Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus


The Leptocleidus is a Crustaceans eating Dinosaur in Jurassic Park Builder. It was made available on March 17 2013 and is here to stay in your water park. You do need to find the fossil for the creature using your expeditions.

“The name Leptocleidus means “slender clavicle” in Greek.” - Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus Information

Jurassic Park Builder Leptocleidus

Release Date: March 16 2013
PARK: Underwater
Buying Price: 158,100Jurassic Park coins
Selling Price: 79,050Jurassic Park coins
Feed Type: Crustaceans
Initial Egg Wait: 54:26:59
Research #1 Cost:
18,000Jurassic Park coinsx10

Research #2 Cost:
28,000Jurassic Park coinsx10

Research #3 Cost: Jurassic Park coinsx10
Egg Wait Time:  54:26:59


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Rating: 4.2/5 (17 votes cast)

How to find Fossil [Under Water Jurassic Park]

In the underwater section of the game, you can only find fossils through expeditions. Once you send your team to search for fossils you will get to select from 3 different tubes (FREE) if you select the right one you will get the fossil if any are found.

 Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus Evolution

The evolution for the Leptocleidus begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Leptocleidus. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game. When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form.

Once you have successfully evolved it into its second form, it will become a baby again and you will need to feed it to level 15 to become an adult again. Once your dinosaur reaches level 20 you can evolve it using the research center once again where once you completed evolving it, it will become a baby and will evolve into an adult at level 25.

*Level 30 and beyond

The developers added new levels and coloring for players that want to go beyond level 30.

Evolution 1 Completed Message: The habitat of the Leptocleidus was limited to small, lakes and freshwater ponds.
Evolution 2 Completed Message: The Leptocleidus avoided wider seas to stay clear of its bigger relatives.

*Special Note* We only document up to certain levels to give you an idea of the cost. As there is only one of these creatures in the game and if you have one you will need to feed it regardless of the price and earnings.

We only document certain evolution because the evolutions have become mere color changes.

Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus Earnings Chart

Due to the nature of Jurassic Park Builder, we only document earnings and food cost to give you a rough idea of how each one will cost.

Earning Rate: 3402 every 7 Hours

*****We only document up to certain levels because the max level increases when the developers increases the max level. This will give you a rough estimate of how much earn creature earns however, you can only collect one and will need to level it sooner or later.

Level Earnings Level Earnings Level Earnings
1  3402Jurassic Park coins/7 Hours 11  6888 21  10,374
2  3752 12  7238 22
3  4094 13  7588 23
4  4445 14  7930 24
5  4795 15  8281 25
6  5145 16  8631 26
7  5495 17  8981 27
8  5838 18  9331 28
9  6188 19  9674 29
10  6538 20  10,024 30

 Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus Food Chart

*****We only document up to certain levels because the max level increases when the developers increases the max level. This will give you a rough estimate of how much earn creature earns however, you can only collect one and will need to level it sooner or later.

Level Food Level Food Level Food
1  340 11  2,577 21  4,814
2  563 12  2,800 22
3  787 13  3,024 23
4  1,011 14  3,248 24
5  1,234 15  3,471 25
6  1,458 16  3,695 26
7  1,682 17  3,919 27
8  1,905 18  4,142 28
9  2,129 19  4,366 29
10 20 30

Jurassic Park Builder: Leptocleidus 

 Baby Adult
 Jurassic Park Builder Leptocleidus Evolution 1 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Leptocleidus Evolution 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Leptocleidus Evolution 2 Baby  Jurassic Park Builder Leptocleidus Evolution 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
  • JPBPlayer

    The most hardest DNA to find,it take me 25 to 30 tries to get it but none.The only way to get it is using the 5 bucks section.

    • Will

      Really? I think I got this one in a free.

      Hard to tell though, cause I am still researching the Elasmosaurus…

      • Will

        Yeah, I got this DNA in a Free Container