Iron Man 3: War Machine


The War Machine is an Iron Man armor in the mobile game Iron Man 3 – The Official Game developed by Gameloft. Below you will find how you unlock the armor and what attacks it has. The upgrades and prices of obtaining this armor has also been documented for players.

Armor Name: War Machine

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Iron Man 3 War Machine Description:
Based on the MARK II armor the WAR MACHINE suit is equipped with extra armor and a shoulder-mounted chain gun.
Class: Striker Missile
Bonus: Score x 4.0
Unlock Requirement:
  • 125,000 XP || 940Iron Man Blue gem
Build Requirement:
  • 150,000Iron Man Stark Credits (June 2013 Update reduced to 125,000Iron Man Stark Credits)
  • Mark 25 – STRIKER
  • Build Time:08:23:59


*Prices and values Version 1.0.2 Chart

Damage #1 Upgrade Price #1 Damage #2 Upgrade Price #2 Damage #3  Upgrade Price #3  Damage #4
SPECIAL  2,200  2,800  2,300  14,050  2,530  33,750  2,900
WEAPON  110  2,800  114  14,050  118  33,750  122
HP  2,550  2,800  2,685  14,050  2,820  33,750  2,955

*Version 1.0 Chart

Damage #1 Upgrade Price #1 Damage #2 Upgrade Price #2 Damage #3  Upgrade Price #3  Damage #4
SPECIAL  2,200  3,400  2,300  16,900  2,530  40,500  2,900
WEAPON  110  3,400  114  16,900  118  40,500  122
HP  2,550  3,400  2,685  16,900  2,820  40,500  2,955
Iron Man 3: War Machine, 4.3 out of 5 based on 10 ratings

  One Response to “Iron Man 3: War Machine”

  1. I got mark 31- piston

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