Mermaid World: Aries Mermaid


The Aries Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to breed and only a few players will be able to breed one of these mermaid into their game. It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

Adventurous, energetic, courageous. Aries is the Sparkling mermaid you want on your side when the Domino’s fall!~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Aries Mermaid

Release Date: March 21 2013
Duration: 30 Days

Buying Price: 499Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 12 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Aries Rune

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.6/5 (28 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Aries Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition

About Aries Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Aries Mermaid is assumed to be obtained by using the Sparkle Pinkle Mermaid and Domino mermaid. ****This is confirmed!*******

-March 22 12:00AM EST UPDATE-

There is no confirmed combination. The Sparkle Pinkle and Domino mermaids were the hint but does not appear to work.

-March 22 12:00PM EST UPDATE-

Combination still not confirmed. Please save your pearls. The rates may be extremely low or Singing has not been enabled. Stay tuned.

-March 22 4:00 PM EST UPDATE-

Combination confirmed. Very low rate of Singing for this mermaid.

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 12 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Aries Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Aries Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Aries Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Aries Mermaid

Confirmation Video

  • NN mermaid

    Its my b-day tomorrow so i need aries.

    • [email protected] *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


    • Skizzle222

      Happy early birthday nn mermaid
      I really want her also before she’s gone

    • Alex

      Happy birthday!!! Hope u get this mermaid asap!!!!

      • NN mermaid

        Thank you both!

        • Thunder Claw

          Hey my BFF’s bday today!!!

    • justaclairemermaid

      I hope you get her! My bday is soon too!

    • Jona

      Happy b day NN mermaid

    • Zoey190

      Happy bday

    • Mariz

      Sparkle pinkle and domino but getting 16 hours with the combination. I wonder what mermaid its gonna be. I hope it’s one that I dont have yet.

  • NN mermaid

    She’s so beautiful! I LOVE her horns so lamby

    • [email protected] *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

      Her hair is a bit puffy!

      • Alex

        So whos hair isnt n why r u laughing whenbits soneone bday happy bday!!! Its also mine soon so i need this one she is diferent and beautiful!! I hope i get her!!

        • justaclairemermaid

          Me too! Happy birthday to everyone including me… And GO ARIES BIRTHDAYS! It’s kinda cool that we now have a mermaid for our symbol! So again HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL, HAPPYBITHDAY TO EVERYONE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!

        • NN mermaid

          Once again thank you so much for all of your kindness

          • [email protected] *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

            Wow lots of b days, I see… Well happy birthday!

    • Clarice

      Have a great birthday NN mermaid hope you get her!She’s a pretty cool mermaid and Good Luck!

  • Cynthialicius

    She is so beatiful but how get her…..???? Plis heeeellpp

  • Mermaidmaster

    Hullo, try using sparkle Pinkle and domino good luck yall

  • Angelviv

    It seems to be sparkling + domino

  • Angelviv

    Sorry its sparkle pinkle + domino

    • Jona

      That’s what I though

  • NN mermaid

    R u sure?

  • Clementine

    It’s really nice to see that the producers launch new mermaids quite often.^^

  • Giorgia

    I got her first try using sparkle pinkle and domino

    • Leon W Evans

      I don’t even think the combination is enabled yet – 9:00 PM Eastern Time.

      • [email protected] *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

        That’s weird how’d u get her?!

        • Giorgia

          I just read her little riddle thing and tried out Sparkle Pinkle + Domino. It was a lucky guess lol I don’t have to worry about not getting her now :D since my birthday is next Sunday. Happy Birthday Aries!!!!

          • [email protected] *:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

            Oh happy birthday lol

  • Skizzle222

    Please I need her tell me!

    • Skizzle222

      Hi me,

  • Maujassum

    Right now I am getting lum mermaid just in second try and trying to call Aries but no success but I will keep on trying good luck to all of you .

  • Breanna

    Make a video please

  • Karen

    I have tried from midnight when she arrived.20 tries now with no luck.

    • Sumi

      Same here

    • Mariz

      Me too. Still trying to get her for several days now with no luck. :(

  • Ms.Mermaid Expert

    How do you get her i need it to be confirmed

  • Haley

    Make a move on the Aries mermad

    • Haley

      I need to know how to get this mermaid

    • Haley

      I need to know how to get this mermaid.
      So thank you.

  • HP

    Combination for Aries is confirmed: Sparkle Pinkle and Domino, 12-hour singing and calling time. Got her after 3 tries

    • Kyoko-chan

      Oh gosh you’re lucky, I haven’t gotten her yet…

  • Weirdo Space Dude

    I love her and especially her horns; I think the tail design is similar on all zodiac mermaids, just different colors. I hope I can get her! Right now, my mermaids are singing for a 6-hour singing time. I hope I get her on my second try, but it’s a log shot. Also, my first Crustacea mermaid is arriving. But I also know that a 6-hour singing time will be no good because I have all of the 1-trait, 2-trait, and 3-trait mermaids. I’m also have blue nova, ember, Electra, Midas, and Crustacea is on her way.

