Mermaid World: Crustacea Mermaid


The Crustacea Mermaid is a celestial trait mermaid in Mermaid World. It combines different colors to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination. You’ll notice that all celestial trait mermaids have a Royalty type of feel to their design.

Wrapped in gold, ore band composites are her ancestors. She’s clumsy, so when she’s injured these minerals heal her in bandage patches of gold leaf.~ Game Description

Mermaid World celestial Trait

Mermaid World Crustacea Mermaid

Buying Price: 1681Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 4050Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 30 Hours
Call Time: 30 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Golden Idol

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.2/5 (61 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Crustacea Mermaid Key Features

  • celestial Trait

About Crustacea Mermaid
The Crustacea Mermaid can be obtained by using the Blue Nova Mermaid  and the Ember Mermaid to call for her.

The sing time is 30 hours and so is the call time.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Crustacea Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Crustacea Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

7 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Crustacea Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Crustacea Mermaid


  • fyop

    new game is awesome just a tad bit too get money. If you try to sell a mermaid you get charged.

    • Skizzle222

      No you get money from selling mermaids like ones you already but HOW DO YOU GET THE CRUSTACIA MERMAID!!!!! I have 56k money

      • Petal

        Blue Nova and Ember. Sing: 30 hours. Arrive: 30 hours

        • Hi

          I got her with Blue nova and electra

      • Ace is the place that needs TO SHUT UP lol

        You need pearls

  • fyop

    DON’T sell a mermaid you get charged.

    • bea

      does it tell you its charging you (like does a window pop up saying its going to charge) or does it just charge you? and how much?? D:

      • Tris

        Doesn’t charge you at all! I sell them all the time!

        • Zain

          I agree with this person, I have sold tons of mermaids and they haven’t charged me once!!!

          • Hannah


        • Clarice

          I agree too the mermaids you sell actually PAY YOU(Give you money to remember them)!!

        • Hannah S

          Yeah, I sell mermaids when I get duplicates in the singing summit.

          Also, what happens when you get charged?

      • Julie:)

        It doesn’t charge u it pays uto sell the mermaid

    • Kaci123456789

      You get charged on a credit card

      • ddlollee

        no you don’t get charged on your cc

    • Scarlet

      Ummm u don’t get charged if u sell a mermaid

  • asdfghjkl;;;;”;””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””’

    sing is 3 hours

    • Lilly

      How do you get her?

      • Clarice

        Blue Nova & Ember call her 29:59:59 arrival 29:59:59or use 1681 pearls to buy her!

    • Teale

      But how did u get her please tell us!!!!!

      • Trisha

        Blue nova and Electra got Crustacea….29 hours

      • Mermaidlover

        099994839288394829&4959398592838 is a code tht gets u

        • Clarice

          Where do you type the code?How many pearls do you get?

        • Clarice

          I wanted to know so I can buy the Prim Princess because there are so many chains of mermaids to obtain her and I would rather go the easy and quicker way!

        • Clarice

          Mermaidlover where do you type the code and how many pearls do you earn?I would like to buy/summon the Prism Princess because few players can obtain her to the realms and takes forever to get her so I would rather go quicker and easier way.Thanks for reading my question!

  • chloe

    i need her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Roxxyboo195

      Why do u need her Chloe?

      • Clarice

        Probably she wants to get the Prim Princess since very few players can obtain her to their realms!Or she really likes the Crustacea mermaid!

        • Haley

          Crustacea is not in the combination for prism princess Probably she wants to get Robata.

          • Clarice

            I meant to call Diamante so,they can call Prism.

          • Thunder Claw

            Clarice is right, and I also need to get Crustacea to get diamanté so I can get prism princess. I’m not after prism p. I really want the Metallia mermaid like crazy. But Crustacea is really really rare to get.

  • Melodi

    Do. You get charged?

    • Mermaid


  • Teale

    If anyone knows how to get her please tell us!!!!!!!

    • Kirstin

      nobody knows

    • Roxxyboo195

      The mermaids in the game cost way too much money 4 people who can’t get them.

    • Clarice

      Ember&Blue Nova their calling her right now.

      • NN mermaid

        Electra and ember

        • NN mermaid

          Was wrong got midas first try!

    • Petal

      Prism Princess : Diamante and Diamond Swan. Sing: 48 hours Arrive: 48 hours. Diamond Swan: Midas and Fortuna Swirls. Sing: 20 hours. Arrive: 20 hours. Diamante : Midas and Crustacea. Sing: 36 hours. Arrive: 36 hours. Midas: Ember and Electra. Sing: 30 hours. Arrive: 30 hours. Crustacea: Blue Nova and Ember. Sing: 30 hours. Arrive: 30 hours. Ember: Domino and Koi. Sing: 20 hours. Arrive: 20 hours. Blue Nova: Koi and Celestia. Sing: 20 hours. Arrive: 20 hours. Electra: Koi and Isis. Sing: 20 hours. Arrive: 20 hours. Temptress: Domino and Isis. Sing: 36 hours. Arrive: 36 hours. Fortuna Swirls: Electra and Temptress. Sing: 30 hours. Arrive: 30 hours.

