Mermaid World: Capricorn Mermaid


The Capricorn Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to breed and only a few players will be able to breed one of these mermaid into their game. It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

This majestically horned Capricorn mermaid represents one of the winter Zodiac signs. While their headpieces are tough like carbon, they might surprise you with their sweet laughter as a light as foam.~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Capricorn Mermaid

Release Date: Jan. 5th 2013
Duration: 15 Days

Buying Price: 709Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  12 Hours
Arrive Time: 6 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Capricorn Rune

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.6/5 (26 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Capricorn Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors
  • Limited edition

About Capricorn Mermaid

There is no confirmed combination yet. We will update page once it has been confirmed.

The Capricorn Mermaid can be obtained by using the Seafoam Mermaid and Carbon Night mermaid

The sing/call time is 12 hours and the arrive time is 6 hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Capricorn Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Capricorn Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Capricorn Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Capricorn Mermaid

Confirmation Video

  • Emily

    It seafoam and carbon night mermaid!

    • lola

      what will happen if i sing to limited editition mermaids together??

    • CATH

      Hum… Is it for sure that the arrive time is 6 hours?? Because for me the arrive time was also 12 hours…

  • Breanna

    Ok but how do I summon her?

  • Hitoride

    Did you try it and it worked? The hint also days sweet laughter, so maybe the sweet water mermaid and the carbon night mermaid?

    • Da Mermaid Wurld Professr

      No. It’s carbon night and seafoam because if it was capitalized like Sweet then it would be it. But it isn’t. If you need help, check the game description.
      Hope I helped. :)

  • Shae

    Sing time is 16 hours, I think.

    • lola

      no its not i got 16 hrs the bubble shadow looks like her kinda but its sea dragon,i was so excited

  • Kacy

    Are you sure?? It says ??? Belle and ???? Mermaid up there

  • naturalgoodness

    Its definitely carbon night and seafoam. 12 hours singing and 6 hours arriving. I’ve tried it and got the mermaid

    • Lulu

      HOW DID U DO IT? IT DIDNT WORK WITH ME!….. The sing time14 min with carbon and sea foam

      • Rakeem

        Try and try again, Trust you’ll get her.

        I got her on my 3rd try.

  • Wendy

    Found!!! Carbon and seafoam!!!

  • Rylan

    But it sys carbon. Foam. Sweet. So it could be sweet water as well

  • Rakeem

    I got her with Seamfoam and Carbon Night. She is so pretty, I can’t wait to see scorpio…..Hoping scorpio is gold and not red.

  • Ken A.W.

    Carbon night and sweetwater mermaid. Easy! So…. Let’s rock!

    • Da Mermaid Wurld Professr

      No. You’re not gonna get her with the wrong combination. It’s carbon night and seafoam, not sweetwater.

  • Ariel

    Does it matter which order becos I am getting nothing

    • Rakeem


  • Emily

    Can’t wait for pices!!! Or however you spell it, random bunny!!!!!

  • Mermaid Expert

    It’s for sure carbon and seafoam! I found the mermaid. For all of you who are wondering why you didn’t get her, you have to understand something. This game is about luck and chance.
    Yes. There are specific combos you should use, but you hardly ever get the mermaid on the first try. You have to keep trying. For the next few days, I highly recommend continually using carbon an seafoam over and over again to get Capricorn before she expires. Keep trying guys! I know you can get it!
    Hope this helps!
    Leave other questions on other mermaid profile pages because I have almost all of them!
    Just ask for Mermaid Expert.

    • Michele

      After repeated tries I know have a 16 hour wait time using Carbon and Seafoam. Could it still be Capricorn or someone else??
      Thank you in advance (:

      • Jane

        I got sea dragon from the same combination, 16 hours singing. Just keep trying!

    • Mermaid Expert

      Hey guys! Sorry, I should have posted this earlier :)
      But I just wanted to let you all know that the call time was 12 hours and the arrival time was 6 hours for me!

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • Stevi212

        The thing about this carbourn night and sea foam the sight isn’t always giving use the right information because as you said it is all about chance because I put velvet twist and koi and got her strait away so it’s the traits not the mermaid you need to rely on the spesific mermaid in case anyone else is reading the colours you need are:

        Black,red,blue,white and green
        Thanks conor!
        Remember it’s just about colours!

  • Ciecie

    I saw the last limited edition mermaid ( celebration) and it gave you the hints i thought it was carbon and seafoam but i came here to check incase i could be wasting time

  • Ciecie

    Mermaid expert do you have the prism princess she is like impossible

    • Mdoll

      Use Diamonte and diamond swan. I got two of her (the prism princess) already its easily done.

