Sep 202013

Jurassic Park Builder fans can enjoy seeing a brand new set of Ice Age animals in their Dinosaur islands with nearly five new animals in the Glacier Island. Additionally there is a brand new limited edition animal that is also available for a limited time in Jurassic Park Builder’s parks.

The new dinosaurs that have been added into the game are Eremotherium, Gastornis, Chalicotherium, Sarkastodon, and lastly the Thylacosmilus which is a fierce tooth beast that looks similar to today’s Jaguar. Find below all the information you need to know about these new ice age animals in the Glacier section of the game and be sure to collect them all!

Jurassic Park Builder Thylacosmilus

NEW LIMITED Amebelodon

Jurassic Park Builder Amebelodon Evolution 4 Baby

Released today for September 20th 2013 is a brand new limited edition Ice Age animal. Unlike the previous animals above, this is actually a limited edition animal that’s available for a limited time. That means this animal will actually expire compared to the recently released animals in Jurassic Park Builder.

If you do not obtain this animal this week it will expire and you will only be able to obtain him when he returns for a limited time again in his next journey in Jurassic Park.

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  • Jurassic park builder new ice age dinos

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