Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus


The Amargasaurus is a herbivore Dinosaur in Jurassic Park Builder. It is said to be a secret dinosaur that can be obtained. There is no confirmation of its release and may have been added in update 1.2.0. If you know how to discover this dinosaur please comment below. This dinosauar was released on December 8 2012.

“A striking feature of the Amargasaurus was a double row of spines along its neck and back.” – Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus Information

 Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus

Release Date: Dec 8 2012

Buying Price: 169Jurassic Park - Premium money
Selling Price: 3650Jurassic Park coins
Feed Type: Crop
Initial Egg Wait: 00:11:59
Research #1 Cost:8300Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #1: 00:11:59
Research #2 Cost: 15,000Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #2: 00:11:59
Research #3 Cost: 20,000Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #3: 00:11:59


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.0/5 (60 votes cast)

 Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus Evolution

The evolution for the Amargasaurus begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Amargasaurus. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game. When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form.

Once you have successfully evolved it into its second form, it will become a baby again and you will need to feed it to level 15 to become an adult again. Once your dinosaur reaches level 20 you can evolve it using the research center once again where once you completed evolving it, it will become a baby and will evolve into an adult at level 25.


Evolution 1 Completed Message: One purpose of the Amargasaurus’ sails was to make it look bigger to scare off its predators.
Evolution 2 Completed Message: The Amargasaurus was 33 feet long, which is a little longer than the Orca or killer whale.
Evolution 3 message:: Another possible use for the Amargasaurus’ sail was to help make attract females.

 Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus Earnings Chart

Earning Rate: every 3 Hours (/3 Hours). The earnings below have no boosts.

Level Earnings Level Earnings Level Earnings
1  4216Jurassic Park coins/3 Hours 11  8543 21  12,869
2  4651 12  8977 22  13,303
3  5082 13  9408 23  13,734
4  5516 14  9842 24  14,169
5  5947 15  10,273 25  14,599
6  6381 16  10,708 26
7  6812 17  11,138 27
8  7246 18  11,573 28
9  7677 19  12,004 29
10  8112 20  122,438 30

 Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus Food Chart

Level Food Level Food Level Food
1  370 11 2804 21  5,238
2  613 12  3047 22  5,482
3  856 13 3291 23  5,725
4  1100 14  3534 24  5,69
5  1343 15  3778 25  6,212
6  1587 16  4021 26
7  1830 17  4265 27
8  2074 18  4508 28
9  2317 19  4751 29
10 20 30

Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus Evolution Chart

 Baby Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 1 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 2 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
 Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 3 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 3 Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 4 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Amargasaurus form 4 Adult

  12 Responses to “Jurassic Park Builder: Amargasaurus”

  1. Does anyone know how much the amargasaurus earns?

  2. Don’t see it in my market. Do you?

  3. Yeah, I’ve had it available for the past three days, just bought it too.

  4. Every 3 hrs it is to coin max

  5. Can i ever get this again? If not that would suck…

    • Of course you will be able to get it aggain 🙂 I think it will come in 1-4 weeks 🙂

  6. Its the last land dinosaur i need

  7. Finally got all the land dinosaurs now, just waiting on 3 more sea creatures and a lot of glacial animals

  8. just got it today 🙂

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