Mermaid World: Hades Mermaid
The Hades Mermaid is a new mermaid released on August 13, 2014’s update in Mermaid World. It is an upper tier mermaid which means it is an extremely rare mermaid to get and requires a specific combination to get and even with that combination it may take multiple tries before being able to obtain this mermaid for your game.
Release Date: August 13, 2014
Buying Price: 1681 pearl
Selling Price: 1450
Call Time: ___ Hours
Arrive Time: ___ Hours
Mermaid World: Hades Mermaid Key Features
- Upper Tier mermaid
- Released August 13 2014.
“Tested” combination section
- Try the Prism Princess and the Shadow Princess. This still has yet to be confirmed.
Sing/Call information
The sing/call time is currently UNKNOWN and the arrive time is UNKNOWN.
Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.
About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.
Mermaid World: Hades Mermaid Evolution Guide
In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.
Mermaid World: Hades Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]
Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.
Hannah S
Hannah S
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Hannah S
Kyla Jewett
Kyla Jewett
Hannah S
Hannah S
Hannah S
A Izahar Marxan
gracie ahmed