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear Ciecie,

      I do have prism princess. It did take me a long time, and I’ve read that only a few players can get her because she is super rare! Mdoll is correct. I used the Diamante Mermaid and the Diamond Swan Mermaid to call for her. I took me a few tries, but if there are any two mermaids that would be likely to obtain the Prism Princess, it’s those two.
      Hope this helps! Good Luck :)
      Oh and btw… I’m not sure if the sweet water mermaid works with seafoam or carbon to make Capricorn, (which might work) but I do know that seafoam and carbon defiantly work. Confirmed!
      Keep trying, Mermaid Expert :)

  • Christine

    Ohhh so you have to use coco and onyx to get seafoam???!!! Thats wierd :/

    • Mermaid Expert

      Actually Christine, it’s coco and kelp to get seafoam. Not onyx :)

      Hope this Helps… From the Mermaid Expert

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids, and I check back to look at my replys!

      • Rakeem

        How do i make Ember and Temptress?

        If i use any limited addition mermaid, will i get a rare mermaid?

        • Aimee

          Koi and Isis will summon Ember and Electra. Temptress is Isis and Domino. Just summoned her on the second attempt. You will know its her, the summon time is crazy, 36 hours and Arrival time 36 hours.

      • Summer

        Hi Mermaid Expert, what about Blue Nova? My Sea Dragon’s best friend is Blue Nova and I want to make her happy XD Also how do we sing for Diamante and Diamond Swan? All these mermaids seem such a mystery!

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear Summer, all of those mermaids are definitely very mysterious! I’m glad you asked for my help. :) The Magical, Celestial, Gem and Galactical mermaids are all very rare, and hard to obtain. You have to be very lucky since only a few players are able to get all or some of them.But it’s not just all luck. You have to use some select combos. These wont work for everyone, but they are the definite traits you should use, since I ran across some of these mermaids with these combos. I’m sure there are many more combos out there! Hope this helps! Good Luck :)

          Blue Nova- Koi+Celestia, Celestia + Sea Dragon
          Diamond Swan- Midas and Fortunate Swirl
          Diamante- Midas and Crustacea

          If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

          • Summer

            Thank you very much Mermaid Expert! I’ll try these out and experiment some more :)

    • Hannah

      It’s not coco and kelp at all. That’s just silly. Seafoam is a 2 trait mermaid. A combination of opal and kelp. Why in the world would you breed a 2 trait mermaid like Coco (opal/onyx) with a single trait mermaid to get a 2 trait mermaid. That’s round about and weird. O.o Seafoam is simply Opal and Kelp… No Coco needed. Geeze. And you call yourself and expert. Lol. Of course you can get a Seafoam from Coco and Kelp, but you’ll also get Kelp, Opal, Onyx, Calypso, and Sea Dragon!! Oi. With Opal and Kelp you can only get Opal, Kelp, and Seafoam. Your chances arse much better.

      • Summer

        Hi Hannah. You’re contradicting yourself by saying “It’s not coco and kelp at all”, then saying “Of course you can get a Seafoam from Coco and Kelp”. I know what you’re trying to point out, but I think you could have said it more nicely. Mermaid Expert has been kind to try and help Christine, and while you’re correct also, perhaps Coco and Kelp had better chances of getting Seafoam.

        I for one have not gotten the Luau Mermaid until now despite having put my Aqua and Kelp mermaids to sing together for countless times, just so you know. And I’d thought Luau would be easy.

        I’d suggested Fuchsia + Belladonna/Vapor or Vapor + Belladonna to Shreema so she could get Carbon Night, instead of just Fuchsia + Onyx as I kept getting Fuchsia and Onyx mermaids in the end. Fuchsia and Belladonna worked for me, so I suggested that. Even Mermaid Expert said that “I can officially confirm that Fuchsia + Belladonna works. As does Fuchsia +Vapor, and Vapor+ Belladonna. But a simpler one is Fuchsia and Onyx!” Mermaid Expert acknowledged that too, so obviously she knows what you’re trying to tell her. But she’s just suggesting what worked for her, that’s all. I don’t think that “and you call yourself an expert” slamming was necessary. She’s right, you’re right too. Don’t be like that. Peace!

      • Mermaid Expert

        Hi everyone, its Mermaid Expert
        I recently got slammed by a user called “Hannah” about some info and advice that I recently gave on Seafoam. (All of this info is actually true). Luckily an incredibly awesome supporter of mine named Summer helped me out. Thanks Summer! She’s also got some good tips for this game! Her articulate and outstanding post to support me was so sweet :) I mean it’s not like this is Facebook or anything! Why do people need to be mean? The single reason that I started posting was because I love to help people and I really like this game. I’ve been playing for a while, and I have all but two mermaids! So clearly “Hannah” is a new user since she doesn’t know that multiple trait mermaids and single mermaids CAN make double trait mermaids. Often it’s random! I had said earlier that coco and kelp can make seafoam. For some reason she didn’t believe me. But I can OFFICIALLY CONFIRM that that is how I got me seafoam. It only took one try. She said kelp and opal worked better. I you scroll down, you can see that users have asked me for help in seafoam because they’ve been trying opal and kelp an they HAVEN’T BEEN WORKING. So if you look at my first post on seafoam’s page, you’ll see some quality advice!

