Mermaid World: Light Princess Mermaid


The Light Princess Mermaid is a new mermaid released on August 13, 2014’s update in Mermaid World. It is an upper tier mermaid which means it is an extremely rare mermaid to get and requires a specific combination to get and even with that combination it may take multiple tries before being able to obtain this mermaid for your game.

In the darkest of hours you can always find a flicker of hope. The Light Princess pushes back the darkness and keeps evil at bay for her Old Candelabra~ Game Description

Mermaid World Light Princess Mermaid

Release Date: August 13, 2014

Buying Price: 2379 pearl
Selling Price: 1450Mermaid World Coins
Call Time:  48 Hours
Arrive Time: 48 Hours

User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.4/5 (37 votes cast)

Mermaid World: Light Princess Mermaid Key Features

  • Upper Tier mermaid
  • Released August 13 2014.

“Tested” combination section

  • The combination for the Light Princess Mermaid is the Diamante Mermaid + Ember Mermaid

Sing/Call information

The sing/call time is currently 48 Hours and the arrive time is 48 Hours.

Please keep in mind that which side you select to call for the mermaid will not matter. It is up to luck and your game to give you the correct mermaid. Just continue singing until you have this mermaid in your sea.

About Trinkets
Trinkets vary from player to player. The one listed here can only be used as a guide it may not apply to your mermaid.

Mermaid World: Light Princess Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Light Princess Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.


  • Triton

    thanks Crowdstar for releasing new mermaids, realms, trinkets and decorations, I can’t wait to buy the rarest ones like sunshine, amber, light princess, zeus, aphrodite, hades, trying combinations in summoning summits is waste of time, coins and ggrrr

  • Savannah

    OMG I want her so bad but I’m trying Prism Princess and Spectra I hope we will find the combination soon!

    • Cupcakecookie

      it could be correct cause the princess in her name more likely requires the prism princess and also the word prism needs light to make a rainbow and the spectra mermaid it could be possible because of her pink skin and her name spectra is the plural of spectrum and the reason spectrum is because to describe rainbow colors in visible light so that combination could be possible but i’m not 100% sure but we’ll find out soon but if that is correct you could be from Crowdstar! (Crowdstar is the makers of mermaid world) or lucky guess but we’ll see :)

    • Scarlett

      Combination of the Diamond mermaids.
      I.E. Crystalia, Amber, Diamond Swan, and Diamante.
      Therefore there’s six different combinations.

  • Tommy

    I want her plz tell me plz

  • Jennie

    Me too!

  • Brenda

    Loco firmed combo!!
    Light princess= diamanté + ember
    Singing time is 48 hours

    This combo has been confirmed!!!

    • Hannah S

      I’m going to try Sparkle Pinkle and Electra first because I don’t have Diamante because I don’t have Crustacea because I don’t have Blue Nova because I don’t have Celestia.

      I have my fingers crossed! :D

      • Hannah S

        Scratch that – all I need is Diamanté now, I’ve got the rest. :)

    • Angel


  • Whoa There

    How hard was it to get her? ^^^^

  • Angel

    Yep I’ve got her too!!! But the shadow princess is proving hard to get

  • Lilia

    Diamante+Ember got me Lumina (36hours). Should I try more or is it wrong combination?

  • Ardreel

    Diamanté n ember or amber?

  • Free Pearls

    Guys I recommend the mermaid world hacker it doesn’t use jailbreak and u can download it on u’r computer and u can get unlimited pearls for free!!!! It is free too
    All u have to do is do a survey to prove it human

    • LadyLaura

      DO NOT USE THAT!! its a scam and it will give you a virus!!
      Shame on you for trying to get people to try that kind of stuff

      • Hannah S

        I agree, but I WANT THAT SO BAD!!!

        And my iPad’s buggy enough because it’s WAY outdated… :(

        • Hannah S

          Also, its my big sister’s birthday today!!!

          If you see this, HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY, ASHLEY!!!

  • Jane Lister

    It’s been confirmed as Diamanté and Amber not Ember.

    Are you sure that Ember works as well?

  • MWfan

    She is hard to get , people I need the combo for shadow princess!!

  • CaitND

    My Amber is named Ember so I think that’s the confusion. It should be two diamond traits so I’m thinking Amber and Diamanté

  • Marie Fuller Trista

    Anybody else get her with a different combo?

  • Lauren

    I have the combo as Amber and Diamante. I’m still working on it but will be back when I get it. I just got Shadow Princess.

    • RK

      How did you get Shadow Princess?

      • Lauren

        Crystallia and Diamond Swan. It’s 7500 coins. It took me about 2 weeks.

        • RK


  • Marie Fuller Trista

    I have been trying to get the light princess for the last five months using the call order provided and still nothing… About to give up on her for the second time.

  • t zapata

    thank you so much I was wondering the same thing. My Amber mermaid is also named Ember. I have been truing for months hopefully this change will help

  • Zin Anunyada

    please take her photo for me.I want to see her very much!!