Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus

“The name Edmontosaurus means “reptile from Edmonton”, a city in Canada, where it was found.”” - Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus Information

 Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Icon

Release Date: Original
Buying Price: 267,550Jurassic Park coins
Selling Price: 133,775Jurassic Park coins
Feed Type: CropJurassic Park Builder Crop
Initial Egg Wait: 44:59:59
Research #1 Cost:20,000Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #1: 44:59:59
Research #2 Cost: 20,500Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time #2:  44:59:59


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 3.9/5 (21 votes cast)

 Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus Evolution

The evolution for the Edmontosaurus begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Edmontosaurus. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game. When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form.

Once you have successfully evolved it into its second form, it will become a baby again and you will need to feed it to level 15 to become an adult again. Once your dinosaur reaches level 20 you can evolve it using the research center once again where once you completed evolving it, it will become a baby and will evolve into an adult at level 25.

Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Screen

Evolution 1 Completed Message: Along with its regular teeth, the Edmontosaurus had thousands of replacement teeth.
Evolution 2 Completed Message: The Edmontosaurus could form brightly colored bags by filling with air loose skin in front of its hollow nostrils.

 Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus Earnings Chart

Earning Rate: every 12 Hours (/12 Hours)

Level Earnings Level Earnings Level Earnings
1 3252 Jurassic Park coins/12 Hours 11  6611 21  9972
2  3588 12  6948 22  10,308
3  3924 13  7284 23  10,644
4  4260 14  7620 24  10,980
5  4596 15  7956 25  11,316
6  4932 16  8292 26
7  5268 17  8628 27
8  5604 18  8964 28
9  5940 19  9300 29
10  6276 20  9636 30

 Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus Food Chart

Level Food Level Food Level Food
1  325Jurassic Park Builder Crop 11  2454 21  4583
2  537 12  2667 22  4796
3  750 13  2880 23  5009
4  963 14  3093 24  5222
5  1176 15  3306 25  5435
6  1389 16  3518 26
7  1602 17  3731 27
8  1815 18  3944 28
9  2028 19  4157 29
10  Jurassic Park Builder Crop 20  Jurassic Park Builder Crop 30  Jurassic Park Builder Crop

Jurassic Park Builder: Edmontosaurus Evolution Chart

 Baby Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 1 Baby Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 2 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
 Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 3 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Edmontosaurus Evolution 3 Adult
  • tcktactical

    where did you get the skins

  • chiri

    I can’t get the Edmontosaurus. I have been enlarging the park and clear all the fields and stones but the ambar doesn’t appear.
    Is a problem with my app or I have to enlarge the park more times?

    • I-seq-u

      I have the same issue can’t find the edmontosaurus any one out their have got it.

      • Lubby

        Well i got it easy i don’t know you’re problem but just expand some more until you get it. Maybe you’re just un-lucky

  • arryl2345jurrasic

    youre unlucky lubby

  • Daniel Myth

    Yeah, I can probably help you. Often times there are little patches of shrubs or small rock piles that are at the bottom, or right edges of the cleared area. The remaining forest of those edges rises above those patches leaving them hidden from view. Scroll your mouse along the edges tapping and you’ll be surprised at what you have missed ;)