        If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

        • Summer

          You’re welcome Mermaid Expert :) I’m just glad I could help; no one deserves to be treated that way. I really do appreciate what you’re doing for everyone here, giving us tips and advice and the like!

          • Emily

            Hi, I have a random question. Can you sing this mermaid?

  • Yenz

    Hi Mermaid expert is it necessary that carbon and seafoam mermaids to be ecstatic when they sing together to get capricorn mermaid?

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear Yenz, Aimee is correct! Unless there is some crazy rare mermaid out there, mermaids don’t have to be ecstatic to sing. All of my mermaids are either neutral or above, but I’m sure you could even make mermaids sing that are unhappy!
      Hope this helps :) Good luck!

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • Yenz

        Carbon and seafoam cirrently singing now it’s a 10 hours wait I hope I get Capricorn now ;) fingers crossed ;)

  • Aimee

    I used ecstatic Seafoam and a neutral Carbon Night, took me 3 attempts to summon Capricorn. I had a sing time of 10 hour and arrival time of 6 hours.

    • Yenz

      I see thanks :)

  • Yenz

    Do both mermaids need to be ecstatic?

  • shreema

    how to get carbon night i just don’t get her how much ever i try plsssss help me

    • Summer

      You just keep putting mermaids who have her traits together. Like Fuschia + Belladonna/Vapor, or Vapor + Belladonna. Took me a few tries, but you’ll get Carbon Night eventually. Good luck!

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear Shreema,

      Summer had some great ideas on combos! I can officially confirm that Fuchsia + Belladonna works. As does Fuchsia +Vapor, and Vapor+ Belladonna. But a simpler one is Fuchsia and Onyx!
      Hope this helps… Good luck :)

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • Ashley

        Mermaid expert
        Hay any advice on gaining coins ?
        It’s so challenging to get more realms the realms cost a lot

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear Ashley, Thanks for asking for my help! There are many efficient ways to gaining coins :) Something helpful to keep an eye out for is the amount of coins that each mermaid makes per minute. More advanced mermaids such as three trait mermaids or mermaids that have opal or onyx traits tend to make more money per minute. Those coins will eventually add up, and then you will have enough for another realm! Something else to remember is that in this game it takes money to make money. If you send a mermaid exploring, it may cost money, but you can sell some rare items for lots of money!
          Also, If you summon an advanced mermaid that you may already have, they sell for lots of money, an you get extra level points! :)
          You can also always purchase coins!
          Hope this helps! Good luck :)

      • Ashley

        Mermaid expert
        I still haven’t got Capricorn lol sucks
        Using carbon and seafoam. And no luck

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear Ashely, hi again! Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to get specialty mermaids. You can only purchase them with a crazy amount of pearls, and they are only available for a short period of time. What many have noticed about this mermaid is that there were three mermaids mentioned in this hint: Carbon Night, Seafoam, and Sweetwater. I can confirm that seafoam and carbon night work, (since that’s how I got mine) but I advise everyone who is still experimenting to add Sweetwater to the mix. Try using her with either Carb. Or sea..
          What I do when it comes to specialty mermaids is I do Speed summoning. For the amount of time given, summon over and over again with the same combo(s) so that you have a better chance of getting the mermaid. Hope this helps! Good Luck :)

          If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

  • Dottie

    Capricorn took me 16 hours both call and arrival time.

    • Dottie

      I lied! Ended up being Sea Dragon which is still pretty awesome!

  • Summer

    May have Capricorn. I just got a 10-hour sing time. Fingers crossed!

  • Vee

    Finally got the Capricorn mermaid from Carbon Night and Seafoam :)

  • NN mermaid

    Mermaid expert what mermaids are you missing

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear NN Mermaid,
      I know it sounds funny, but I actually have a lot of hard advanced mermaids like prism princess and diamante, but I just haven’t had the time to get ones like temptress and ember, even though I know what to do to summon them! The reason I don’t have those two is because I don’t have the last realm, and I’m working on getting it. So when I do have the time and coins, I’ll get those two! :) thanks for asking!

