Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus

“The Ankylosaurus was probably not very intelligent, since it had a very small brain compared to its size.”” - Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus Information
 Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus iconRelease Date: Original
Buying Price:  21,600Jurassic Park coins
Selling Price: Jurassic Park coins
Feed Type: CropJurassic Park Builder Crop
Initial Egg Wait: 04:59:59
Research #1 Cost:3250Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #1: 04:59:59
Research #2 Cost: 6650Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #2:  04:59:59


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.5/5 (49 votes cast)

 Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus Evolution

The evolution for the Ankylosaurus begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Ankylosaurus. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game.

When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form. Once you have successfully evolved it into its second form, it will become a baby again and you will need to feed it to level 15 to become an adult again.

Once your dinosaur reaches level 20 you can evolve it using the research center once again where once you completed evolving it, it will become a baby and will evolve into an adult at level 25.

Evolution 1 Completed Message: The Ankylosaurus was covered with hard, bony plates for protection, making it the prehistoric tank of its time.
Evolution 2 Completed Message: The Ankylosaurus could have used the plates at the end of its tail to deliver powerful blows to its enemies.

 Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus Earnings Chart

Earning Rate: every 2 Hours (/2 Hours)

Level Earnings Level Earnings Level Earnings
1  1250Jurassic Park coins/2 Hours 11  2544 21  3836
2  1280 12  2672 22  3966
3  1508 13  2802 23  4093
4  1638 14  2932 24  4224
5  1768 15  3060 25  4354
6  1895 16  3190 26
7  2025 17  3318 27
8  2156 18  3448 28
9  2284 19  3578 29
10  2414 20 30

 Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus Food Chart

Level Food Level Food Level Food
1  125Jurassic Park Builder Crop 11  943 21  1762
2  206 12  1025 22  1844
3  288 13  1107 23  1926
4  370 14  1189 24  2008
5 452 15  1271 25  2090
6  534 16  1353 26
7  616 17  1435 27
8  698 18  1517 28
9  780 19  1599 29
10  Jurassic Park Builder Crop 20  Jurassic Park Builder Crop 30  Jurassic Park Builder Crop

Jurassic Park Builder: Ankylosaurus Evolution Chart

 Baby Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 1 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 2 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
 Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 3 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Ankylosaurus Evolution 3 Baby
  • Emerilla

    U guys have to upgrade the site ow all the dinosaurs have 4 stars! ****

    • LeadFaun

      Don’t lie.

  • dom

    I have a ankylosaurus like that but im shocked! The skin of my level 3 anky is it skin is evolution 2 newly buyed!!!!

  • Kate Wooley-Brown

    Ankylosaurus level 30 evolution $11500, wait time 4:59:59

  • suptortion

    i have four stars with anky..what a stupid color is this..its blue..is it possible to change its color

  • Marco

    What?!!!! Blue is awesome :(

    • LeadFaun

      A. No it’s not.
      B. No.

  • Marco

    What you said is an insult to me!




    YEAH! Blue is AWESOME!!!!!Blue is the colour of the aquatic park

  • Gameteep JPB

    We will be updating the site sone we are working on it now

  • dunkleberry

    i love this dinosaurs…my favorite :)

  • dunkleberry

    and my fav color is blue :P

  • dunkleberry


  • Meetali Bedi

    My brother likes blue colour of this dinosaur

  • Satanshu

    Good Dino but costs to much and no battle
    My factory is working on the leafs but I like it