Mermaid World: Celestia Mermaid


The Celestia Mermaid is a three trait mermaid in Mermaid World. It combines three different colors to create this brand new mermaid for your game. You’ll notice that most of the times, the colors the mermaid represents are seen through their designs and this mermaid’s color the same as her representing colors.

Long limbed and svelte beyond words, she’s the epitome of mermaid beauty. Her aura of aesthetic perfection can be seen and felt.~ Game Description

 Mermaid World Onyx TraitMermaid World Green TraitMermaid World Blue Trait

Mermaid World Celestia Mermaid

Buying Price: 709Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 6 Hours
Call Time: 6 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Mandolin


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.3/5 (28 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Celestia Mermaid Key Features

  • Teal hair
  • Three Trait Mermaid
  • teal black fins
About Celestia Mermaid
The Celestia Mermaid can be obtained by using the Onyx Mermaid  and the Luau Mermaid to call for her.
The sing time is 6 hours and so is the call time.
Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.
About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Celestia Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Celestia Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

5 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Celestia Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Celestia Mermaid


  • Christine

    She’s so pritty!!! She’s my favorite mermaid

    • Annyla

      You really like her. She is ugly

  • Yenz

    How do you get her?

    • Prism princess lover

      I got her by crystalline + kelp = celestia mermaid

      • CupaTheCreeper123

        I got her using onyx and emerald I hope it helps I got her on the first try

    • Magic mermaid101

      I tried fuscia and onyx and it worked first time

    • Miyu

      You could try domino mermaid and luau mermaid.

    • Me

      I got her by using belladonna and kelp on first try!

  • J

    Is the combo on the page accurate?

    • Merlyne


  • lee

    aside from using onyx and luau, are there other combinations to get her? :) i need her for one of my realms

    • Flower

      I got her with belladonna and kelp mermaids on first try

    • New mermaid expert

      You can use

    • Vivian

      I got her with emerald and onyx on my first try. Hope that helps

  • Melody

    How do you get her

    • Emily

      Have you read the info (duhh)

      • Leilia

        That rude Emily

  • Kittykat12

    I want her!!!!!!!!!:(

  • Mermaid world

    I need her

  • Jona

    14 mins right?

    • Clarice

      6 hours sing time 6 hours arrival time

  • Elena Rodriguez

    Ugh! Going on 4th try with this mix but no luck so far :( if anyone has another mix please share! I normally try on my own but getting frustrated as the Limited Editions are only here 7 days

    • Prism princess lover

      U could do crystalline and a kelp mermaid also a sea foam and a aqua mermaid

      • Adriana

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    • Shauna

      I think I got her from seafoam and carbon night… She is still arriving but it looks like her

  • Jona

    I can’t get her.

    • Claire

      I got her with luau and calypso hope I helped

    • LOL

      Neither can I, I have tried oxny and Luna like… 100 times and it is never this girl. I really need her

      • Kandylandd

        I tried onyx and luau like the info says and even though it took like 20 tries, I ended up getting her =)

  • Hollis

    Just got her!!! On like, my seventh try…

    • kira

      I am on like my 12th try… :(

  • Hollis

    6 hours

  • Elena Rodriguez

    Took 6 days of non stop trying but onyx & luau are finally starting a 6 he sing! Fingers crossed its her!

    • Elena Rodriguez

      FINALLY! It took lots of coins & cursing but got her with this mix! Now I hope I will have enough time to still get Winter!

    • Kate

      Got her by aqua and calypso mermaid. CALYPSO RIGHT AND AQUA LEFT. HOPE THIS HELPED!

  • Mariz

    Onyx and luau mix tried a dozen times, and I keep getting the Luau mermaid. I am getting frustrated, when will I ever get celestia. :(

  • Jona

    I need the winter mermaid so I need this one fast how do I get it

  • klesta

    mermaid expert i need your help asap! me and my friends are having a competition of who is trying to get the most mermaids.
    I need the mermaids in the lower category’s of the guide , please help asap!!!!!!

  • Jamgrl

    Finally…get her with calypso and aqua!!! No other combination worked for me.

    • Clarice

      I tried that combination and it NEVER worked.Sorry if that sounded rude.

  • Chachalove

    What is the sing time for this mermaid. I’m not having no luck. Spent a bunch of time trying to get Capricorn which I succeeded!!! But I want the winter one to and I have to get celestial so hopefully I do I got calypso so I will try her with luau and aqua. But if someone can tell me the signing time I would appreciate it. :)) thanks

    • Clarice

      6 hours singing and 6 hours arriving

  • Lilalila

    I got her it t

  • Happy gilmore

    I like her but she’s still not my fave. I like Electra the best!

  • Jill

    This game is so EPIK!!!!
    I’m just wondering what the gilded mermaids are or collections?
    Yeah make more mermaids!!!!

    • Stephanie

      I know I am very curious about what the gilded and collection mermaids are too. Hopefully they do something with that soon.

  • Sumi

    Hi, can anyone help me get the correct combination :(

    • Mermaid lover

      Did you use the hint up there?

  • Tasha

    I’ve tried the hint combination but it’s not working please someone help me!

    • PandaBear

      I used Belladonna and Calypso. (the mermaid is still arriving but it looks like its her)
      On most 3-color mermaids, I pick two mermaids that go with the first two colors (in this case blue=Belladonna & green=Calypso) and they both share the last color needed (black for this one) and it works pretty much all of the time!
      Hope this combo works for you and good luck! :)

      • kira

        i am gonna test that because its take 20 tries to get her

  • Ayesha

    I just made Carbon night and Stinger sing. What will I get?