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

  • J

    Hello, Mermaid Expert,
    Mermaid Expert, do you have any tips on getting the Seafoam mermaid? I have Carbon Night, so that’s half of what I need to get Capricorn, but it just seems impossible to get the Seafoam mermaid! Can you help me? I’ve tried the Kelp and Opal mermaids countless times, but I can’t get Seafoam! The only other way that might get Capricorn is possibly Carbon Night and Sweetwater, and I have those 2 calling right now. Do you know of another higher-chance way to obtain Seafoam? It would really help a lot!

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear J, thanks for asking for help! I have tons of advice on seafoam! Funny you should mention not getting her with opal and kelp… A user called “Hannah” said that that’s the best way to get her, (even though it isn’t) after slamming me :(. But my best advice is actually on Seafoam’s profile page. Look for my first post :) it’s pretty long, but has some good, real advice! It’s all about her and how she helps to get Capricorn! I got her by using coco and kelp! I only had to try once! I also posted a big Capricorn post earlier on this page. Just scroll way up! I think its my first post. I also read your other post after this one, and I agree completely with you. Great minds think alike! I got my Capricorn with seafoam and carbon, and I’m not sure if Sweetwater would work or not. I doubt it though since lots of people have said that Sea. And Carb. Also worked for them. Be sure to check the seafaom and capicorn posts on their pages. Hope this helps! Good luck :)

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

  • J

    Hey, I tried the Carbon Night + Sweetwater and it gave me the Sparkle Pinkle mermaid, not Capricorn like some people assumed it may. It is still possible, though, that you could get the Capricorn mermaid from that combo, but I assume it’s more difficult to get. I don’t plan on trying it again though, I’m still working on getting Seafoam so I can call Carbon Night + Seafoam to get the Capricorn mermaid. But I guess that sort of answers some questions. If you can get Capricorn with Carbon Night and Sweetwater, it’s most likely a very low chance, lower than usual. It’s all a game of chance! So, I would recommend doing Carbon Night and Seafoam rather than trying Carbon Night + Sweetwater/Seafoam + Sweetwater. But, if you’re willing, try Carbon Night/Seafoam + Sweetwater and try your luck! -J

  • J

    Mermaid Expert,
    Thanks for replying so quickly to my post asking about Seafoam! So if I try Coco and Kelp I should get Seafoam, but what is the singing and arriving time? Just so I can know if I got it right. Thanks for the great tips! How long have you played Mermaid World that you know about and have so many of the mermaids? It’s really impressive, to tell the truth! I hope you can be a good guide if I have a question on another mermaid, too! Thanks for the advice,

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear J, I cannot express to you how much your kind words mean to me! :) If you scroll up on this page quite a bit, you’ll see that earlier today I was harshly slammed by a user called “Hannah”. She said that my advice was bad and she said “and you call yourself a real expert… Lol). She didn’t think that kelp and coco worked for seafoam, when in fact I can confirm that that is how I got mine! I love getting feedback and support. And your reply to my reply has been the nicest yet :) you can always count on me for questions, because so far I’ve been able to answer any that have come my way! Most of my activity goes on on this page and the seafoam page. I’ve been playing for about 2 years. (I know that makes me sound like I don’t have a life) :) but I play whenever I have free time or am bored :) if I can recall, the sing time was 2 or 3 hours. Hope this helps! Good luck :) thanks for being a great supporter! Ask me anything any time J!

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • Jecaa

        Hello Mermaid Expert I was wondering if you could tell me with what combos do I breed Midas, Fortunate Swirl and Crustacea? Because I read in one of your comments above that you need those combos to breed Diamanté and Diamond Swan? Thanks for your help n_n

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear Jecaa, there are probably several combos, but I have one or two that worked for me for each of them! :)

          Midas- I recently got ember, actually just a few says ago :) so I used ember and Electra. I’ve heard that ember and Temptress also work! (But I can’t officially confirm that last one) :)

          Fortuna Swirls- Temptress and Electra (I actually also just got temptress mermaid recently too!)

          Crustacea- I used Blue Nova + Electra, but I also know that Blue Nova + Ember work too! Hope this helps! Good Luck :)

          If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • S

        I am confused as to how you have played mermaid world for 2 years since it was only released this past November?

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear S, sorry for the confusion. I think you may be talking about the different/updated version, because the one that I have on my phone came out a while ago, and it is correct that I have been playing for 2 years. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. :) hope this info was useful!

          • s

            yeah I have looked and don’t see anything that confirms what you are saying…just wondering why you would make this up…

          • Mermaid Expert

            Um s, I didn’t make it up. I’m being honest. It’s kind of rude to say something like that since all I do is help people. I’ve been really busy for a while, and it’s really upsetting to come back to this. Clearly you aren’t doing a great job of finding your information, because it is a fact that the VERSION I PLAY has been out for a long time, and I have been playing for two years. Please stop calling me a liar. I love to help people, so I don’t understand why you have to be so negative.

