Mar 072014

The cries for Darkseid in Injustice: Gods Among Us mobile has been heard and now players on the mobile version of the game has a chance to get the almighty and powerful Darkseid through a brand new challenge for Apple iOS and Android users.

Injustice Gods Among Us Darkseid Released

Here is what the Darkseid character looks like at a glance

BONUS: Empower Minions: All BRONZE characters on Darkseid’s team gain +300 HEALTH and DAMAGE


—1 (Requires level 1)—

  • Omega Blast: Darkseid uses telekinesis to shove the opponent away before unleashing an Omega Blast from his hands.

—2 (Requires level 5)—

  • Fires of Apokolips: Darkseid calls upon an Apokolips crater to burn his opponent.

—3 (Requires level 20)—

  • I Am Many Things: Darkseid transports his victim to Apokolips for furious beatdown.
  • Injustice Gods Among Us Darkseid Card

You can find more information for Darkseid on Darkseid’s page here



This time’s challenge is the royal Regime Aquaman so be sure not to miss this character on your Android devices. Check it out here

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