Released today is Elseworld The Flash for Injustice: Gods Among Us for Android and Apple iOS devices. This is a new Challenge that is available for players to get for a limited time. Once you’ve completed all of the challenges in the game you will be able to get a FREE Elseworld The Flash card and unlock him into the market place where you’ll have an opportunity to purchase more of the character.
The Challenge for Elseworld The Flash is available until December 9th 2013. Once the event is over, you will need to wait until there is another event for the card again. There currently hasn’t been any character that returned so it’s best that players do not miss this window of an opportunity to get Elseworld The Flash into the game.
Elseworld The Flash
Elseworld The Flash has the special ability known as Bullet Time, this ability allows time to slow while flash can move incredibly fast and attack his opponent. His unique skill is Fastest Man Alive which is his second ability in the game. The card is a gold card like all other Challenges in the game and does use the same support cards from the Regime Flash, New 52, and regular Flash.
This is the first Gold card for the Flash and definitely a must have for Flash fans.
Why is it that my Flash character’s health and damage say it’s only 825 and 825? The same thing was for my Raven character.
expert mode is too hard even if i have elite 5 doomday, elite5 lobo, and elite 5 insurgency Joker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should try the nightmare round….
Nightmare is hard -_-
I don’t even have any gold insurgency characters. Can’t do it in nightmare
Yeah. I made it fine with elite V Bane for the final round and elite I Insurgency Batman for the fourth one in difficult. I have difficulties with the last two rounds in nightmare so I’m not going to bother with it. It’d be much less effort to grind for a day and just buy one than do it for the rest of the week to upgrade my other gold characters just to win a silver pack and another Flash card.
I finished the challenge on Expert, and completed 4/5 challenge stages on nightmare. The stage that requires insurgency characters is pretty impossible.
For some reason, I cant claim my rewards 🙁
I am worried I wont be able to get this Flash only cause of that 🙁
I worked all 9 days for him as well. And in the last hours I did it. But I’m not sure if I can get him cause I didn’t get to Login to the internet before 7:00am Monday. So I think I missed out on him as well. His stats are Awesome & his moves are even better. Whatever happens I will never let the Internet stop me from getting a Grrat Gold Player ever again.
It did not show the challenge in my ipad
Done the nightmare round.
I don’t see this on my Android. I have an S3
Nightmare round is cursed… Challenge 4 requires insurgency characters. And there’s only two gold; Batman & Joker. Then it’s up to silver Lex and silver Harley.
I’m just digging for gold these days to have them Elite V. [damn]
It is easy and my best is level 40 batman not elite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I finished the challenge for Elseworld Flash before 12/9/2013 7:00am. Its was around 5:12am when i 100% finished all 5 Challenges. However I didn’t login via wifi till 7:04am 12/9/2013. I didn’t get my Gold Flash Player. Is there anyone who can help me out with this. Thank you very much for your time. I can be found via email [email protected]
I just started two days ago and the game is very fun, I started with Grundy, lex, and flash.
I really like the flash, it’s my fave, character, I’m wondering if there is any other way to get it, I have a little more than 100k, not sure if that’s enough.