Marvel Contest of Champions is celebrating Lunar New Year for players on Apple iOS and Android devices with an all-new offer like the 4-star daily card subscription which will give players that purchase the subscription 3000 in total of 4-star hero crystal shards as well as a bonus 1,000 4-star hero crystal shards immediately. As you login to the game you will also get a message from the game team that is celebrating the Lunar New Year that states:
Greetings Summoners!
The Lunar New Year Event begins! Here is one Red Pocket and Greater Red Pocket to get you started!
More Red Pockets can be earned in the Lunar New Year Event Quest, the Lunar New Year Special Event Calender and the Lunar New Year Gifting Alliance Event.
For this event, we’ve also awards a Temporary Gifting Badge, which will grant you the ability to gift Red Pockets to your friends and alliance members if you do not already have the ability to Gift.
More details can be found in the message sent yesterday titled “Lunar New Year Event”
All of these events run from 01/24 until 02/06.
That means as you login to the game today you will receive 1x free Red Pocket Crystal as well as 1 Greater Red Pocket crystal and you can claim these immediately. There is also an event that can be played for the Lunar New Year that will give you various items like more Red Pocket crystals as well as 3-star crystals, iso8, gold and so forth. So be sure not to miss it for your game.
The Red Pocket crystals contain, gold, iso8, catalyst fragments and so forth.