        • Hayley

          S, look what you did. You hannah and stevi12 or whatever made mermaid expert LEAVE. Mermaid expert was awsome and she helped us get mermaids. She always gave us lots of good advice, and its realy rude to say that she “makes stuff up”. Ive never seen a question that she hasnt been able to answer. She updates often, and has lots of ppl who follow her posts. I for one must have the same version as she did, because Ive played for 9 months. I ALSO did reaserch that said that there IS another version, therefore i CAN CONFIRM that. So just because your ignorant, doesn’t mean you should go make someone else feel bad about it.Hope you feel good about all this. Nice job. Now lots ppl will be upset.

          If anybody else feels upset about this, plz comment. We miss Mermaid Expert.

          • Hayley

            ooops. not stevi12 or whatever. never mind on that one.

          • Haley

            Hi 2nd Haley!!!!!

        • Camille

          God S. Why did u have to be so mean? U made a lot of ppl mad. Super sorry mermaid expert. We all love what youve done. We are sorry that your truthfulness was questioned, like u said. We miss u. Lets show our support guys :)

  • Yenz

    Very sad.. Still not getting capricorn mermaid.. I hope i dont miss her ;(

  • Sshannin

    Hi everyone,
    This looks like a friendly and very knowledgable board! Everyone seems very helpful!
    I have been trying to get Capricorn mermaid since they put her out with sea foam/carbon night combo. I have tried at least a dozen times and no luck so far :-(

    However my question is …. I just had a 12 hour singing time and its a 10 hour arrival time, the shadow doesn’t appear to be Capricorns and when I look at the mermaids I can’t figure out who it is going to be. Anyone have any ideas?

    • Sshannin

      It was Silver Song if anyone was curious :-)

  • J

    The new Winter special edition mermaid was just released! Did you guys hear? They don’t have a page for her yet, though. It has hints of how to call her: “Celestial” and “Crystal”. Celestial obviously means the Celestia mermaid, but there’s no ‘Crystal mermaid’. I was thinking it might be the Silver Song mermaid. What do you guys think? There’s only 7 days to get the Winter mermaid so I was hoping for suggestions on what the Crystal mermaid could mean and good combos to make both mermaids, since I have them unlocked.

    • Rakeem

      It is celestia and crystaline.

      • Yenz

        Hi j, didncelestia ang crystaline worked to get the winter mermaid? Mine is singing right now and im getting a 12 hour sing time.. Fingers crossed..

        • J

          Celestia & Crystaline should work, I’m still calling though. I believe 12 hours is correct. I have my fingers crossed for the both of us!

          • Yenz

            Oooohhh I hope we get her ;) goodluck ;)

  • Rakeem

    It’s crystaline and celestia.

  • yenz

    hi mermaid expert,
    Do u have any idea on how long it takes to get the winter mermaid? Btw, I got Capricorn last night, thanks for the advice :) It’s really great what your doing here :)

    • Rakeem

      It is celestia and crystaline. :P

      • Yenz

        Thanks Rakeem… :)

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear Yenz, thanks for the acknowledgment! The mermaid literally just came out so obviously I don’t have it. :) people keep saying Celestia and and Crystalline, which is most likely it, but the hint also said swirls. Fortuna Swirls! That may be an option, but Crystalline and Celestia still seem more likely! Lets go guys! I know we can get her :)

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • yenz

        Oh :( I hope it’s celestia and crystaline though cause I don’t have Fortuna Swirls yet..

        • Mermaid Expert

          Me too! It seems like Celestia and Crystalline :)

        • Mermaid Expert

          Dear Yenz,
          Btw, thanks SO much for all of your kind words, questions, and support :) it means A lot. I promise that I’ll keep you all updated on the winter mermaid, (I’m working on her right now). It will most likely be Crystalline and Celestia. Hope we can get a confirmation video soon! I’m happy to answer ANY question you may have. You can count on me :) CONGRATS!!! You did it :) Capricorn is yours! So excited to help when the other zodiac mermaids come out! Great job for everyone who succeeded with Capricorn! I KNOW that all of you who are still trying will get her! Good Luck :)

          If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

    • Mermaid Expert

      Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been a bit preoccupied :) Just wanted to give an update and mention that I got The Winter Mermiad using Celestia and Crystalline. It was a Sing time of 12 hours and an arrival time of 6 hours. For anyone who is getting discouraged, keep trying! You can’t expect to always gt the Mermaid on the first few tries :( but you have to stick with it, and don’t give up! I believe in all of you, and I know you’ll get there! :) good luck! Hope this helps :)

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

  • J

    Mermaid Expert,
    I need some tips on getting the Celestia mermaid. Do you have another combo besides Luau & Onyx mermaids? If you could help that would be great! My friend has Celestia but she forgets what combo she used. She’s trying to get the Winter mermaid too. So any advice on obtaining Celestia so I can get the Winter mermaid? I know I can count on your advice!