  • Silka

    I just randomly tried mermaids no particular parings

  • DeathUnbalanced

    She should be Blue Nova and Ember.
    30 hours.

  • Jforth

    What do you mean you get ‘charged’?…. like your iTunes account?

    • Rakeem

      You don’t get charged AT ALL.

    • Lady Mermaid

      In order to obtain the Crustacea Mermaid, you will need the Blue Nova and Ember Mermaids. No, you do not get charged for selling mermaids.

  • Dana

    U have 2 use the blue nova n the Electra to get the Crustacea

  • Rakeem

    I got her, And she is my favorite mermaid EVER.

    • Clarice

      She’s my second favorite!

    • Clarice

      Actually she’s my fifth favorite or my forth favorite.

      • HungerGamesLover

        Either diamante or Electra is my favorite

        • Thunder Claw

          Blue nova and Electra r my favorite

  • Honey

    Hi mermaid world expert I can’t open my app as soon as yellow bar fills my game game crash tell me what to do

  • Trina

    Mine crashesas well as soon as the yellow bar fills,what’s going on??

  • Acsa Iwata

    I need her… Please tell me what i do?

    • Clarice

      Use Blue Nova and the Ember mermaid to obtain her or Buy her by using 1681 pearls which is WAY EASIER than CALLING her!

  • Madison Belle

    Hi, I paired the Stinger and Carbon Night mermaid and I got something around 20 hours! Do you have any idea what I might have gotten?

    • Clarice


  • Jona

    Bell Donna and Fusha I see her shadow I did’t want her right now but I’m happy to get her.

    • Jona

      No I think it is the mermaid with the moehock sorry.

  • Crustacea•stacie

    This works for me!! I nearly have all the mermaids but I only need winter prism princess and diamond !!!! Cool website

  • Christopher Hluchanek

    Do you think that the midas mermaid and the kelp mermaid would work also? Because in Crustacea’s description it talks about gold and her being wrapped up in gold leaves and the kelp mermaid also talks about leaves. just a thought (:

    • Clarice

      Do Midas and Kelp call the Crustacea because I just got Midas today.Otherwise did it work?

  • Mouse

    I don’t have blue nova or ember and yet it says I can get her what would I use then

    • Clarice

      Blue Nova:Koi&Celestia,Celestia&Sea Dragon,Koi&Isis,Celestia&Carbon Night
      Ember:Domino&Sea Dragon,Isis&Koi
      Good Luck!

  • Lilalila

    Yes thanks!! It worked AWESOME

  • Lilalila

    But if it does not work the first time,try again. It does not charge you!! I fact you get experience points (XP) AND also you get more coins. The rarity of the mermaid depends on how much you get for selling her. For instance, if you sell Coral you get 20 coins, and if you sell a rare one you will get thousands.
    It is based on the mermaid’s traits to get her, so if you want a black and white one you use black & white mermaids.
    Hope that helps!!!
    From, lilalila

    • Roxxyboo195

      When u sell a mermaid, I found out you might level up by each mermaid,rare or not.

      • Clarice

        That is true!

    • Clarice

      If you sell Gilded mermaids they PAY you THOUSANDS as well!Even if it’s say a common gilded mermaid(coral,aqua,opal,kelp,citrine,onyx)they’ll still pay you thousands!

      • amethyst118

        for a gilded common mermaid like aqua i was able to sell her for only 200 coins, but the normal sells for 20 its not thousands for common mermaids.I don’t get the point of having gilded mermaids, so im not collecting them any more.

        • Clarice

          I was talking about Opal and Onyx(common).

  • Carlson91

    I just tried Blue Nova and Ember and got Crustacea on the first try! Call time was 30 hours both singing and summoning.

    • Greeshma

      Me 2 I used Blue Nova and Ember on my first time. It’s 30 hours song and call time. I tried the combination for fun. And now I am getting Crustacea mermaid!!!!!

  • Mellymel

    Onyx and Sweetwater always get me koi

  • Christine

    YAY I’m getting her right now!!! But I tried a couple times

    • Mermaidlover

      Capricorn and Isis got me amore mermaid

  • Anounomous

    Singing marigold and opal trying to get domino it’s 6 hours any ideas?

    • Clarice

      Domino’s singing time to call her is 15:59:59.Her arrival time is 15:59:59.

    • Clarice

      Try Citrine and Coco because that’s exactly how I got her and I think it took me one try.

  • Kandikokane

    Crustaeca and Midas are both on their way, now they only ones that I need are Diamond Swan, Diamanté, and Prism Princess

    • Clarice

      Diamond Swan:Midas&Fortuna Swirls
      Prism Princess:Diamanté&Diamand Swan
      Fortuna Swirls:Temptress&Electra

    • Clarice

      Hope that comment I wrote seven minutes ago works!

  • Kim

    Did blue nova and ember and got 30 hours. Can’t wait to get her!

