Mermaid World: Lotus Mermaid


The Lotus Mermaid a hybrid mermaid in Mermaid World she combines two different traits into one fantastic mermaid for your collection of mermaids in the game. She has Blonde  hair with purple coloring all around and is one adorable creature of the sea!

Drawn to the surface of the water, the air intrigues her as she floats with the current. Daydreams consist of ‘What exists above the ocean floor, another world?’~ Game Description

 Mermaid World Red TraitMermaid World Green Trait

Mermaid World Lotus Mermaid

Trait: Red/Green
Rarity: Easy
Class: Hybrid Mermaid

Buying Price: 103Mermaid World Pearls
Selling Price: 175Mermaid World Coins
Sing Time: 15 Minutes
Arriving Time: 3 Hours

Traits:   Mermaid World Red TraitMermaid World Green Trait

Favorite Trinkets: Gemstones


User Rating
VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Overall Attraction
Rating: 4.3/5 (32 votes cast)

 Mermaid World: Lotus Mermaid Key Features

  • Blonde hair
  • Hybrid Mermaid
  • green and red rose-like appearance
  • Elegant feel
About Lotus Mermaid
The Mermaid can be purchased for 103Mermaid World Pearls in the game or you can breed one using the Coral Mermaid and Kelp Mermaid.

Mermaid World: Lotus Mermaid Evolution Guide

In Mermaid World there are no evolution for your mermaids. That means that this mermaid cannot evolve and has no stages to change from one to another.

Mermaid World: Lotus Mermaid Earnings [Per Minute]

Each set of mermaid has their own amount of earnings and trait. These earnings do not change.

 3 Coins/Minute

Mermaid World: Lotus Mermaid Pictures Chart

Mermaid Old Mermaid New
 Mermaid World Lotus Mermaid  Mermaid World Lotus Mermaid New
  • Anonymous

    My lotus mermaid is black….

    • Anonymous

      Is that bad? >_>

      • Rita

        How to get the old lotus mermaid I am so sad

    • Hunter

      They updated her is that bad or some thing….

    • Maria

      They prob. updated her in a weird way. Just say goodbye

  • john

    mines too lol

    • Serd

      Me too!

  • Psr

    Y i cant breed lotus mermaid ? I try coral and kelp singing together for many times but the result is another coral mermaid appear.

    • Lilly

      This keeps happening to me as well I don’t know what to do :(

      • Destiny1047

        I always get kelp mermaids o.o such a waste of time.

        • ZaniaCute

          Same I Can’t Get Lotus I didn’t Think It Would Be That Hard . I’ve Tried 15 Times Already .:(

    • MermaidWorld

      Try Tiger Lily and Kelp next time… It worked for me on my first try!

    • Iris


  • Larkspur

    U make it using sweetwater and kelp mermaid

    • Teale


      • Bob

        How long was the singing ?

        • Bob

          Every time I do sweet sweetwater and kelp it only take around 1-3 minutes and I keep getting coral mermaid

          • Teale

            um well try the coral & kelp mermaids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Keileigh

            Hi bob

  • Teale

    I have done a Coral and Kelp mermaid call but it didn’t get the Lotus mermaid!!!

    What do i do??

  • Vee

    Got it using Coral an Kelp. Sing time is 15mins, arriving time is only 30 minutes :)

    • Koala1571

      Getting it i think

  • Bubblerug

    I got it the first try!

    • Bob


  • Britany

    How do u get a black lotus mermaid?!?

  • Christei

    My lotus mermaid is black too with blonde hair and he flower to the side of her hair instead of on top

  • Jun

    what’s the combination of WHITE lotus mermaid? Izzit sweetwater and kelp?

    • Anonymous

      They upgraded the lotus mermaid. The white skin is no longer available…why do you need the white one so badly anyway? They look the same, their skin is just different. Who cares?

    • Hunter

      They updated her she’s not white anymore and why are you judging her?

  • Jun

    Will i still be able to get White Lotus Mermaid if i have Black Lotus Mermaid already?

    • Miss Glamorazzi


  • Jona

    Are they both the same mermaid white and black

  • Orla

    I got a white one I think I got a lotus by putting a tiger Lilly with my kelp
    Hope this helps :)

    • Katie

      OMG thanks soooo much this worked 1st try for me while all the other combos failed for me!

