May 292013

Injustice: Gods Among Us just made a brand new update to version 1.4 featuring a brand new character. The character that was added into the game is what he would call himself the “Main Man” LOBO. Now you can play as the Main Man Lobo with brand new special attacks and an amazing new Super Move! He has his own set of support cards that will make him even stronger, and due to his alien physiology he is immune to power drains in the game. Why isn’t Superman immune to that?

Injustice Gods Among Us Lobo Release

What else is added into the game? Well new characters that are part of the RED SON PACK that can only be purchased when you’ve saved enough credits to purchase the pack for 400,000 credits in the game.

Some of the Red Son characters includes

  • Red Son Superman
  • Red Son Wonder Woman
  • Red Son Solomon Grundy
Injustice Gods Among Us - Update 1.4, Red Son Pack

More Red Son Characters are coming soon too!


What’s New in Version 1.4

Play as the Main Man! Lobo is complete with unique special attacks and his own SUPER MOVE.
Collect Lobo’s own set of Support Cards… including SPACE DOLPHINS!
Lobo’s alien physiology makes him completely immune to POWER DRAIN.

Red Son SUPERMAN now available!
Red Son WONDER WOMAN now available!
Red Son SOLOMON GRUNDY now available!
Team up with other Red Son characters to increase your power!
Future Red Son characters coming soon!

Logging in to WB ID is now more stable.
Fixed issues with Support Cards. Now giving proper bonuses.

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  • how to get the redson pack for free on ipad
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  3 Responses to “Injustice: Gods Among Us – Update 1.4, Red Son Pack, LOBO”

  1. When I tried to update the game it won’t work. Now I can’t play the game anymore.

  2. Why is my red son pack 500,000 credits?

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