Mermaid World: Fortuna Swirls Mermaid


The Fortuna Swirls Mermaid is a celestial trait mermaid in Mermaid World. It combines different colors to create this brand new mermaid for your game using a very special combination. You’ll notice that all celestial trait mermaids have a Royalty type of feel to their design.

Known to create whirlpools in a fury of bottled rage, her cyclonic powers suck in any witness in a flurry of swirls. Stay clear when this happens!~ Game Description

Mermaid World celestial Trait

Mermaid World Fortuna Swirls Mermaid

Buying Price: 1681Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 4050Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 30 Hours
Call Time: 30 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Pillar

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.0/5 (53 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Fortuna Swirls Mermaid Key Features

  • Celestial Trait

About Fortuna Swirls Mermaid
The Fortuna Swirls Mermaid can be obtained by using the Temptress Mermaid  and the Electra Mermaid to call for her.

The sing time is 30 hours and so is the call time.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Fortuna Swirls Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Fortuna Swirls Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

7 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Fortuna Swirls Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Fortuna Swirls Mermaid


  • Teale

    If u know how to get her please tell us all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • DeathUnbalanced

    Should be Electra and Temptress.
    30 hours.

    • Clarice

      I think I’m getting her because a minute ago I saw a thirty hour process with Gabriella(Electra)&Ofelia(Temptress).

      • Scarlet

        Your Temptress is named Ofelia? Me too! I used the name from Pan’s Labrynith. Such a good film.

  • Eva

    Yep this is the combo. So happy I got her

  • Josh

    Waiting for the singing to finish :) happy I finally got her!

  • Nicole

    Just so no one else is surprised… Costs 30k just to try to get her!! Dang!!

    • Clarice

      I probably spent like a hundred or more from calling her ten or more times with a bunch of 30K in like 3or4 days I used to be at like near 400K but,now I’m at 191K!!!!!!!!!!

      • Haley

        I <3 her. She's puuuurrrrrrtttttyyy. That's how cats would say it Lol puuuuuurrrrtttyyy

        • Clarice

          I got Fortuna Swirls on March 8th.She’s cool!Also,my Fortuna Swirls followed my Sun Star before.

  • Jameelah

    Yep I got her it took 30k but it was worth it

  • nikinicola

    Kind of miffed right now, I understand that I’m not going to get every mermaid on the first try, but $30000 coins to sing Electra and Temptress resulting in Kelp??

    • Lily

      Really? That happened to me too. I sang using Electra and Temptress and got Opal. And this is my tenth time. O_O

      • Clarice

        I used Ember&Blue Nova for Crustacea cost7,500 coins and as a result I got Aqua!!!!!!

    • Kitty

      I know the feeling once I made temptress and Electra sing and got coral

  • Clarice

    I try like TEN OR MORE TRIES in a SINGLE DAY!!!!!!!!!

  • Clarice

    It took me like 20 or more tries to get her!I gonna get her like tomorrow or Monday my mermaids have been singing over half of 30hours.

  • -Cupcakes an’ muffin’ -

    Trying to get her. But I’m getting another Midas so it’s blocking up my singin summit.

    • Kennediewild

      same thing, but I’m blocked by prism princess.

  • Robyn

    Guys mine took about 1 day after the singing I saw a mermiad I had nerver saw before again 1 day later I got fountain sw

    • Haley

      Fountain Swirls? Lol. Don’t you mean Fortuna swirls?

  • Cc

    Got her first try and she’s my first celestial mermaid too! Now just gotta work on Aries and tiger tail when she shows up in my store.

  • Megan

    A week ago I was about to give up on this game. Ever since then, I’ve gotten every mermaid I’ve tried to call or either the first time or second time. Guess it’s KIND OF making up for me calling for the Pisces mermaid 90+ times and still never getting her…

  • Emma

    First time :D !! X

  • Temptress

    Hey guyz got a few questions…#1 I have temptress,blue nova,and ember as my rare ones,I have all the other mermaids under them except for stinger and sea dragon, do u kno wat I’ll get having my rare ones sing? And wat combinations I should use?
    #2 I have blue nova and temptress singing now for 29:29:29 hours soooo do u kno who I might get?
    #3 wats the best/fastest way to get Electra?
    #4 is there a way to get lum and Eire mermaid? I’ve heard rumors but I found mixed answers

    • jamie-lee


      • Thunder Claw

        There is a way to get lum and eire I have lum and Stella star. For the Electra mermaid, I suggest using domino and celestia. #1 and 2, I really don’t know.

        • Thunder Claw

          Yep I got Electra with domino and celestia

    • Kitty

      To get sea dragon it’s emerald and calypso I had the same problem I could get sea dragon if my life depended on it anyway hope this helps.

    • Julie:)

      If its 29:00:00 hours (30:00:00) means its a rare mermaid may enemy just guessing it’s a Crustacea, a Midas, or Fortuna Swirls. Just guessing but I hoped this helped in a way! :)

      • Julie:)

        Ahh auto correct I didn’t mean enemy I meant to type ‘be’

  • brittany

    i have temptress and electra currently singing with a thirty hour sing time… is it possible that this could be anything other than fortuna swirls? don’t want to get excited over nothing!

  • Maci momo

    It’s not working for me

  • Maci momo

    Never mind what I just said it WORKED:)

  • Emma

    What do I do?? My fortuna swirls won’t sing!!!!!!! :'( will someone plz help me?????

  • Amberly

    She’s probaly too upset to sing, you probaly putt her in her enemy and don’t have her trinket or best friend in there and you probaly need to redecorate your relem,LOL!too much!it happened to me befor

  • Amberly

    Ops! I ment enemy’s relem, LOL!

  • Michellegeisha

    I got her trying for another mermaid with Celestia/Twinkletail… She’s just plain gorgeous!

  • Mermaids

    I have 30 hr call time with ember and temptress does anyone know what one I’m getting?

    • Kate

      Search it up

    • Clarice

      Midas.I used that combination and Midas popped up.

  • Kate

    Got her on my first try


    she is really easy to get

  • Miere

    Honestly it truly depends on what your game gives you I’ve been singing with blue nova and ember for a looooong time but ive never gotten Crustacea I’ve gotten Midas and fortuna swirls both through that combo though

  • The Master

    Dang it I spent 30k and got a onyx then another onyx then a coral

  • The Master

    I got her but I’m broke

  • Julie:)

    How do u get temptress I need her to get this ,mermaid help plz

  • Ms. F

    She looks like the older sister of Charming Violet.

  • Julie:)

    Omg I got her yayaya I luv this mermaid she’s my fave temptress(1) Electra (2)