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear J, thanks for all of your support! I’m glad you can count on me :) I actually got her by using Belladonna and Kelp. I haven’t really needed to experiment much more, since I had already gotten her with only 3 tries, but I’ll keep you updated if I find more combos. I also know that Luau and onyx work too! :) I know you can get her! Keep trying :)

      If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

      • J

        I’ll try Belladonna & Kelp, I have both! Thanks, Mermaid Expert!

        • J

          Belladonna & Kelp now keep giving me Onyx, Mermaid Expert. Did that happen to yours, too? I’m just wondering if it’s common. This has been my second or third calling attempt in the summit. Also, what’s the arriving time, if I do get Celestia? Hope you can help,

          • Mermaid Expert

            Dear J, nice to see you again! That actually has happened to me quite a few times while experimenting. :) it’s very common, and you just have to keep trying! No one can expect to always get the desired mermaid on their 1st try! If I can remember correctly, my sing AND call time was 6 hours, but I can’t 100% confirm that :)

            If any of you need more tips on other mermaids, just reply to this post asking about that specific mermaid, and I will reply here, and on that mermaid’s profile page. Just ask for Mermaid Expert, because I have almost all of the mermaids! Hope this helps! :)

          • J

            Oh my gosh! If you’re right about the six hours as the calling time I just got it!! I hope it’s Celestia so I can get the Winter mermaid!! I put Belladonna & Kelp in the summit again and it says six hours, cross fingers! I just need Celestia for the Winter mermaid, but she’s really nice, too! Thanks for the advice, Mermaid Expert!
            -J : )

          • J

            Mermaid Expert, it worked! I got the Winter mermaid!! I’m still working on getting Capricorn, but I think I finally just called her! Is her singing time 16 hours? If so, I got it! That means I’d have Capricorn & Winter, but no other ones. How many Limited Time mermaids do you have? I hope I get Capricorn, and all the other Limiteds after her! Good luck to getting them to you, too!

  • Sunny

    Does anyone know how to get the winter season mermaid? Plz reply back ASAP! :)

    • J

      You get the Winter Season by putting the Celestia & Crystalline mermaids in the singing summit. You’ll have to try multiple times, most likely, and it’s not guaranteed you will get her. Keep trying! : )

      • Sunny


  • Sarah

    I’m trying to get the Winter Mermaid by putting Crytsalline & Celestia together but I’m not sure if I’m gonna get her I have like 5 hours of singing time left but it started out as 10 hours, I think I might be getting her but not sure o_o IM SCARED D:

    • Hima

      Did you get her? I’ve tried for days and now I got this singing time for 10 hrs ,not sure what is it :(

  • Rylan

    Winter mermaid is a bit ugly

    • Haley

      She is I don’t even know what she looks like!!!!!

  • Rylan

    I got her she is so pretty I love it I have carpicorn. Celebration peppermint winter. I was to slow to get holy

    • Honey

      Hi rylan Wat combination you use to get her

    • Honey

      And Wat about the singing n arrival time

      • Rakeem

        Crystalline and Celestia.

  • Yenz

    I got Winter Mermaid ;) crystalline and celestial worked 12 hours singing time and 6 hours arriving ;)

  • Rylan

    Crystalline and celestia 12 hours singing 6 hours arriving

  • Summer

    Am soooooo pissed. I know this isn’t a place to rant but please bear with me – I got a 12-hour singing last night with Celestia and Crystalline; this morning I couldn’t load the game and it kept crashing! I submitted a request to support and I’m scared I’ll lose my Winter mermaid. Has anyone here ever had Crowdstar Support really help you out? They always seem to shrug their shoulders and brush you off.

    • Yz

      I know, the game has been crashing since last night, everytime the loading bar is full and the music starts playing it crashes and goes back to my homepage :( I hope they get to fix this.. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game it’s still the same I have also emailed Crowdstar Support and until now my ticket is still pending.. :(

      • Summer

        My ticket’s still pending too. The good news was that that night I suddenly could get into the game and got my Winter mermaid. Phew. What about you? I hope you’ve managed to get in!

  • Yenz

    know, the game has been crashing since last night, everytime the loading bar is full and the music starts playing it crashes and goes back to my homepage :( I hope they get to fix this.. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game it’s still the same I have also emailed Crowdstar Support and until now my ticket is still pending.. :(

  • Alli

    Her description say her sweet lighter is as light as foam. Foam for seaFOAM

  • J

    It’s 12 hours sing time for Winter mermaid, and I haven’t seen the arriving time yet because I’m still waiting for the 12 hours to finish. I hope I get the Winter mermaid! Fingers crossed!

