has expired and you’ll need to wait until next time. Next time being the next time they re-enable the fish for breeding.

If you want to breed the Lunar Lion Fish then you need to use the Tough Fish and the Rock Star Fish. These two fish in your breeding tank will give you an opportunity at getting the Lunar Lion Fish. The breeding time is 8 hours and the hatching time is 4 hours.

Please keep in mind that breeding the Lunar Lion Fish is completely up to your luck in the game and how you select the fish on the left or right does not matter.


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