Nov 172012

This is good. LostWinds2: Winter of the Melodias is now FREE for a limited time! If players were looking to save money then picking up LostWinds2 is big savings because you’ll get to save about $3.99 in your library of games. We’ve actually been looking at LostWinds2 two for quite a while but we mostly recommend FREE games and now is the time!

LostWinds2 Winter of the Melodias icon

You can now pick up LostWinds2, Winter of the Melodias for FREE. It is made App of the Week in the App Store for players to experience it’s thrilling and beautifully designed graphics.

LostWinds or LostWinds2 are both platformer games that are filled with puzzles for you to solve and advance through. The most notable portions of this game is probably the graphics. The graphics put in simple terms is stunningly-beautiful. I think anyone playing (or see videos/screenshots) this game will say that there is something magically beautiful about the graphics in this game. The graphics in version 2 however does have a more lively feel but that’s because its the sequel to LostWinds.

You can check out LostWinds2 in your local App Store or through this link.

If you’re wondering if you should pick up the original LostWinds, then we recommend that you want until it does go free again. The title does seem to win many “App of the Week” awards and that’s when it goes free. We’ll keep you updated if that happens.

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