  • Lesley

    Ugh…since the day this mermaid came out i have been trying to summon her and still no luck!!! I have seriously tried the seafoam and carbon mermaid combo at least 3 times a day and nothing! This is so frustrating!!

  • Jolyn

    I cant get capricorn. I always fail. Im so discouraged.

    • Summer

      Aww don’t worry Jolyn! I haven’t got her yet either but we still have 6 days left to try (: There’s always hope so don’t give up. I remember feeling so demoralised when I was trying to get the Celebration mermaid. I got her on the last day, which was a huge relief!

      • Jolyn

        Thank you :) still havent got her :( but i already summoned winter mermaid :D

  • Alli

    My mermaids are singing and it’s 12 hours! I’m so excited cuz I think I got it!!

  • Rylan

    The crashing is gone now

  • knighty

    Hi. I’ve purchased extra pearls for my daughters game. The moneys been taken off the account but the pearls haven’t been added to my daughter mermaid world? can any help?


    • Britany

      Dont buy pearls,they just steal ur money

  • NN mermaid

    I have been trying to get. The Capricorn mermaid since she came out. And I think I have gotten every other possible mermaid!:( Can anyone please help me,I don’t want to miss her
    – NN mermaid

    • TN mermaid

      I feel your pain because I, too, have been trying with carbon night and seafoam 2, 3, and sometimes 4 times a day (depending on the call times) to obtain the Capricorn mermaid without any luck. I am so frustrated because there are only a few days left, and I’m afraid I won’t get her. I’m going to try velvet twist and kio. Capricorn is my zodiac symbol, so if i don’t get her, I’m done playing this game!!!!

    • Britany

      Since I’ve been trying to get the Winter mermaid I’ve only got 2 days to get the Capricorn mermaid….and I don’t even have the seafoam mermaid OR the Carbon night mermaid :(

      • NN mermaid

        I have tried non stop to get the Capricorn! Do you have to be at a certain level?

        • Britany

          nope don’t think so.

          As long as u have sea foam and carbon night mermaid, you just have to keep trying.

          • NN mermaid

            UGH!!!!!!! I NEED HER!!!!!

  • Britany

    Suprisingly I have now got the Seafoam mermaid and Carbon night mermaid in just one day… far I’ve only resulted in getting onyx, opal, and sparkle pinkie mermaids :/

    Don’t think I’m gonna get Capricorn before time ripens out ;(

  • J

    I got the Capricorn and Winter mermaids before time ran out! It’s possible, folks, keep trying! Don’t give up! It can be done, I promise!! :)

    • Nikki

      It’s not possible… ): I wasted all my coins and bought more
      Coins too! It didn’t work once not even close…): now all my
      Money is gone! D: and I still didn’t get her… ):

      • J

        It’s okay! Just keep trying for the next one!! :)

  • Abby

    I tried to get her but I got the sea dragon instead, I really want her but I have to wait 16hours for the darn sea dragon.

  • Britany

    Times running out and I haven’t got Capricorn yet :(

  • Hollis

    Argh!!! 16 hours….waiting… For some 16 hour mermaid!! Wasting my time for the Capricorn!!! Got the winter though.

  • Britany

    Waiting 10 hours for another mermaid… :/

  • Mariz

    I guess I will not have the capricorn mermaid. i cannot get seafoam, i dont have coco. Anyway I am happy i got the winter. I hope the game would allow players to gift the mermaids they do not need. that will surely be a lot of fun, and will encourage people to add friends into the game. Just a suggestion. :)

  • NN mermaid

    Now I have got some 20 hour mermaid (hope it’s Electra) but I really want Capricorn!!!!!!!

    • NN mermaid

      Nope it’s sea dragon :(

  • Britany

    Missed it

  • Dani

    I tried to get the Capricorn mermaid. It’s the last hour and still no luck. I used all my pearls and money. So I decided to say Good Bye to the Capricorn Goddess! Lol
    It’s time to move on. For the people who made this game. It’s great to make the player believe its hard to get a mermaid or near impossible. But in the end they should end up with it. We spent time ad hours playing the game at least you could do is give it to us after the 20th try. I love playing this game. I don’t mind waiting the hours. But I feel defeated in trying to win any more special mermaids.
    I hope they make changes to it in the future. Ps. Hopefully they make more realms.

  • Kira

    I have Very disappointed little girl was trying for 3 day and 8 a temps with seafoam and carbon night and never got her before the time ran out!

  • Rakeem

    The only LE mermaid I was unable to get was Celebration Mermaid. I wish i had her haha.