    • Clarice

      All the Zodiac mermaids have that same exact TAIL even the DESIGN.

  • Weirdo Space Dude

    I think I’ve been pretty lucky, because I started in late January.

  • Derpy Doo

    Combination confirm: Pinkle Sparkling and Domino

    Took 5 tries

  • Lemeeelie

    IT was Easy to get her i got her on the 3 try keep doing IT and it Will work

    • Clarice

      Yep.You’re right,I took long break from her cause I was busy trying to call the Prism Princess and Robata.Then,last night I tried to call her but,I got her today on the third too.Why do the good ones have to take forever to get(Robata,Prism Princess)?Also, why does the singing and arrival have to take forever(like a long time to call and arrive)EX:47:59:59,19:59:59,35:59:59,15:9:59,9:59:59,11:59:59

      Seriously! I hate that when they take forever like the (examples of the timer)!That’s so,annoying when you’re getting a desired mermaid but,takes them a long time to come into your realms!Annoying.Right?

  • Bria

    It’s not working after so many tries and they are now both singing for 16 hours, boring!!!

  • HungerGamesLover

    I got a 10 hour sing time. :( how long do I have to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • PenelopeNeptune

    Really excited about this mermaid! My birthday is Sunday so I’m trying to get as soon as I can! :D And Aries birthdays do rock XD

  • -Cupcakes an’ muffin’ -

    Turns out I’m not getting her. I thought I was though.

  • Melanie foot hart

    I think I got her not sure but I used sparkle pinkel mermaid and domino mermaid ?

  • Cupcakecat

    I have a 12 hour sing time. Hope it’s her! I used sparkle pinkle and domino. Luv the new mermaids that came out

  • NN mermaid

    YES!! I got a twelve hour mermaid with sparkle pinkle and domino! Best B-Day EVER!

  • NN mermaid

    I LOVE ARIES!!!!

  • Annie

    She is my zodiac mermaid I really really want to get her!!!!!!! I’ve been trying like everyday since she was announced

  • luszaa

    does it matter how mood their are ? girls if you can writte about the mood, i keep trying! my sparkle was escatic is happy now and domino is escatic.

    • luszaa

      yeah !!!! 3 times after i got her !! 12h singing… happy sparkle and escatic domino :) good luck girls

  • Robyn

    Guys if you call sparkle pinkle and domino. ON 59SC THAT WILL TOLTY NOT WORK. YOU WILL GET THE MAIN MERMIADS OK!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Jodie

      What do you mean? :o

      • Robyn

        I mean if you wanted Aries really really wanted her like you will die if you don’t have her. So you call Sparkle Pinkle & Domino then they sing but the sing was short. When you tap finish song in bubble you can see the main mermiads. That means you didn’t get Aries.

  • Skully

    She looks pretty cool. I wonder what the June Gemini will look like

  • Zippy

    She is so hard to get

  • Cc

    She’s for sure a stubborn one. Been tryin since she came out and still no luck. Guess ill just keep tryin haha

  • Maujassum

    Hi everybody I am pleased to say that I got lum ,diamond swam and now going to get Aries mermaid my domino and sparkle Pinkle are singing sing time is 12 hrs it was my 5th try I really like Aries mermaid she is beautiful every one with Aries sign happy birthday mine is June Gemini waiting for that mermaid wish you all good luck .

  • eddddiiiieee123

    aries is so hard to get,ive tried like 20 times and got 3 mermaids that i didnt have and like 17 that i have gotten,i got Tigra,Koi and Tropicana,why wont it let me get her its so hard!!:(

    • Annie

      I know how you feel I keep getting 6hours I really want her

  • Lilly

    I cant wait till my zodiac mermaid. I’m born September 1st, which one am I again? Virgo?…. Can someone tell me?

    • KitKat

      Yes you are a virgo

  • ctaylor

    four tries down and no luck so far

  • Rdeg

    I love this game and it has taken about 6 tries but I finally got Aries! I did not stop till I got her. I’m an Aries so I needed her! She is awesome!!! She is not an easy one but keep trying and you should get her!

  • Annie

    Has the singing been allowed yet? I’ve tried and I keep getting 6 hours, 10, 16 hours all but the 12 hours needed to get her.

  • Becks2322

    Can someone please help me my game is bugged I can’t collect any more coins and don’t know what to do I’m trying to get the realm for 1.2 gold and my game is stuck at 1.0 please some one help I play on my I phone 5 if that matters ?

