Mermaid World: Celebration Mermaid


The Celebration Mermaid is a Special trait mermaid in Mermaid World. That means it is an exceptionally rare, and only available for a limited time. In fact ultra rare to breed and only a few players will be able to breed one of these mermaid into their game. It combines different hybrid or even three element mermaids  to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination.

Covered in strings of gold metallic frills that wrap her fin. They glisten with a spiky beauty, ornaments of decorations that spiral this whimsical creature of the sea. ~ Game Description

Mermaid World Special Trait

Mermaid World Celebration Mermaid

Release Date: Dec 26 2012

Buying Price: 709Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 6 Hours
Call Time: 6 Hours

Favorite Trinkets:

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.7/5 (18 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Celebration Mermaid Key Features

  • Special Trait
  • Multiple colors

About Celebration Mermaid
The Celebration Mermaid can be obtained by using the Opal Mermaid and Blue Belle mermaid

The sing time is 6 hours and so is the call time.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Celebration Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Celebration Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

8 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Celebration Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Celebration Mermaid


  • Kara

    Opal was in the hint but could not figure out what the second mermaid was.

    • Jun

      Hi Kara, do u still remember the hint? The hint only show once!! ==

    • Teale

      it was opal and blue bell

  • Jo

    What’s the hint?

  • Indi

    I think it’s opal and blue belle because it mentioned a bell!

  • Lisa

    The hint was something to do with opals and bells -so that could mean Belladonna or Blue Belle

    • Hi

      No it said BELLE not BELL or BELLA

  • john

    they said “opalescent bells ring…”

    • Jun

      Shelly49 on the forum said is Opal & Blue Belle!!! Trying….:D

  • Jessica

    It is opal and bluebelle takes 6 hr

  • lyrix

    i keep getting twinkletail with opal and blue bell

  • Valmeera

    do you guys think its possible to call her using holly and peppermint, well they have same trait, just wondering… ^_^

  • Mitzy

    I grabbed a snapshot of the into:

    Welcome a NEW member to
    our mermaid family for a
    limited time! Hint: The
    Opalescent Bells are ringing
    In Celebration. Happy

  • Mary Grand

    Blue Belle & Opal breeding time 6 hrs, some have bred it and some are still trying. Other Mermaid from this combo is Twinkletail also a 6hr. Many people are getting this hoping it is this Mermaid.

  • Soli

    Yeah it’s Opal and Bluebelle. I suggest getting a bunch of pearls or you’re gonna run outta time getting this one.

  • BriJ

    I got her using opal and blue belle but my calling time was 3hrs

  • Honey

    Hi I have tried almost 11 time but still no use every time I get twinkletail or Marigold but no celebration

  • Kane Coswall

    Glad everyone is enjoying the game so much! Follow or Tweet us on Twitter! -> #MermaidWorld #Mermaids

  • Emily

    I got her on my first try, probably beginners luck. It was easy to figure out that it was these two, because it said opalescent bells, it has part of both names in it. Sorry if I sound like a smart aleck, I swear I’m not trying to!!

  • Mitzy

    I am not having much luck. I finally started tracking what I was getting because I couldn’t believe the odds. I have been traveling for days so it was easy to do mermaid attempts over and over.

    THURSDAY: (Halfway through the day)
    Bell 4 min
    Aqua 1 min
    Twinkle 6 hrs



    • Mitzy

      I still have not been able to see success in getting the new Celebration Mermaid. But
      I figured I would post an update to my attempts. =)



      • Exospatula

        I tried 50+ times and didn’t end up getting her =(

      • Natasha

        1st try: Twinkle Tail
        2nd try: Opal
        3rd try: Twinkle Tail
        4th try: Aqua or Citrine

  • Wendy

    After 5 tries I gave up. Came back to it and call again and I got her in the end!
    Is worth having a pause before continuously trying it.
    Good luck!! :)

  • Honey

    And finally I got her after tons of tries

  • Honey

    Happy new year all

  • Sabrina

    When does this end for her? Tomorrow?

  • Mitzy

    After attempting every day all day long, I counted and tracked over 70 tries for the Celebration Mermaid. I was never able to summon her. It was fun to play with while on the road, but… lol

  • Ariel

    I found the combination for the Capricorn mermaid

    • Teale

      What is the combination to get Capricorn???