  • J

    Anyone know how to get Aquarius? I REALLY want her!!!

  • Sarah

    MERMAID EXPERT: My question is if you already got a rare mermaid, in this case Capricorn, can you sing for her again after the time frame is up? I need my Capricorn to like a different mermaid than the one she does to achieve a 3 star realm. I’d just like to know if I should waste my time singing for her again or not. Thanks!

    • Summer

      I’m not an expert, but you definitely can’t get a Limited Edition mermaid again after she’s no longer available in the store. So it’s impossible to sing for Capricorn again as the time frame to sing for her is up.

      I’d like to add on to your question though: Is it possible to sing for another Aquarius mermaid if I already have one Aquarius mermaid in my realms? She’s still going to be in the store for a few more weeks. I need her to like another mermaid too!

    • Mermaid Expert

      Dear Sarah, Thanks for taking that one summer! I can confirm that you cannot sing after the time is up :( I know is it sucks :( but maybe you can randomize the likes and dislikes! Hope this helps!

  • brookieyeatsxox

    Awe…I just missed her by 1 day! I wanted to get the whole collection of zodiac mermaids. Oh we’ll, I will wait until another collection come out :(:(:(

  • Mermaid Expert

    Hi everyone. It’s mermaid expert. I’m very sorry that I haven’t been commenting lately. I’ve been extremely busy, and I’ve been going through a rough time. I’m sorry to say that as much fun as its been being able to answer questions and receive nice feedback, I’m leaving the site. I wanted to thank Summer and J for being awsome supporters. Thanks guys :) unfortunately I really don’t have much free time anymore. But that’s not my main reason for leaving. Recently people have been saying mean things to each other and to me. Some people don’t like me or what I say, even though I’m just here to answer questions. One thing I want to gt straight is that I NEVER LIE OR MAKE THINGS UP. I’m a very truthful person, and when my honesty is challenged, that’s it. Thank you so much to my supporters! I will only be visiting this site for only a few more days. Bye guys. Sorry people have to be mean. I never wanted this to happen, but I don’t want to have to feel this way. No one should. I guess this is my last good luck. I have faith in you guys. :) good bye

    • Summer

      Dear Mermaid Expert, I’m sorry for not having seen S’s comment or I’d have defended you straight away. I’ve been real busy lately too. I’m also sorry some people here are being so awful to you!

      You are the nicest person here on Mermaid World Gameteep. Please don’t go. Your help and knowledge are invaluable to each and every one of us here, and if there are others who say you’re lying and/or making things up, they’re just on the losing end as they refused to listen to help and information given willingly to them. They’re not worth your time; please don’t listen to them!

      I can understand if you really want to leave and not come back though (everyone has their limits). The most I can do is persuade you to stay but I can’t force you to. So if you need to leave, I want to let you know that I will miss you lots – make that infinite! If you do leave I hope you and I can stay in contact somewhere else…email, maybe? I personally think you’re a dedicated, awesome and genuine person and I hope we can be friends, if you’re reading this.

      Don’t listen to the haters. You’re the total opposite of what they think of you. And I’ll always have your back here, along with Camille and Lulu (:

      <3 Summer

  • Lulu

    No! We’ll miss u ! I agree with Camille. We all will miss u. also, getting slammed for trying ur best is MEAN, AND WE WILL MISS MERMAID EXPERT NO MATTER WHO SHE IS. SHE TRIED HARD AND WE SHOULD THANK HER! ILL BET HALF OF UR MERMAIDS CAME FROM HER WONDERFUL HELP! Thnx mermaid expert! We owe u one me! ( mermaid expert!!!)))))) WE ALL WILL MISS U!

  • Lulu

    Srry. I meant we owe u one mermaid expert! We lov that u tried ur best!

  • Michelle

    What does it mean when a mermaide is sparkling or has bubbles around her?

    • Haleykitty

      It doesn’t mean anything

  • Briony

    My star sign is over

  • ♥Shimmer♥

    Capricorn ♥ so pretty…

  • Rhys

    Can you still get limited edition mermaids when they are already gone?

    • Sugarstarian

      Nope :(

      • Haleykitty

        I wish you could :(

  • Haley

    Ooooohhh aaaaah. Capricorn my star sign I wish she came out when I played this game.

  • Ardreel

    Oh she’s back!

    • Ardreel

      Been trying for a whole day and at last I got 12hours tonight !

  • Marta

    Hi, just wanted to know if crowd star is going to do the zodiac mermaids again in 2014 because this is the second time Capricorn is available and I didn’t get a change to catch my star sign.

    Thank you love the game

  • Haleykitty

    I can’t get her :(

  • Jenn

    I’ve tried about 10 times. Still trying……