  • MWorld

    More than then tries so far:(

  • Cc

    AAHHHHHHHH! Finally got a 12 hour sing time! Been at it nonstop since she came out, she’s one that’s really stubborn so don’t give up. I got a lot of 6, 10, 16, and lower sing times, but like the video says you’re combining 5 different colors together which opens many different mermaid options.

  • ilovepie12379

    got her on the day she came out!!! :):(:):(:););(;)

  • ilovepie12379


  • ilovepie12379


  • ilovepie12379


  • ilovepie12379

    pppppppiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) :) :) :) :) :) …… ;|

  • ilovepie12379


  • ctaylor

    :( eight tries and still no luck

  • ctaylor

    That is eight tries at $3,790 each time and not one of them have been 12 hours worth. 6 hours, 3 hours, 1hour and on and on. :( I am killing my coin for nothing. ALl it got me was another Sweet water, Fuschia, Tigerlily, Stinger, Sparkle Pink, ….. did get a Twinkle tail out of it.

  • Annie

    I’ve tried to get this mermaid since it came out and I’ve had no luck at all. I’ve tried at least 20 times

    • Lizzie

      Got her first go :)

  • Lizzie

    Yay :)))))))

  • Pocahontas

    Somebody remind me – why is it fun to keep doing the same thing over & over and then wait hours to find out it didn’t work anyway? That’s right, it’s not!

  • ctaylor

    okay up to 10 tries and still no luck. am i doing something wrong it is sparkle pink and domino right??

  • Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    I have tried to get her a lot but she still hasn’t showed up yet :(

  • Calvin

    I still can’t get her :( domino + sparkle pinkle = aries, right? Been trying up to 10times but still can’t get her :( lost so many pearls,lost my time sometimes i have to wake up in the midnight just for her :( so saddddd

  • Nickie

    This mermaid is my nemesis along with prism! Arghh they do not want to come! Grr

    • Clarice

      Same thing with Prism Princess I’m getting angry and so is my sister she’s been dying for Prism Princess ever since she first saw the Prism Princess.

  • Kandikokane

    This mermaid eludes me she just won’t come but I’m not giving up especially since I just got tiger tail

  • teenzie

    I think I finally got her!!!! 12 hrs singing time. Keep trying! Thought I got her last night with 10hrs singing time but it is actually Koi who I also needed too!

  • Clarice

    I got today on the Third Try!
    Second:Carbon Night

    • Clarice

      I meant to say:I got her today!
      Sorry bout that!
      I just wasn’t proof reading!

  • Abby

    I’ve tried 40+ times for this mermaid with no luck.

    • Abby

      Finally got her ;) only took 50+ tries. I should’ve just bought her with my pearls, haha oh well.

  • Jarek

    Sparkle Pinkle Mermaid and Domino mermaid it them i just made the sing for the 10 try to get Aries and it her 12 hrs :D all I got 8 LE :) =D

  • Jarek

    I missed some of the LE my game gli he’d and would not let me on I got Aquarius,jade sunstar, joie, Stella star, lum the umm the Irish one for got name of the Mirmaid and this one on her way :D to me forever to get lim got her on her last day ._. I was lucky I want lum the most

  • Jarek

    Glitched :3

  • Jarek

    The to it took

    • Jarek

      Ahhhh f**king spell cheak it say the the to is took I hate this ipad

  • Jarek

    Spell cheak on ipad chaned lum in to lim

  • Mermaid fanatic

    So hard!!!Ti get her!!!! Ughghghg

  • Violet

    What does 16 hours with these two mean??

  • Temptress

    Hey I think I’m getting her on my first try! I used sparkle pinkle and domino 12 hours sing time so far I’ll keep u all posted :D

  • Lily

    Hi could someone possibly help me, I’ve used the marigold and the oynx mermaid and its taking 16 hours, could anyone possibly help me out to who I’ve got xx

    • Halimah

      Hi Lily, it is highly likely that you have got the domino mermaid because the colour traits are black, yellow and white and because the domino has a 16 hour sing and call time!
      Add me on game centre: Halimah.8

      • Halimah

        Hi guys if a rare mermaid only had a few hours left like 2 or 3 and you were in the middle of a 12 hour sing time, would u still get her??? Xxx

  • Lucy

    I got her

  • ctaylor

    20 plus tries still no luck, mostly repeats with only two newbies out of it a twinkle tail and a silver song

  • Hitoride

    I have never had a mermaid this difficult to get! What the heck?

  • Riverstar

    It was my b day on April seventeenth and my b day party’s tomorrow, but she’ll be gone by then. Gotta get her now!!! I’m singing for her right now, but the sing time is ten hours. :( Soo Close!!!!!

  • DaisySparkle

    I can’t believe that I didn’t get Aries!!!
    My b day was April 7th and I’m Aries!!!
    No point on getting Taurus because that’s not my fire sign!
    I wish had pearls to get her.