Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops

“The Triceratops had a 6 feet long frill, that’s as big as a tall person!” – Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Information
 Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 1 Adult
Release Date: Original
Buying Price: 200Jurassic Park coins
Selling Price: 100Jurassic Park coins
Feed Type: CropJurassic Park Builder Crop
Research #1 Cost:700
Egg Wait Time #1: 00:11:59
Research #2 Cost: 2150
Egg Wait Time #2:  00:11:59

 Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Evolution

The evolution for the Triceratops begins at level 5 where he comes an adult Triceratops. Most dinosaurs follow this order and will evolve when you feed it to the required level in your Jurassic Park Builder game.

When the dinosaur reaches level 10, you will need to evolve it using the research center which requires you to successfully evolve it into its next form. Once you have successfully evolved it into its second form, it will become a baby again and you will need to feed it to level 15 to become an adult again.

Once your dinosaur reaches level 20 you can evolve it using the research center once again where once you completed evolving it, it will become a baby and will evolve into an adult at level 25.

“The Triceratops was one of the last dinosaurs to disappear from the surface of the Earth.” – Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Research #1 Information
“The Triceratops could charge predators with its 3 striking horns, one above its mouth and 2 above its head.” – Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops  Research #2  Information

 Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Earnings Chart

Level Earnings Level Earnings Level Earnings
1  100Jurassic Park coins/5 Minutes 11 203/5 minutes 21  306
2  110 12  213 22
3  120 13  224 23
4  131 14  234 24
5  141 15  244 25
6  151 16  255 26
7  162 17  265 27
8  172 18  275 28
9  182 19  286 29
10  193/5 Minutes 20 296/5 minutes 30 400/5 minutes

 Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Food Chart

Level Food Level Food Level Food
1  10Jurassic Park Builder Crop 11  75 21  141
2  16 12  82 22
3  23 13  88 23
4  29 14  95 24
5  36 15  101 25
6  42 16  108 26
7  49 17  114 27
8  55 18  121 28
9  62 19  127 29
10 20 30  Jurassic Park Builder Crop

Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops Evolution Chart

 Baby Adult
Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 1 Baby Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 1 Adult
 Evolution #2
 Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 2 Baby Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 2 Adult
 Evolution #3
Jurassic Park Builder Triceratops Evolution 3 Adult

  26 Responses to “Jurassic Park Builder: Triceratops”

  1. How come the picture of the 3rd evolution is so different than my 3rd evolution triceratops.

    • Mee too, the 3rd evolution have the same skin than the 2nd.

      • Because they show it one behind if your 2nd evolution looks like their 3rd that’s normal check out my post on the dilophosaurus I have 4th evolution triceratops it has blue lines around its spots

  2. Why dont hou update the evolution

  3. So my triceratops is on level 29 and I and wondering if there is a 4th evo and how much would it cost

  4. Research #3 costs are 3,500 coins

  5. In the event that you are CRAZY enough to sell your Triceratops, it is apparently 200 coins to replace it.

  6. my triceratops does not look like anything like the 2 evolution even though its level 15

  7. Earning / Food
    Level 31: 407 / 207
    Level 32: 417 / 213
    Level 33: 428 / 220
    Level 34: 438 / 227
    Level 35: 448 / 233
    Level 36: 459 / 240
    Level 37: 469 / 246
    Level 38: 479 / 253
    Level 39: 489 / 260
    Level 40: 500

  8. It’s too easy buy your triceratops when you sell it then buy it again, My triceratops is at the next evolution after the first time you get it and when I had my triceratops at the 3rd evolution and it had a black mark around its eyes

  9. By the way, there is no 4th evolution, when it is lvl 39, and you feed it to it to lvl 40 it’s not going to have a 4th lvl, it’s level is MAXIMUM and no research

    • Actually, there are four different stages for each dinosaur. Lvl 1-10 counts as the first stage, 11-20 as second, 21-30 as third, and 31-40 as fourth. Even though there are only three research periods, there are still four evolutionary stages.

  10. it is super easy to fill it up 2 the MAX mine is already on max
    by the way i have 16 other dinos to level up to 40 which include…

    and Pterodactylus

  11. cool 😛

  12. Mine is on the MAX
    still need to get…

    and Allosaurus to MAX 😀

  13. How much does evolution 3# cost?

  14. Hey guys only my triceratops has reached to maximum size

  15. My triceratops is max

  16. My triceratops is maximum in size

  17. My triceratops is maximum in size

  18. I bet I’m one of the newest guys to play this game. My tri dino wants to be researched and evolved to it’s 3rd form. Is 8000 enough to just upgrade it?

  19. I am maxed out and only get 590 every 5 min

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