Iron Man 3: Mark 16 – Nightclub


The Mark 16 – Nightclub is an Iron Man armor in the mobile game Iron Man 3 – The Official Game developed by Gameloft. The armor was released on December 19, 2013 as part of their new update to the game and is only available for players that collect enough parts to unlock it. Below you will find how you unlock the armor and what attacks it has. The upgrades and prices of obtaining this armor has also been documented for players.

Armor Name: Mark 16 – Nightclub

VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 3.6/5 (18 votes cast)
 Iron Man 3 Mark 16 - Nightclub Armor Description:
The Nightclub was designed for crowd control. It employs improved armor and sensors, while shutting down rioters with non-lethal sonic repulsors.
Class: Special
Bonus: Score x 1.5
Unlock Requirement:
  • 30 Armor Parts
  • 1,480 Iron Man Blue gem
Build Requirement:
  • 2,250Iron Man Stark Credits
  • Build Time: 00:12:59


#1 Upgrade Price #1  #2 Upgrade Price #2  #3  Upgrade Price #3  #4
SPECIAL  9  300  13
WEAPON  34  300  37
HP  330  300  360
Iron Man 3: Mark 16 - Nightclub, 3.6 out of 5 based on 18 ratings

  One Response to “Iron Man 3: Mark 16 – Nightclub”

  1. What about Mastery level requirements?

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