    • Clarice

      Would Ember and Temptress work also because I need her ,because I need the Prism Princess she which the Prism Princess is SUPER RARE and only a FEW players can obtain her to their realms.

      • Kim

        Temptress and ember would get you Midas which is 30 hours. To get prism princess you need an ecstatic diamanté and an ecstatic diamond swan. To get diamanté you need Midas and Crustacea diamond swan you need Midas and fortuna swirls.

        • Kim

          Also. ONLY ecstatic diamanté and diamond swan will get prism princess. I hope this helps 🙂

          • Clarice

            Thanks I’ll try that when I get Diamanté&Diamond Swan!Right now I have Crustacea getting called by Clarice(Ember)Iva(Blue Nova).

        • Clarice

          Thanks I just figured that out yesterday because the bubble showed the Midas mermaid arriving and I own her now(Midas).

        • Morrgan

          Do they have to be estatic btw I got Midas first try and have crusteca so I’m on my way but again really estatic

          • Thunder Claw

            Ummm isn’t spectra the rarest mermaid cuz she got the traits of galactical and gem Which is like SUPER SUPER RARE!!!!!!!!

  • Mermaid World Lovers

    She is SO pretty! Kind of like a warrior what ever she is, shes AWESOME! =)

  • Grace

    I have tried to get Crustacea 5 times with Blue Nova and Ember.
    I keep getting Opal and Onyx.
    It’s taking 6 hrs this time but it takes 30 hrs for Crustacea.
    Can anyone help?

  • Grace

    Pls reply

  • Gretchen

    How do you get the ember? I really need her!!!

    • Grace

      Use Celestia and Silver song.
      I have three Embers and I used Celestia and Silver Song for all of them.

    • Lia

      Use the seadragon and Isis

    • Clarice

      Sea Dragon and Domino.Tigra and Koi.

    • Mermaid World Lover

      I got ember using koi and isis.. I was trying to get electra tho
      p.s. tried two more times and I got ember again…

  • Madisonlovely

    I got this mermaid on my 3 try well my mermaids are singing idk I may get Midas I hope I get her than ill call for Midas if I get them I can get diamanté 😀

  • Haley

    Remember that I said that I accidentally sold Crustacea? Well I’m getting her back woohoo!

  • Haley

    Crustacea I’m never selling you again!

  • Haley

    Then I got so excited that I sold Crustacea in the summit. Now I’m getting her back! Whew

    • Haley

      And now… Another long wait My singing summit is gonna be blocked up for a while Also if I close the game before it freezes up will the mermaids continue singing? Plz answer

      • Clarice

        Sing.I believe.


    Anyone else giving up on the limited edition mermaids.
    They just take up too much room.
    I’ve started selling mine.

    • Thunder Claw

      Well u always have the lounge. Also, there are like 15 realms, i only have 11.

  • Thunder Claw

    Yes got Crustacea on second try! First try: calypso, second try: Crustacea!

    • Thunder Claw

      Yes, 6 more hours left, and she’ll arrive!

  • Pinkichigo

    She looks Spartan for some reason…. Probably the hair :/

  • Brianna


  • Jenn

    Anyone gotten her recently? I can’t seem to get her.

  • Cupathecreeper123

    On one of my old saves of my mermaid world I got her by using Celestia and some other I forgot her name

  • Hannah S

    I almost have Crustacea, I just got Celestia, so I am now capable of getting Blue Nova. I already have Ember, so I have my fingers crossed! 😉

    • Hannah S

      Never Mind! Singing time for Crustacea just began! (Seriously, It started like 20 minutes ago!) Cleo the Blue Nova mermaid and Angelina the Ember mermaid are currently signing with a 30 hour sing time! Wooooooooooo! At exactly 4:20pm tomorrow, Arrival will begin! YAY!!!!! But I can’t start arrival then, I’m leaving for a 5-day-long summer trip to the Bahamas that morning) I’ll have to wait til the 30th of August that afternoon, unless I get wifi at the hotel 😉

      First try, too! 😀

      Anyways, Happy Calling! ~ Hannah S.


  • Hannah S

    BTW, I will not be commenting or replying to anything again until August 31st, 2014.

    I’d say the 30th, but my plane’s supposed to get back at midnight, so… not yet from then.

    Bye, Everyone! See you again on Sunday! I’ll tell you the status of my mermaid world account then! I was later told there will be wifi at Royal Towers (Our Hotel), so I will be able to obtain Crustacea. 😀

  • Dana

    I don’t know how rare she is to ghet but I tryed few times with Blue Nova and Ember both in normal state of happiness but it didn’t worked so I tried again same combination but this time Ember was in the second stage of happiness and I got her instant! I don’t know if it’s ” a thing” or I was just lucky… I’ll try same ” happiness theory” with other ” super-rare” mermaids, and I’ll let u know the results…
    PS: same thing happened with Temptress and Midas

    • Amethystdia

      Same! Except Both of them were just Happy. The first one was 1 hr, second time was 30 hours immediant!