Mermaid World: Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid


The Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid a hybrid mermaid in Mermaid World she combines two different traits into one fantastic mermaid for your collection of mermaids in the game. She has brown  hair with red coloring all around and is one adorable creature of the sea!

Whenever it rains on the surface, she collects all of the rain drops, just for herself. From this harvest, she makes a sweet smelling perfume~ Game Description

 Mermaid World Red TraitMermaid World White Trait

Mermaid World Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid

Trait: White/Red
Rarity: Easy
Class: Hybrid Mermaid

Selling Price: 325Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 1 Hour
Arriving Time: 1 Hour

Traits:   Mermaid World Red TraitMermaid World White Trait

Favorite Trinkets: Tea Set


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.4/5 (2 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid Key Features

  • Gilded
  • Hybrid Mermaid
  • Gold-like appearance
  • Pearl necklaces
About Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid
The Gilded Mermaid can be called for using a Ecstatic Opal Mermaid and a Ecstatic Coral Mermaid.
Ecstatic means that you’ve successfully fulfilled all the requirements to make her (the singing mermaid) extremely happy. Then you would use them in the singing summit to call for this mermaid. Keep in mind getting Gilded mermaids are completely random but both calling mermaid must be Ecstatic.

Mermaid World: Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

 3 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid Pictures Chart

Mermaid  Gilded
 Mermaid World Sweetwater Mermaid Mermaid World Gilded Sweetwater Mermaid
  • EpicMermaid

    Ecstatic lotus and ecstatic opal gav me her

  • Clarice

    I’ll try to get her with ecotastic Coral&Opal!