  • Mermaid Gal

    I used Belladonna + Kelp and got Celestia first try :)

  • Megan

    Just sent Onyx and luau to sing- first time and it has a 6 hour call time!! Fingers crossed, would be the first time one I’ve been trying for has come easily and on the first try!

  • Megan

    Not 100% but looks like this combination worked! Looks like her!

    • Megan

      Onyx and luau that is-

  • Merlyne

    Help! Tried all suggestions! Which works best I really need to get for blue nova…. :(

  • Grace

    I need a full body pic!

  • Julie

    I got her using calypso+aqua

  • Betty_24_7

    It took me a week and a half but I finally got her with Belladonna and Kelp..6 hours sing..6 hours call..ugh..finally ;-)

  • Donna

    Got her with Belladonna and Calypso

  • kat

    I used bella+calypso and i got her at 1st time

  • HungerGamesLover

    Is she easy to get? I’m tired of waiting hours and hours for a mermaid that isn’t even what I want!

  • Shel

    Silver song and kelp 1st try

  • Abby

    I got her with Inky and Sunkiss on the first try!

  • 1Dlover123

    Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!¡!!!!’!¡!!!! I have tried like (oh there was that time and that one and….) like 42 times!!!!! Plz plz plz mermaid expert help!!!!!!!!

    • I’m pro

      I would use belladonna and calypso

  • 1Dlover

    Thanks 4 the help dude!!

  • 1Dlover

    OMG!!!!!!!! I GOT HER’!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Petal

      Do u have Koi? If yes then make her sing with Celestia and look for 20 hours singing and arriving. U have Blue Nova!!!

  • Heather

    I can’t get her! I’ve tried the combinations above! Any other suggestions? And I’m a level 20 does that matter? Thanks;)

  • Heather

    I finally got her with luau an onyx!! I just kept trying, and it paid off!!

  • Ms.Mermaid Expert

    You can get her by using


  • Ms.Mermaid Expert

    1Dlover123 just keep trying and you will get her!!

  • Sophie

    Omg like I am the best!

  • Merlyne

    Stinger + Belladonna = Celestia YAAAAAY I’VE BEEN TRYING SO LONG

  • DaisySparkle

    Maybe you could try silver smog and kelp
    Hope this helps!

  • Petal

    I need her badly to get Blue Nova! (Koi and Celestia

  • Krystal :)

    I want her soooooooooo bad but I tried every single combo any one got another combo :(

    • Lộc vừng


  • SugarStarMermaid

    I got her by Belladonna + Kelp :)

  • Soli

    What the heck? My celestia mermaid is unable to sing. Everytime I go to sing, she’s already blacked out, but she’s not sleeping or being used anywhere else. Anyone else have a similar problem?

  • LCD6

    I am doing crystalline and kelp and I think I am going to get her I’m so happy I can’t wait I need her to get the Gemini twins celestia and twinkletail

    • Kandylandd

      That’s exactly what I’m doing

  • LCD6

    I am doing crystalline and kelp and I think I am going to get her I’m so happy I can’t wait I need her to get the Gemini twins celestia and twinkle tail

  • LCD6

    I didn’t get her

  • Hi

    Got her with luau an calypso <3 her

    • Hi

      She can get me the Gemini twin
      :) yay like what hoo lala

  • Hi

    ——————–> :)

  • kira

    just got her with kelp and belladonna I tried many mixes took about 20 tries with all that mixes i tried

  • Chloe

    SOOO phyced to try all. The new combinations to get Gemini with celestial. I haven’t gotten her yet but I’m going to keep trying as soon as my singing summit isn’t full!

  • LCD6

    I got her on my 5th try I use aqua and calypso well I think I’m getting her so fingers cross

  • LCD6

    I’ve got her oh yeah well she’s in the bubble but I got her I can’t wait until I get her

  • lộc vừng

    3 hour are right?

  • Lola

    I have try onyx and luau and don’t no what the result? :•

  • landmermaid

    Got her in the first try yay!!!

  • Anonymous

    I can’t get her. :( help!!

  • Anonymous

    I need her sooo bad!!
    I’ve tried:
    Calypso and aqua
    Crystalline and kelp
    Belladonna and kelp
    Luau and onyx
    Please help

  • Anonymous

    Luau and onyx

  • Leilia

    I need help getting her I tried so many times but it won’t work

  • Izel v

    Try onyx and sunkiss it works!!!! Baby

  • Birdybre

    Finally got her on my 3rd try with Kelp+Crystalline

    • Birdybre

      Nope. Seafoam….grrr

    • Birdybre

      Got her with Gilded Luau and Onyx

  • Andrea

    Jeez, I can’t get her! Trying a new pair for her. Her eyes look like a spies, like sneaky and like “Try and get me!” look. Wy is she so hard to get!?!

  • Katia awad

    it works. Thanks so mush I want it to breed her with tropicana to give libra!!
    And I got them the all I bring celestia .i bringTropicana and I bring libra

  • Annabelle

    I have to gt this mermaid my sisters name is Celeste and it would be super cool to have her.

  • Hannah S


    (I know, this sounds extremely complicated and crazy.) Anyway, HELP!!! :O

    • Hannah S

      I just noticed a typo with that- Shaow Princess should be SHADOW Princess.

      Happy Calling!

      • Hannah S

        NEVER MIND, I HAVE HER NOW. And Blue Nova. And Crustacea. And Diamond Swan. ALL I NEED IS DIAMANTÉ AND PRISM PRINCESS IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  • Annyla

    I got her calypso & aqua