Mermaid World: Gilded Tropicana Mermaid


The Gilded Tropicana Mermaid  is a three element mermaid in Mermaid World. That means that this mermaid requires you to use at least one hybrid for a chance to get. The three elements required to breeding for this mermaid is noted below along with their status

She’s an expat from Brazilian seas, bringing with her a wealth of new perspectives  Meeting new friends and gathering treasures makes for an irresistible combo.~ Game Description

 Mermaid World White TraitMermaid World Yellow TraitMermaid World Red Trait

Mermaid World Gilded Tropicana Mermaid

Trait: Yellow/White/Red
Rarity: Normal
Class: Three Trait Mermaid

Selling Price: 775Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 6 Hours
Arriving Time: 6 Hours

Traits:   Mermaid World White TraitMermaid World Yellow TraitMermaid World Red Trait
Unlock: Level 9

Favorite Trinkets: Monolith


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)

 Mermaid World: Gilded Tropicana Mermaid Key Features

  • Three element Mermaid
  • Nice hair do
  • Elegant feel
About Gilded Tropicana Mermaid
The Gilded Mermaid can be called for using a Ecstatic Citrine Mermaid and a Ecstatic Sweetwater Mermaid.
Ecstatic means that you’ve successfully fulfilled all the requirements to make her (the singing mermaid) extremely happy. Then you would use them in the singing summit to call for this mermaid. Keep in mind getting Gilded mermaids are completely random but both calling mermaid must be Ecstatic.

Mermaid World: Gilded Tropicana Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Gilded Tropicana Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

 5  Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Gilded Tropicana Mermaid Pictures Chart

 Mermaid World Tropicana Mermaid Mermaid World Gilded Tropicana Mermaid

    Barely changes

  • Mermaid-Dog

    I have got her and I love love love her tail!

    • Haleykitty

      It also looks like she has wings!!! Gilded Tropicana you’re a mermaid not a fairy! And I’ll probably love her tail if I get her

  • Haleykitty

    The golden goooooooooooossssseeeee. All hail the golden goose! All hail the golden goose! I’m trying to get a new sweet water cuz it was so long ago that I placed her into the lounge and she hasn’t come out for DAYS!!!!!!!!!!

  • Haleykitty

    Did you guys know that when you hold down a mermaid’s picture you can save the image and it go’s to your camera roll?