    • Directioner

      OMG this one work 100% first try. this is the correct solution!

  • Roro

    Hi there all!!! I’ve been trying to get a trait mermaid and no matter what I do I can’t seem to get 1 any1 out there that can help please =D

  • Sara

    I got glimmer rose when I did tigerlily and kelp :/

  • Emmy

    You have to keep trying sometimes if you don’t get it the first time. Sometimes I have to make the two mermaids sing 7 times before they actually get me the mermaid I am trying to get.

  • Alice

    Try using kelp and fushia. Got it on the first try

  • c

    Got it using Tiger Lily and Kelp

  • Shelly

    What is the difference between white and black lotus mermaid???

  • Carolynn

    got it using sunkiss and velvet twist

    • Susie

      How long did it take you?

  • ashley

    all these combos aren’t working! i really want lotus! help please

  • Ashley T.

    Dear mermaid expert,
    I am currently trying the Tiger Lily and Kelp. Singing time is 15 mins. Any idea if it’s the Lotus mermaid?
    P.S.: I am trying your combination on the Sweetwater mermaid. You know how everyone else is saying that another combo is Onyx and Sparkle Pinkle? Or Lotus and Opal? ( currently trying to get lotus) Well, I do not have any Onyx, Sparkle Pinkle, or any of the other combos! Help! The combos you suggest just don’t work for me! :(
    – Ashley T.

  • kiki

    i got her using carbon night and seafoam

  • Lina

    Try kelp and coral, I use their, and they sing time 15 mins. I think and hope its lotus

    • Lina

      Oh noooo
      I got a kelp agaaain

      • GRRR

        I keep getting Kelps because I tried making a Luau with Aqua and Kelp and also because I tried getting Lotus with Coral and Kelp Lol so now i have like 5 kelps XD

        • Elexia

          Got her on first try

  • Mermaid lover

    I got the lotus mermaid on the first try and I only had to wait 30 minutes the combo coral and kelp works

  • Julie

    YAY!!!! Worked first try coral and kelp the sing time is 3 mins and arrive is 29 mins

  • Rox

    Keep trying with the coral and kelp mermaids it may not get lotus on the first try but it will always work at some point it took me 7 tries

  • Faith

    I tried the Luau & Fuschia it may be a weird combo but it worked for me.

  • Azura

    I have her black so how do u get the white one

    • Errika

      how do you get a mermaid with the black shell?

    • Anonymous

      They’re the same mermaid. You can’t get the white one because they upgraded her.

  • Jo

    Coral and kelp 2nd try but not back to back 30 sing and arrival

  • chrissy

    Can’t get white lotus?
    It’s expired, they
    changed it to a black

  • Lola

    Got her with Kelp on the left and Coral on the right, singing time was 30 min arrival time 30 min

  • Robyn

    I can’t believe their is a old Lotus mermaid

  • Ali

    Got lotu on first try

  • Darcy

    Ive tried everything i can think of and uts still not working, Why???

  • DaisySparkle

    Darcy, have you tried
    Kelp and tiger lily,
    Kelp and coral,
    Glimmer rose and coral,
    Sweet water and kelp,
    Seafoam and coral?
    Hope I helped!



    does anyone know how to get sea dragon? or calypso?

    I keep trying for the seadragon mermaid and I used some weird combination, but then I realized that you probably need calypso for the sea dragon mermaid.

  • Mermaid person thing

    Hey guys to get lotus use the mermaids to get glimmer rose it worked for me on the first try !!

  • MermaidWorld

    I got her accidentally while I was trying to get a Glimmer rose mermaid by using tiger lily and kelp at the singing summit

  • Anonymous

    What’s wrong with brown skin you morons!?!?!?!?!?!

  • Maria

    I love the Lotus Mermaid! I’m acuallly making a list of mermaid combinations so I can get her! Thank you everyone!

  • random person

    they probally dont like a white lotus they like a black one, ok that is so mean of me yet i find it true

  • random person

    they probally dont like a white lotus they like a black one, ok that is so mean of me yet i find it so true about it im weird

  • #Kitten_Lover

    I got her with the coral mermaid and the kelp mermaid but the song and call time were both 30 minutes