Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium


The Elasmotherium is found in the Glacier Park of Jurassic Park Builder game. It is classified as an animal and eats Crop from the Crop Harbor  in the game.

It was made available on August 16 2013 and is here for a limited time in your Glacier park. You need to find the DNA from the helicopters DNA Expedition.

“The name Elasmotherium means “Plated Beast” in Greek” - Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium Information

Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium

Release Date: August 16 2013

Extracted from: DNA Sample

PARK: Glacier Park
Buying Price: 530,100Jurassic Park coins
Selling Price: 265,050Jurassic Park coins
Feed TypeJurassic Park Builder - Glacier Crop
Initial Egg Wait: 22:02:59
Research #1 Cost:
30,000Jurassic Park coinsx10

Research #2 Cost:
40,0000Jurassic Park coinsx10

Research #3 Cost:
50,000Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time:  22:02:59


VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Rating: 4.3/5 (27 votes cast)

How to find DNA [Glacier Jurassic Park]

In the Glacier Park section of the game, you can only find DNA through expeditions. Once you send your team to search for DNA samples you will get to select from 3 different tubes (FREE) if you select the right one you will get the DNA sample if any are found.

 Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium Evolution

The evolution for the Elasmotherium begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Elasmotherium. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game. When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form evolution. Keep evolving your animal until the final form!

This will repeat again from baby – > adult in the next stage.

Evolution 1 Completed Message: In its era, the Elasmotherium was the biggest prehistoric rhinoceros.
Evolution 2 Completed Message:  The horn on the Elasmotherium snout could reach 6 feet long, the length of a human being.
Evolution 3 Completed Message:  The horn of the Elasmotherium was made of the same material as human hair, keratin.

Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium Earnings Chart

Due to the nature of Jurassic Park Builder, we only document earnings and food cost to give you a rough idea of how each one will cost.

* Earnings May change from developer adjustments.

Level Earnings*
1  4648Jurassic Park coins/8 Hours
2  5128
3  5600
4  6080
5  6560
6  7032
7  7511
8  7992
9  8464
10  8944

 Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium Food Chart

Jurassic Park Builder - Glacier Crop

*****We only document up to certain levels for food.

Level Food
1  465
2  770
3  1076
4  1382
5  1688
6  1994
7  2300
8  2606
9  2912

Jurassic Park Builder: Elasmotherium 

 Baby Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 1 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 2 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
 Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 3 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 3 Adult
 Evolution #4
 Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 4 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Elasmotherium Evolution 4 Adult
  • Korus

    I’m pretty sure this is a knew one. Somehow I clicked that “open” button for the free expedition and I got it right away… The 20k per click to get it isn’t so bad, the horrifying thing is that it’s telling me to get it, I gotta pay 500k money, and since I’m partially a noob, haven’t played it too long, my record is like 360k, more than 150k less than the requirement of getting it. Also from this I was disappointed to see its only going to be making 8,000 per 8 hours at level 10, and it’s going to cost me a lot of grass to level him up…

  • Korus

    Never mind, not new at all… :l