  • Daisy

    How do mermaids evolve? I have some friends who have mermaids that have evolved and have gold features. For example I saw emarald with hold trimming around her fun and instead of green pearls they are now gold? Does anyone know what I’m talking about

    • onyx123

      they are gilded you can get them from two ecstatic mermaids they do not evolve from other mermaids

  • Tasha

    I am desperate to find this mermaid please give me a direct answer!

    • Nala

      It’s too late to get celebration. She was only there for the holidays. Sorry

  • Briony

    It’s over least there will be new ones

  • Max Destructo

    I just started singing. I got a 3 hour and a 6 hour? I’m not sure if I got her. But I hope so. ESP since I missed the first 3 special mermaids. Finger crossed ill let you know if its her !

    • Mgn

      There is the 6 hr twinkle tail from theses two too so watch out! For me I got her in about 10 tries but three or four of them were 6 hr twinkle tails. Good luck

    • Lyz

      Any news? I’m wondering if I can sing for her as well.

  • Katey

    she is back yea!<33

  • Claire

    The clue they’ve given doesn’t give any hints! Maybe sea dragon? Because the combination on here isn’t working plus it doesn’t make sense with the clue.

    • luszaa

      yeah, Covered in strings of GOLD metallic frills that wrap her fin. They glisten with a spiky beauty, ornaments of decorations that spiral this whimsical creature of the SEA… maybe we should use marigold plus sea dragon… theres nothing about blue belle and opal… whose got her ?

  • Bobbi

    “Gold metallic”.

    Midas and metalla? Too bad I don’t have metalla yet to check.

  • Claire

    I’ve just used sea dragon and marigold and its 6 hours singing time, hopefully it’s celebration.

  • Claire

    Well it’s not sea dragon and marigold! Where’s mermaid expert?? Only 2 hours left =(

  • Sasha

    Why when I go to the youtube video, the description below the video says that you can get them with Kelp and Glimmer Rose, however , they use blue belle and opal in the video?

  • Lily

    lol i was trying to get this mermaid using the OPAL and BLUE BELLE from above, but it doesnt seem to work for me, instaed i got a glided blue belle mermaid

    • Lily

      whoa 16 hours… nope

  • Lily

    does someone know the combination?

  • Marceline

    The description is not adding up? Am I missing something?!?! Will someone please tell me which mermaids to use this time to get her, since she’s back? Ever since the update I haven’t had any luck:(

    • Sasha

      Blue belle and opal. I just got her.

    • Mermaid

      It’s Still bluebell and opal. Just got her.

  • Sasha

    I just got her. The combination presented here is the one I used. I used pearls to speed the singing process because I thought it could be Twinkletail, but she has celebration’s silhouette. There are no particular hints in the description. Use BLUE BELLE and OPAL.

  • Bobbi

    Just got her with opal and blue belle after her clue changed back to what it used to be.

  • Rdeg

    Got her on my second try!

  • Kandikokane

    I have her thanks to the 24hrs that they brought her back and yes the combination is blue belle and opal you have to keep trying also watch out because twinkle tail takes 6 as well. I can’t wait to see who they bring back next all I need is Holly and Pepperment

    • Sabrina

      Same here. After her bio was fixed, I got her on my first try. I need holly and peppermint too, along with Capricorn and the st. Pattys day girl. I missed getting her cause I was in the hospital from the 15th to the 21st. At least I got out before my b-day though (the 22nd)

  • Amanda Hannah

    I’ve been trying all day to get her and still no luck

  • Amber

    It is opal and blue belle. I g

  • Amber

    It is opal and blue belle. I got her on my fifth time.

  • smoshidiot

    Is she still available today

    • Sumi

      Unfortunately no :(

  • Petal

    Blue belle and opal. Blue ,yellow and white. That is how u get the twinkle tail mermaid as well!

  • Haley

    I almost had this mermaid when she was here for 1 day. But there was an Ember mermaid blocking up my singing summit.

  • Awsome girl

    I got cherry mermaid on first to lucky me

  • Sara

    I got her on the first try!!!!!!!!

  • Ardreel

    She’s back!

  • Lol

    Got her on the 3th try… Good luck!! Note:it helps when ur mermaid is happy or elastic!!! :)

  • Chloe

    Call time six hours ! That’s the quickest time for a limited mermaid !

  • Chloe

    Omg I got her first try ! I’m calling for six hours

  • Jay

    Looks like she’s arriving from the shadow, but it’s a 6 hour call/arrival time. Took about ten goes & lots of Twinkletails.