Nov 302013

The Man of Steel Pack was released not too long ago in Injustice: Gods Among Us for mobile devices, and it looks like the Superman card based on the Man of Steel series line of theme is actually limited. A pop-up screen that players received stated “FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, DEFEAT EVIL AS THE POWERFUL MAN OF STEEL.” then at the bottom it says “PURCHASE THIS EXCITING CARD BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!”

That has given us the hint that this card may indeed be limited which means that players that do not have this card will miss out on the chance to get this card as time moves forward.


The Man of Steel Superman can be obtained from the “Man of Steel” booster pack in the game. The pack should be blue and have the Superman Symbol on it. Once you’ve purchased this pack you will obtain Man of Steel General Zod and Man of Steel Superman. You can also buy the cards individually.

We are expecting that either the Man of Steel pack be removed or just the Man of Steel Superman card is removed due to it showing Superman and also saying Defeat Evil As The Powerful Man of Steel. It is unsure if Zod will also be removed but we recommend purchasing the exclusive booster pack as it gives both cards for less price. You can buy the booster pack for a discount at 330,000 credits, both cards cost well over 330,000 together if purchased individually so the best choice is to buy the pack.

Injustice Gods Among Us - Man of Steel Is Limited Edition

  One Response to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Man of Steel Is Limited Edition!”

  1. If you buy the man of steel pack one time will the cards stay forever??? please answer me because i am deciding whether or not to buy it

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