Mermaid World: Gilded Harlequin Mermaid


The Gilded Harlequin Mermaid is a hybrid mermaid in Mermaid World. It combines two different colors to create this brand new mermaid for your game. You’ll notice that most of the times, the colors the mermaid represents are seen through their designs and this mermaid’s color the same as her representing colors.

A comical jester, yet behind this joking demeanor, a more sensitive side dwells. Any fish caught in the Venus flytrap sea anemone, she attempts to save. ~ Game Description

 Mermaid World Onyx TraitMermaid World Yellow Trait

Mermaid World Gilded Harlequin Mermaid

Selling Price: 900Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 3 Hours
Call Time: 3 Hours

Favorite Trinkets: Gilded Table


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 2.8/5 (2 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Gilded Harlequin Mermaid Key Features

  • Yellow hair
  • Oynx skin
  • wears a lot of yellow decorations
About Gilded Harlequin Mermaid
The Gilded Mermaid can be called for using a Ecstatic Onyx Mermaid and a Ecstatic Citrine Mermaid.
Ecstatic means that you’ve successfully fulfilled all the requirements to make her (the singing mermaid) extremely happy. Then you would use them in the singing summit to call for this mermaid. Keep in mind getting Gilded mermaids are completely random but both calling mermaid must be Ecstatic.
About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Gilded Harlequin Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Gilded Harlequin Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

 4 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Gilded Harlequin Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Harlequin Mermaid Mermaid World Gilded Harlequin Mermaid
  • MaryJean

    I got a gilded harlequin while trying to call the LE spring! I used charming violet and domino and while they were happy they were NOT ecstatic. So it is a happy surprise to get my first gilded! I don’t remember the times.

  • MaryJean

    I am sorry but I ment coco not domino. My name for her. Sorry for the confusion! :P

  • Sarah

    I got her from charming violet and coco. They were both unhappy!

  • Tally

    I got a gilded harlequin without trying, I was tring to get a stinger and now I have a gilded harlequin and two gilded stingers (:

  • lala

    got her with normal emerald and ecstatic tiger lily….trying for muerta