Nov 262013

A new update recently brings brand new skins (cards) for players to obtain in their game. Based on the Man of Steel movie released this year, you can now have the Man of Steel Superman Cards and the Man of Steel General Zod card based on the film. These two are gold cards and you can get the two cards from the “Man of Steel” booster pack that can be purchased for full price or if it’s on sale then at a discount. The discount price at the current moment is 330,000 credits which is definitely a great deal for two cool new cards.

Man of Steel Superman Skin

Injustice Gods Among Us – Man of Steel Superman Stats


Special Bonus Ability: Flying Blows – Every Special Attack has a 30% chance of using NO ENERGY, allowing it to be used again instantly.

Man of Steel General Zod Skin

Injustice Gods Among Us – Man of Steel General Zod Stats


Special Bonus Ability:  Kryptonian Battle Armor – General Zod takes 20% LESS DAMAGE from Special and Super attacks.


In this new update you will also find that upcoming challenges are repeatable, giving you the opportunity to promote your characters even faster without paying to buy the card. Challenges are expected to allow players to repeat up to three times during the event. Meaning if you finish early then you can play it all over again up to three times and we are expecting you’ll also get the goodies that comes with the challenges as well.


What’s New in Version 1.7

Add MAN OF STEEL Superman and General Zod to your roster! These 2 new skins show off the world’s greatest hero and arch villain in amazing detail from the hit theatrical release MAN OF STEEL.
Promote your characters faster and extend your game play by repeating specific challenges. Challenges can now be repeated up to three times while eligible.
Get the Update and be ready for more Character Challenges coming to INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us, soon.
That’s right, even more of those villainous bugs have been crushed into submission.

  • Dennis

    Anyone else can’t find the booster packs

    • Dennis

      Never mind the game was glitchy and didn’t update properly

  • annonymus

    superman looks very week unlike the other supermans

  • Jay

    Is this available for a limited time only like the arkham origins Batman?

  • Ryan

    This game has been glitchy ever since it came out.
    I found the energy cheat and since then my three best characters never gain energy back unless you use energy cards.

    My Characters:
    Doomsday Elite V Level 40
    Red son Super man Elite V Level 40
    Aquaman Elite V Level 40

    • Gotom_The_Killer

      Advance your clock (3 hour later than your normal hour) than, your character will have their energie bar full DON’T USE THEIR ENERGIE, immediatly put your clock to the normal hour

      I was having the same probleme, but now, my team work normaly

  • Gotom_The_Killer

    Do I upgrade MoS Zod or MoS Superman first?
    Or maybe Elseworld Flash?

  • is it true that the man of steel booster pack is limited???

  • Leah

    Is anyone else’s game crashing after the latest update?

  • Keanu

    Is this man of steel pack out for android because I don’t see it

  • Dave

    Ryan! Whenever you do the time-glitch, after reloading all energy on your characters simply turn on automatic time again. Then your energy is full and the time is regular. Just repeat this every time you need to reload energy!

  • Hunter duncan

    Who is the newest challenge after elseworld flash

  • Youdontknowme1234

    Is it really limited? And if it is so, how long will it remain?

  • Youdontknowme1234

    Superman man of steel lvl 1 elite V (lol) damage 3520. Health 5280 everything with enchantsments. Flying punch : 1161 – 2323. Btw flying blows pasive skill just awsome

  • daniel

    Im trying the new update and finished the red son deathstroke, but cant really retry again. I thought the new update gave me the option to retry up to 3 times. Im on android!

  • Hulk

    Hi guys!

    Can anyone please give me a hint why I can’t repeat RedSon Deathstroke challenge?
    I started this challenge before the update, and now I can see the 3part bar at the top, but I can’t figure out how to start again!

    Thank you for your reply in advance!

    • ABA

      you can only do it 3 times

  • Drew

    I hear you can buy man of steel booster for 25% off then resell it for full price and make nice profit??? Does that really work????

  • Drew

    Also I never had this prob be4 but now my injustice app when loading it says this phone may not support this game and there’s crazzzy lagg when it finally loads, what do we do?? Haven’t had a gold booster for 25%. Off in like a week wither wtffff