Mermaid World: Blue Belle Mermaid


The Blue Belle Mermaid a hybrid mermaid in Mermaid World she combines two different traits into one fantastic mermaid for your collection of mermaids in the game. She has black  hair with purple coloring all around and is one adorable creature of the sea!

Quiet by nature, she secretly likes to tickle the sea vegetation on the ocean floor. The resulting giggles causes eruption of waves. ~ Game Description

 Mermaid World Blue TraitMermaid World Yellow Trait

Mermaid World Blue Belle Mermaid

Trait: Yellow/Blue
Rarity: Easy
Class: Hybrid Mermaid

Buying Price: 49Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 60Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 5 Minutes
Call Time: 5 Minutes

Traits:  Mermaid World Blue TraitMermaid World Yellow Trait

Favorite Trinkets: Tea Set


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 3.9/5 (16 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Blue Belle Mermaid Key Features

  • Purple hair
  • Hybrid Mermaid
  • Dark purple-like appearance
  • Elegant feel
About Blue Belle Mermaid
The Blue Belle Mermaid can be purchased for 49Mermaid World Pearls in the game or you can call one using the Aqua Mermaid and Citrine Mermaid.

Mermaid World: Blue Belle Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Blue Belle Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

 3 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Blue Belle Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Blue Belle Mermaid
  • Ken

    I got her by mixing fuchsia + kelp

  • Shea sabus

    I got her by doing the way it said up there so I have no idea how u got her That way?

  • Jona

    I just can’t get her i tried what do you think?

  • Jona

    Is it about 60 mins ?

  • Mermaid Expert

    Dear Jona,
    So glad that you asked for my help! For Blue Belle, I actually have 5 combos that I can recall using! All worked, and I’m sure that there’s even more combos out there! Keep in mind that all of them might not work the first time :) Hope this Helps…… Good Luck :)
    1. Twinkle-tail and Fuchsia
    2. Marigold and Sunkiss
    3. Marigold and Laua
    4. Fuchsia and Kelp
    5. Aqua and Citrine

    • Savannah

      i am on level 21 and i have
      charming violet
      blue belle
      tiger lilly
      twinkle tail
      honey dew

      • Savannah

        i forgot glimmer rose and velvet twist

  • Mermaid Expert

    If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

    • Teddy

      Teddy says:
      January 18, 2013 at 10:37 am
      Hey Mermaid Expert!
      I got real trouble trying to get sweetwater, honeydew, and tiger lily. Got any advice for any of them? Also, I only have these mermaids: aqua, citrine, fuchsia, coral, velvet twist, kelp, lotus, charming violet, blue belle and luau. Do you know how to combine any of these to make another mermaid? Thank you! x

  • Phoebe

    I can’t get her!! :(

  • Shauna

    I got her by using the citrine and the aqua mermaids hope you all get her!!

  • Teddy

    Hey Mermaid Expert!
    I got real trouble trying to get sweetwater, honeydew, and tiger lily. Got any advice for any of them? Also, I only have these mermaids: aqua, citrine, fuchsia, coral, velvet twist, kelp, lotus, charming violet, blue belle and luau. Do you know how to combine any of these to make another mermaid? Thank you! :) x

  • Trina

    I have the mermaid, but every time I explore for her favorite trinket, I can’t find it!

  • Bella

    I had at one point but then I think I might of solo
    how said goodbye

  • Danielle

    I got her using charming violet an honey dew

  • Keileigh

    I got her with emrield and limelight

  • Ellen

    I got the blue belle from using the aqua and honeydew mermaid

    • Alexa

      I am trying that right now it takes like 5 hours or more

  • Alyssa

    I did not get it I tried everything the comments even on the very top how do I get Blue Bella

  • Ace is the place that needs TO SHUT UP lol

    I used aqua and citrine I named both aqua is Liana citrine is Maddison

  • Ace is the place that needs TO SHUT UP lol

    Oh and yeah I’m getting her so I can call twinkle tail

  • Haleyjade2002

    Get a fuchsia and a kelp x

  • Lana

    Does anyone know why the blue belle makes angry faces occasionally?