May 292013

Guncrafter is an addicting free mobile game available on Apple devices. Developed by Naquatic, it falls into the category of action/shooter. Guncrafter is a spin-off of the popular Minecraft game.

In this game, players create their own gun by choosing from different parts in a “block-building” style. It allows players to be creative and then compete against each other using their very own craft. While it has a high rank on the app market, this game will be a hit or miss with most players.

Guncrafter Game Review screen

 Gameteep 5 stars rating

Guncrafter Game icon

App Name: Guncrafter Game
Seller: Naquatic LLC

Updated Date:
May 20, 2013Apple iOS
May 20, 2013Android OS

Genre: Builder/Battle
Gameteep Rating: 5/5

Platform: Apple iOSAndroid OS

Gamer Rating

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Rating
Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)

Guncrafter Game Gameplay

The first thing that players do when they start Guncrafter is come to a main menu. This is where they can chose to build their gun. Players will come to a screen with a grid, which states how big the gun can be, and pieces, which can be pieced together to build the gun.

As players play more and unlock more modes, they can create bigger guns and become more creative. Once players complete their gun, they can take it to a shooting range. Players have the option of practicing first and then once they go into an actual match, they will be playing against someone online.

In the shooting range, players  shoot targets that are made out of blocks and whoever gets the most points wins. The first level shooting range is basic and as players move on and go further into the game, the shooting ranges will become more complex and challanging.The purpose of playing online multiplayer is to see who can create the biggest and baddest gun.

The only downside is that most of the guns fire the same, so even if players build a complex gun it will only shoot as well as a smaller gun. This part of the game can be a turn-off for some players who are into hardcore shooting games. The controls will take some time to master as well. Tapping the screen makes your gun shoot and tilting the device will change your aim.

Guncrafter Game Graphics

The graphics of Guncrafter are incredibly similar to Minecraft, which is slightly obvious given the pun on the name of the game. The guns are formed from block-like building pieces and the shooting ranges are made up of the same style.

The graphics are not elaborate but they were not meant to be, seeing as they were meant to reflect the graphics of Minecraft. As you go into this game, do not wait to be impressed by the graphics. If you have already played Minecraft, you will be familiar with them.

Guncrafter Game Sounds

There are some really exciting sound effects, and the video game gun shots are always fun to listen to.

Guncrafter Game Round-up

Overall, Guncrafter is an interesting game. It is probably a good pick for gun enthusiasts or gamers who are looking for a fun shooter. It is also a good game for gamers who like flexibility and creativity.

The game itself is free so it is definitely worth a download. If you are looking for a game that is more in-depth, then Guncrafter probably isn’t for you. However, if you are a fan of guns, Minecraft, shooting, or a combination of those three then it is worth a download.

Bottom line: If you think it’s a boring game then you’re in for quite a surprise!

Guncrafter Game Screenshots

Guncrafter Review Screenshot 1Guncrafter Review Screenshot 2Guncrafter Review Screenshot 4Guncrafter Review Screenshot 5Guncrafter Review Screenshot 6Guncrafter Review Screenshot 7Guncrafter Review Screenshot 8

Overview of Rating

Review Rating
  •  Minecraft-like design
  • Action packed stages
  • Ability to build your own customized guns.
  • Motion sensors are good
  •  No landscape rotation
  • Sensitivity on the tapping to shoot isn’t that great

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