Oct 172012

It looks like the crash from the new update has ended. If you are still crashing in your Jurassic Park Builder game then try restarting your device.

From our knowledge, it appears that the crash from the new update was due to the addition of the new building. This building is the underwater section of Jurassic Park Builder! Well, we’re not quite sure what it looks like really but it’s coming soon according to the developers.Jurassic Park Builder Icon

We suspect that once released, there will be all new dinosaurs added to your Jurassic Park game, but they will probably be water-type creatures. What dinosaurs exactly? We’re not sure either, but one thing is for sure. We’ll probably see the Mosasaurs at one point or another as the game advances into the best Dinosaur Park building game today.

Jurassic Park Builder Underwater Park! Builing

Jurassic Park Builder Underwater Park! Notes

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  • jurassic park builder underwater section
  • underwater section jurassic park builder
  • underwater section of jurassic park builder for ipad
  • when does jurrasic park for ipad go underwater?
  • when is the underwater jurassic park comming out

  6 Responses to “Jurassic Park Builder: Underwater Park!”

  1. Can't wait. It looks cool, but I wonder how long the Dino list for me is going to be, seeing as I have just created a camerosaurus

  2. Anyone know when it’s coming out?

  3. Hopefully soon, all my dinos are almost maxed and on the last quest :(

    btw, 10 dinos after camerosaurus (excluding t-rex)

  4. Add me if you want to see an awesome layout!!

    Level 35 with all 31 dinosaurs fully evolved..
    All buildings and scenery items unlocked..
    All land expansion packs purchased..
    ‘Themed Sections’ to be added soon..

    My “Game Center” ID is: YOUNGTREEZZZZY.

  5. My park is awesome if you wanna see it my gamecenter is suppatheday. Im only level 30 so my park is still in progress but it looks amazing. I have a lot of dinosaurs and am planning on having them all soon.. I have 25 dinosaurs including pteranodon, brontosaurus, tojiouangosaurus, stegosaurus, yutyrannous, carnotaurus, and yes i have t-Rex ! And I alsho have a huge variety of buildings and decorations and I have all the best ones that cost cash like the grand Hammond hotel, meteor crater, pit crater, hidden amber restaurant, and a lot more

  6. I have all the dinosaurs up to the albertosaurus and I don’t have it yet. Except for pteranodon,brontosaurus,stegosaurus,and T-Rex I don’t have those either but I have the utyrannus,and I am level 25. I’m not loged into Facebook because I’m a guest.Aslo I know how to fix a bug if your game says the login failed just wait for an update. But please friend me on gamecenter my name is Evan and I am in Georgia.

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